Magic Council (Fairy Tail)

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The Magic Council is a magical organization that features in the Fairy Tail universe.




The Magic Council (魔法評議院 Mahō Hyōgīn) was an organization of magic users that formed in the Earthlands.

The dark wizard Jellal Fernandes sought to accomplish his master's Zeref resurrection by building the Tower of Heaven. To accomplish this, he created a mystical duplicate of himself that he sent to join the ranks of the Magical Council with this one known as Siegrain. This version claimed that he was the twin brother of Jellal and that he was opposed to his plans though in reality the duplicate was looking to accomplish Fernandes goals.

Soldiers from the Magic Council were responsible for apprehending members of the Phantom Lords and Fairy Tail Guilds after their public battle created wide scale destruction. In the aftermath, they decided that the Fairy Tail Guild was completely innocent of any crimes as they were victims of the attack by the Phantom Lords. As a result, the Phantom Lords Guild was disbanded and its guild master Jose Porla was removed from his position as one of the ten Wizard Saints.

As part of his plan, Jellal had his duplicate Siegrain inform the Magic Council of the Tower of Heaven's construction where he attempted to have the Etherion deployed. This was taken to the Council who initially refused until Siegrain revealed that Jellal intended to resurrect Zeref. As a result, a second vote went forward with the Etherion was authorised and it was fired on the Tower. However, this was a trick as the magic attack was used as a fuel needed for the Tower of Heaven that had been constructed with Lacrima crystals. Once done, Siegrain vanished to join Jellal whilst he had his disciple Ultear Milkovich use her time magic to destroy the Magic Council headquarters to prevent them from stopping the Tower of Heaven's resurrection system. The Council later sought to re-organise itself with a number of members having quit and replacements being chosen. To combat the Dark Guilds, the various guilds formed an alliance with groups of four being sent to target their foes to stop their spread. After its reformation, they dispatched the 4th Custody Enforcement Unit to the site of Caitshelter in order to arrest Richard Buchanan of the Oracion Seis and to also apprehend the returned Jelal for his actions.

Seven years later, the Oracion Seis secretly escaped their imprisonment with them attempting to bring together the various pieces of the Infinity Clock.

The Council established a wizard exchange program for all the participants in the Grand Magic Games whereby five members from each guild were requested to visit another guild. The intention was for the wizards of each guild learning from the experiences and magic of another one. This program was cancelled following the sudden emergence of a mysterious island with an expedition made from Fairy Tail to investigate it as it was deemed to be a dangerous threat.

Afterwards, the Council gathered at their headquarters in order to discuss the activities surrounding the Tartaros and attacks on minor dark guilds allied to them. They decided to make an attack against Tartaros with the goal of shattering the Barum Alliance in the process. However, the council building came under attack from the Demon Gate Jackal who used his curse to cause a large explosion which destroyed the headquarters. As a result, most of the Council members were killed in the process with an injured Org later being killed by Jackal. Following the defeat of Tartaros, the magical community was left in chaos with the guilds requiring a new Magic Council to step in to assume leadership duties. Thus, a new council was remade around most of the Ten Wizard Saints with these including Mest Gryder and Warrod Sequen. During this time, the Council was looking into the whereabouts of Master Markarov but he disappeared after he disbanded the Fairy Tail guild.


In appearance, the Magic Council was an organization that consisted primarily of magic users who were responsible for overseeing the use of magic in the Earthlands.

They had the right to punish Mages who break the law and to confiscate magical artifacts which could potentially cause large-scale damage. The Council had the right to apprehend Mages charged with crimes anytime, with their messengers being highly respected.

Enforcers of the Council's dictates were the Rune Knights that were deployed to arrest wizards or conduct investigations for possible criminal actions. They were known to possess combat skills and are able to perform different forms of magic. Their job was to enforce the Council's ideals of justice and to investigate crimes related to the Magic world. They were also responsible for dealing with issues such as detaining criminals and passing judgement on to them. They patrolled over a large span of land all across the country. Rune Knights also possessed several garrisons scattered throughout Fiore and had battleships at their disposal for sea transportation. They were divided into squads, with some of them performing particular duties, and most of them being led by a ranked officer. After its reformation, they established specific units such as the 4th Custody Enforcement Unit that were deployed to apprehend criminals.

The Council was divided into a number of divisions such as the Custody Enforcement Unit such as the 4th Custody Enforcement Unit that were headed by Chief Marshals.

Membership in the council consisted of only nine seats. Its Chairman was responsible for granting the title to a Mage who wished to become one of the Ten Wizard Saints.

Serious incidents occurring in the magical world could inflict serious damage to the Council's reputation and even lead to the dismissal of some of its memebrs.

Serving the Council were strange anthropomorphous amphibians who operated in a wide variety of roles from being guards to technicians.

Penal Code subsection 13 explicitly stated that ignorance for ones crimes was not a defence.

Among the equipment given to their squads were communication Lacryma with these magical spheres being used to send messages back and forth between operatives and the council.

The Council possessed many great weapons that were each subject to their own rules based on its potential for misuse. One such powerful weapon within their arsenal was the Satellite Square: Etherion (衛星魔法陣・エーテリオン Eisei Mahōjin : Ēterion) that was a magic weapon which when deployed manifested as a magical circle in the sky to send a powerful nation-destroying blast capable of transcending space-time. Such was the Etherion (エーテリオン Ēterion) destructive power that the council put the decision to use it towards a vote where the majority could deploy it or refuse its use. It was classed as a hyper-magic artillery piece capable of dropping its ordinance at any target on the continent with enough power to turn an entire nation to a smoking crater in a single blast. As such, it could not be fired without the approval of the nine Council members and ten security codes each possessed by a different senior official. A further kind of weapon was White Inheritance: Face (白き遺産・フェイス Shiroki Isan : Feisu) that was an anti-magic pulse bomb that was a device capable of clearing a continent of any trace of magic. As such, it could erase all magic and create magic deficiency syndrome to all wizards affected by it. Its existence was a closely guarded secret as it was sealed away by three former Council members who did this through body-link magic with only the former Chairman aware of the identity of these individuals. There were multiple Face warheads that the Council had created with these capable of being activated remotely through the use of archival magic.

It made use of a special prison facility that was used to hold dangerous criminal magic users. This consisted of floating crystals with prisoners placed inside where they were deprived of magic powers. The crystals prevented people from exiting the cell but people on the outside could pass through it. These prisons contained surveillance lacryma that were used to record events inside.


  • Draculos Hyberion :
  • Wolfheim :
  • Warrod Sequen :
  • Jura Neekis :
  • Siegrain :
  • Lahar :
  • Gajeel Redfox : the black haired Dragon Slayer was a member of Fairy Tail but after the guild was disbanded he became the head of the Custody Enforcement Unit.
  • Panther Lily : a black cat who was a member of Fairy Tail but after the guild was disbanded he became part of the Custody Enforcement Unit.
  • Levy McGarden : the blue haired female magic user was a member of Fairy Tail but after the guild was disbanded she became part of the Custody Enforcement Unit.
  • Eve Tearm :


  • The Magic Council was created by Hiro Mashima and featured in the setting of Fairy Tail universe.

In other media



Video games


  • Fairy Tail:

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