Asmodeus (Babylon 5)

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Asmodeus was the name given to an entity that possessed a security guard in Babylon 5 The Lost Tales on the 10th Anniversary of the Interstellar Alliance.

The being possessed its Human host when he visited Earth after which unnatural events began occurring. These included a foul decaying smell whenever the Asmodeus possessed Human was present as well as sudden fluctuations in temperature to cold when electronic instruments could not register the cause.

Father Cassidy was called to the station by Colonel Elizabeth Lockley to investigate the first case of demonic possession in centuries. The creature claimed that it was cast out of Heaven by God and wished to be exorcised from its host. It gave a terrible choice to Father Cassidy; either leave him within his host and allow him to suffer yet reveal to the rest of Humanity how the Church was correct or exorcise him and go in accordance to Gods plan.

Eventually it was learnt that the creature wished to be exorcised in order to reach the stars once more as its kind were trapped on Earth and incapable of leaving it by themselves. Once learning this, Colonel Lockley sent the entity back to Earth where it was exorcised and trapped there once more.

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