Gonzo the Mechanical Bastard

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Gonzo the Mechanical Bastard is an extraterrestrial comic character who features in DC Comics.




Gonzo the Mechanical Bastard was a robotic being that was created by the Mathmagicians of the Anti-Life Equation and was forged from their pan-dimensional alien technology. (Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters v1 #4) The probes objective was to weaken Earth before its population was killed off. (Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters v1 #8) The mechanical construct was dispatched to Earth where his infant form was discovered in the wake of the battle of Bludhaven where a tear in the fabric of reality allowed his probe to land in the devastated area. The astronaut fetus probe was found by Father Time who used it as part of his ‘Gonzo Project’. The machine probe was exposed to every bit of human history where it absorbed all the knowledge at an incredible rate. (Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters v1 #4)

With his approval rating going up, Gonzo intended to increase anti-Metahuman sentiment in the country to prevent the world from realising that he was heading it towards its destruction. (Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters v1 #2)

He later received word that the Cosmigods he had dispatched against the Freedom Fighters had been defeated and the spy Stan Silver had been caught thus thwarting his plans. Around this time, Gonzo began an initiative to implant mind control devices on personnel in S.H.A.D.E. An attempt to do this to Father Time could not be accomplished due to his unique physiology with Gonzo resolving to continue to use the S.H.A.D.E. Director for his purposes. Upon meeting with Father Time, he revealed that he intended to use the mind control devices to control the population in order to cause untold chaos and destruction around the world. Father Time opposed his viewpoint and was threatened by Gonzo who had no qualms with eliminating him as he intended to continue his mission to destroy the world. (Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters v1 #7)

As Henry Knight, he intended to inaugurate the new National Identification Law which was when Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters attacked where they exposed his true nature as Gonzo. In response, Metahuman agents were dispatched to fight the heroes who were claimed to be traitors but support from the public was on the Freedom Fighters side. It was then revealed that Father Time had aided Uncle Sam by exposing Gonzo. Before Gonzo could eliminate Father Time, the Director of S.H.A.D.E. used Atomic Knight armor technology to imprison the Mechanical Bastard as raw information trapped within an Orphan Box. The sentience of Gonzo was extinguished leaving behind only the endless data of the source code which was reformed as a pair of glasses. Thus, Gonzo was destroyed and Father Time intended to use the remnants of him as a weapon against the probe’s creators. (Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters v1 #8)


Personality and attributes

It was said that he was evil to the core and was said that he could not be controlled by others. (Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters v1 #4) As stated by Gonzo, he was grown by the Mathmagicians for the specific purpose of spreading chaos in the lower dimensions. (Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters v1 #7) He found the processes in organic bodies to be disgusting. (Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters v1 #2) As a probe, his mission was to gather data and assess the threat level of the target world. After the reformation of the Multiverse, it was said that the Mathmagicians of the Anti-Life Equation came to fear the existence of Fifty-Two. (Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters v1 #8)

Powers and abilities

It was said that he was forged from pan-dimensional alien technology. (Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters v1 #4) Though able to appear human, he was a mechanical being who had a skeletal structure beneath his skin. He had the ability to disguise himself as other humans allowing him to take over their identities. Gonzo was able to detect elevated heart rates among other people. (Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters v1 #2) He was able to absorb vast swathes of knowledge at an incredible rate. (Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters v1 #4)


  • Gonzo the Mechanical Bastard was created by Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray and Daniel Acuña where he made his first appearance in Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters v1 #2 (October, 2006).
  • In an interview on Newsrama, Gray commented on the character that, "Gonzo the Mechanical Bastard evolved from Grant’s original proposal into something very different. Instead of an updated version of Bozo the Iron Man, this creature is tied more closely to the events taking place now as we head into Final Crisis. He arrived as a vanguard to the changes, a wrench in the machine so to speak."


  • Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters v1: (2006)

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