Ragnarok (Marvel)

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Ragnarok is a male comic character who features in Marvel Comics.




'Thor' in Civil War v1 #4.

Ragnarok was the name of a clone of Thor Odinson who was created by Tony Stark, Reed Richards and Hank Pym. (Civil War v1 #3) Years ago when the Avengers first started, Iron Man found a strand of hair that had fallen off of Thor's head. Tony kept the hair sample in case he might need it for later use. (Civil War v1 #4) When the New Warriors attempted to gain ratings for their reality show by capturing a group of escaped supervillains, Nitro used his explosive powers which killed most of the New Warriors and children at a nearby school at a wide range. The government then proposed the Superhuman Registration Act to have all people with superhuman powers register with the government. When the Superhuman Registration Act became law, Tony knew that they would need some serious strength on their side and the time had come to use the strand of Thor's hair. Stark created a clone of Thor from the strand where he fused the clone DNA with Stark Industries technology to create a cyborg. He did this by working together with Mister Fantastic and Henry Pym, who unbeknownst to Stark was actually Skrull impostor Criti Noll. (Civil War v1 #3)

The Pro-Registration side eventually set a trap for the Anti-Registration group, who were now known as the Secret Avengers. The heroes were easily brought down by the cyborg clone, but Hercules helped the heroes to escape. During their attempted escape, the Thor clone used his mechanical hammer to blast a hole through Goliath's chest, killing him instantly. The Thor clone then set out to kill the rest of the anti-registration heroes and continued his assault until the Invisible Woman used her powers to protect the Secret Avengers and allowed them to escape. Reed Richards deactivated the cyborg with a vocal code and intended to prevent such a mishap from happening again. After being shut down, the clone version of Thor was then taken back to base. Once they returned, Reed Richards began to examine what could have gone wrong with the clone. (Civil War v1 #4)

The cyborg clone of Thor returned during the final battle between the pro- and anti-registration heroes. He faced off against Hercules and Storm who defeat the cyborg clone by ramming his own hammer into his skull claiming it was an insult to the Odinson and yelling at the cyborg clone 'Thou art no Thor'. (Civil War v1 #7)

Afterwards, his body was recovered by A.I.M. though they lacked the resources to fully repair him at the time. This was until Monica Rappaccini formed an alliance with the freed Norman Osborn who offered the financial resources of his organization H.A.M.M.E.R. to restore Ragnarok who was programmed to serve him. (New Avengers v2 #18) He joined Osborn's new incarnation of the Dark Avengers where he was dispatched against the New Avengers where he managed to overpower the superhero team until Iron Fist Danny Rand knocked him out with a powerful chi-powered punch. The superheroes then dropped Ragnarok's unconscious body before Osborn to show that they defeated his minion and they then fled on the Minicarrier back to Avengers Mansion. (New Avengers v2 #21)


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Ragnarok was a clone of Thor Odinson and thus resembled the Asgardian. Originally, the project that commissioned him referred to him as Codename Lightning but when he was deployed he assumed the name Thor with everyone initially believing him to be the real Asgardian god of thunder. (Civil War v1 #3) After his origins were revealed, he came to be given a new name as Ragnarok. (Avengers: The Initiative v1 #21)

Powers and abilities

Ragnarok was in reality a clone of the Asgardian Thor who had been modified to gain further strength by being implanted with Stark technology making him a cyborg. (Civil War v1 #3)

As a cyborg his electronic components are vulnerable to electromagnetic pulses with it possible to shut him down by projecting a small EMP in his brain. (Black Panther v4 #25)

Originally, the clone possessed a man-made hammer similar to Mjolnir in design, which enables the Thor clone to project powerful electrical energy from the hammer and seemingly control the weather to an extent with it as well. (Civil War v1 #4) After his status as a clone was revealed, Ragnarok eventually came to wield the hammer of an alternate universe's fallen Thor. (Dark Avengers v1 #189)


  • Ragnarok was created by Mark Millar and Steve Mcniven where he made his first appearance in Civil War v1 #3 (July, 2006).

Alternate Versions

  • In What If? Civil War v1 #1 (2007), an alternate version of the clone Thor appeared in the setting of the What If reality. A series of such clones named Codename Lightning were produced where they were unleashed by Gyrich on the rebellious heroes. They were merciless in their attacks and killed several of the heroes.

In other media

Video games

  • In Marvel: Avengers Alliance, Ragnarok appeared in the setting of the Facebook video game. He was present in Spec-Ops #12 where he was shown as a member of Dell Rusk's Dark Avengers.



  • Civil War v1: (2006)
  • New Avengers v2:
  • Avengers: The Initiative v1:
  • Dark Avengers v2:

External Link

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