Dark Gods (Marvel)

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The Dark Gods are a team who feature in Marvel Comics.




The Dark Gods were a pantheon of gods who resided in their dark city of Narcisson that was located far past the Nine Realms in the universe. Long ago, an Asgardian scout named Lonkarr came upon the city during a scouting expedition ordered by All-Father Odin. Sighting the city, Lonkarr went to investigate on fight and found denizens that lived in worship of the Dark Gods wher they offered their children as sacrifices. The Asgardian was horrified at this when he was discovered by the goddess Tserron where she attacked the intruder with the two fighting for the better part of a day where the scout came to kill his opponent. This drew the ire of her husband Perrikus who attacked Lonkarr but decided to let the scout flee as he was not content with taking a single life and instead wanted war with Asgard. Shortly afterwards, the Dark Gods made their way to Asgard and waged war against the golden realm. A great war unlike any other was fought between the two sides who both experienced incredible casualties. Ultimately, Asgard came to lose the battle and Majeston Zelia demanded Odin's surrender where she wanted him to marry her to be his consort. The All-Father refused with Zelia ordering Perrikus to have Odin slain but a young Thor Odinson gave his father his spear giving him the inspiration to fight on. He managed to defeat the Dark Gods who were banished to the furthest most barren corner of the universe whilst Perrikus was imprisoned in a deep cell within Asgard. All knowledge of this conflict and the near-defeat of Odin was then stricken from the history books with the Dark Gods being forgotten by nearly everyone. (Thor v2 #9)


It was said that they did not tolerate interference from outsiders. (Thor v2 #9)

Unlike the Asgardians, the pantheon of the Dark Gods ruled with terror and unrelenting power that they refused to relinquish. The subjects of the Dark Gods worshipped and feared their masters where they asked for their favour and offered sacrifices in their name. (Thor v2 #9)

Their home was a dark city known as Narcisson that was the opposite of Asgard in many ways. It was said to be a place empty of soul and bereft of reason with it being a city of gods who ruled it with an iron fist. (Thor v2 #9)


  • Majeston Zelia :
  • Perrikus :
  • Tserron : a goddess who was the bride of Perrikus where long ago she sighted an intruder to Narcisson with this being the Asgardian scout Lonkarr who she attempted to slay but was killed by him. (Thor v2 #9)
  • Adva :
  • D'Chel :
  • Slototh :
  • Tokkots :


  • The Dark Gods were created by Dan Jurgens and John Romita Jr. where they made their first appearance in Thor v2 #4 (October, 1998).


  • Thor v2: (1998)

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