Blue Devil (DC)

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Blue Devil in Justice League Dark v2 #6.

Blue Devil is a male comic superhero who features in DC Comics.





Dan Cassidy

Later on, his famous journalist sister Mary Frances was in Ireland when she conducted a series of interviews about her homeland. During this time, she uncovered a plot by the Sidhe where a faction of the faeries were angered at how their influence had diminished in modern times. This group decided to adopt modern tactics and formed the Faerie Liberation Front (FLF) where they operated as terrorists. The FLF came to gather much of the Faerie Treasure with them to Metropolis which they intended to use buy a secret superweapon. They came to enlist the services of Milo Benishek of S.T.A.R. Labs who was contracted to work on Alec Holland's long lost Bio-Restorative Formula that was distilled into a vial. It was intended to drop this on the fertile soil of Ireland to turn the emerald isle back towards nature and thus become the domain of the Faeries once more. (Blue Devil v1 #25)

At Coast City, Devil was among the heroes who attended a memorial service for Green Lantern Hal Jordan. (Green Lantern v3 #81)

Later on, the angel Asmodel formerly of the Pax Dei came to usurp control over the Spectre and escaped from Hell where he put out its eternal fires. This saw a team of heroes headed by Sebastian Faust journeying into Hell to re-ignite its flames as it was causing havoc to the world. At its heart, they were confronted by the demon Nebiros who wielded Satan's trident against them but Faust came to use his magic to resurrect Blue Devil to aid them. With his aid, the heroes were able to defeat Nebiros and restart the flames of Hell with this depriving Asmodel of much of his power allowing the planet's superheroes to halt his rampage. (Day of Judgment v1 #4)

The Ultra-Humanite later used Johnny Thunder’s Thunderbolt to conquer the world, and imprisoned Blue Devil and virtually every other superhuman on Earth in stasis tubes. Devil and the other heroes were freed when the JSA defeated Ultra-Humanite. (JSA v1 #33)

Atlantis, ancient and in ruins, appeared on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. Blue Devil and several mystics cast a spell on the JLA to send them to 1,000 B.C. and determine the fate of the Atlantis that Tempest had sent back in time during the Imperiex War. (JLA v1 #68)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.


Personality and attributes

One account claimed that he had siblings with this including an older brother and a younger sister. (Shadowpact v1 #2) Though another account claimed that his sister Mary Frances Cassidy was an older sibling. (Blue Devil v1 #24) His brother back when he was mortal was known as Jack Cassidy but was later transformed into a demon who was known as Jack of Fire. (Shadowpact v1 #23) Meanwhile, the pairs younger sister was known as Mary. (Shadowpact v1 #2)

Powers and abilities

Wielding the Trident of Lucifer in Shadowpact v1 #20.

It was noted that despite seeming to be a costume that the Blue Devil suit was actually organic and thus immune to certain abilities that could not affect living items. (Blue Devil v1 #23) According to one account, the costume he wore was actually the skin of the demon lord Nebiros. (DC Universe Presents v1 #15) It was said that being sealed in the suit was the first step of his evolution into becoming a true demon. (Day of Judgment v1 #4)

Danny was reborn as a genuine demon after he was defeated by Neron in Hell. (Underworld Unleashed v1 #3)

It was said that Blue Devil did not know any spells but he came to be physically powerful. (Day of Judgment v1 #4)


  • The Blue Devil was created by Dan Mishkin, Gary Cohn and Paris Cullins where he made his first appearance in Fury of Firestorm v1 #24 (June, 1984).
  • In an interview in Back Issue! v1 #21 (2007), Cohn recounted the creation of the character, "Our editor for a number of things we were doing was a guy named Dave Manak. At this point, Dan [Mishkin] was living in Michigan and I was in New York. I was the point guy who went to the DC office once a week and schmoozed the editors. One day Manak says, "Ditko’s been hanging around the office and he really wants something to do. Do you think you and Dan can come up for something for him?" I went home and I called Dan and told him about this, and we were both very excited. Ditko was the guy who created Spider-Man and Dr. Strange, and we were gaga for Ditko! ... We decided to do something that takes something from every Marvel character we ever loved. Let’s take Iron Man, the guy in the costume; the Thing, the tragedy of the guy stuck in a shape he didn’t want; and a light-hearted, bouncy approach and a character who was going to move like Spider-Man. ... And we wanted something like the Green Goblin. How about Blue Devil? We called him that because Dan’s wife is from North Carolina and he was a Blue Devils fan. Then we started creating Blue Devil and thinking, "Ditko is going to love this!" We created this great proposal, and it was everything that we knew was going to set Ditko’s light on high beam. We took it in to Manak and he gave it to Ditko. Ditko looked at it and said, "I’ll do it if I have to, but this is really not my kind of stuff at all."

Alternate Versions

  • In DCeased: Dead Planet v1 #2 (2020), an alternate version of Blue Devil appeared in the DCeased reality within the Multiverse. Daniel Cassidy was a superhero known as the Blue Devil and was one of the few survivors of the Anti-Life virus outbreak. He later joined the Shadowpact to help rescue other survivors across the world. Five years into their mission the Swamp Thing Alec Holland came to John Constantine asking for help, while the Shadowpact were rescuing a group of survivors in Chicago. After killing all the Anti-Living surrounding them, Alec told him that there was a garden in Australia which was screaming out to him. He thus wanted him to examine it together. Constantine agreed, deputing Ravager and Red Hood to take the survivors to Ivy's jungle, while telling the others to come with him. Swamp Thing took the Shadowpact members to a bunker, which was surrounded by hellfire, the Anti-Living and an apparent blood moat. Blue Devil advised the other Shadowpact members that they turn back. Detective Chimp however rejected the suggestion, stating the people in the bunker needed their help, to which Daniel agreed. As Zatanna casted a spell to help them fly to the bunker, the infected Plastic Man quickly pounced on them. Ragman soon fell and Blue Devil was killed while rescuing Zatanna, with Plastic Man bursting his insides using his strong elastic body.
  • In Dark Knights of Steel v1 #2 (2022), an alternate version of Blue Devil appeared in the Dark Knights of Steel reality within the Multiverse. Blue Devil was one of many people the Bat-Prince arrested for having unusual powers. He was later released and compensated after Wayne learned the error of his ways and not to fear the different.

In other media


  • In Justice League Unlimited, Blue Devil made minor appearances in the animated television series set in the DC Animated Universe where he was voiced uncredited by actor Lex Lang.
  • In Young Justice, Blue Devil appeared in the setting of the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Troy Baker. This version is Irish and serves as an associate of the Justice League in the first two seasons before joining them in the third. In the fourth season, Blue Devil serves as the "den mother" of the League's sub-groups, the Team and the Outsiders.
  • In Swamp Thing, Daniel Cassidy appeared in the setting of the live-action DC Universe television series where he was portrayed by actor Ian Ziering. This version made a deal with the Phantom Stranger that leaves the former trapped in Marais, Louisiana. Following a minor appearance in the episode "Worlds Apart", Cassidy visits Madame Xanadu in the episode "He Speaks" to express his desire to leave Marais and learns from her that change is coming. In the episode "Drive All Night", Daniel tries to leave Marais, but his arm bursts into blue flames at the border and he ends up in a coma. In "The Price You Pay", Cassidy recalls the deal he made before Jason Woodrue wakes him up while experimenting on him. In "The Anatomy Lesson", Cassidy recovers and becomes Blue Devil to save Abby Arcane and Liz Tremayne from Conclave's security team after the Phantom Stranger shows him the events in a vision. In "Loose Ends", Cassidy is able to leave Marais.



  • Fury of Firestorm v1: (1984)
  • Day of Judgment v1:
  • Shadowpact v1:
  • Reign in Hell v1:
  • Teen Titans v3:
  • DC Universe Presents v1:
  • Justice League Dark v2:

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