Mikhail Arkadin
Mikhail Arkadin is a male comic character who features in DC Comics.
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Mikhail Denisovitch Arkadin was a male Russian man who was born in the modern age. He at some point was married and later began to work as a nuclear technician at the Chernobyl generating plant. During that time, an explosion occurred that turned him into a fiery humanoid that survived the destruction and was engulfed in flames. (Firestorm v2 #62) The Russian government later recovered him where they sought to study his abilities and provided him a suit of armour to contain his power whereupon they gave him the code-name Pozhar. (Firestorm v2 #63) To ensure his cooperation, KGB Major Zastrow had Arkadin's family held hostage as the Russian military sought to use him as a weapon against Firestorm. (Firestorm v2 #64) During the fighting with Firestorm, a United States Army detonated a nuclear bomb at the site to eliminate both combatants. However, it did not kill them but instead altered the Firestorm Matrix to bond Ronnie Raymond to Mikhail Arkadin. (Firestorm v2 #65)
Soon afterwards, the Russians tried to clone Firestorm and instead created a soulless creature called Svarozhich. (Firestorm v2 #83)
A mysterious man named Rasputin informed Firestorm that he was truly a fire elemental and the only way to beat Svarozhich would be to bond with it 'permanently'. This he did, and a new Firestorm was made of Svarozhich, Raymond and Arkadin. The human hosts were submerged and sacrificed their wills to this new Firestorm; they were no longer capable of reverting back to their human forms. In the process, it was revealed that Firestorm was meant to be Earth's fire elemental. Martin Stein had originally been fated for that role only to have the matrix corrupted by the unexpected presence of Ron Raymond. (Firestorm v2 #85)
He would later operate as a nuclear plant inspector and worked at Lithuania. At this time, the supervillain Tokamak was trying to create a nuclear Armageddon in order to scare humanity with this starting with a nuclear accident at the plant thus empowering Arkadin once more. As a result, Mikhail took the name Firestorm and began keeping a low profile in eastern Europe where he sought to stop nuclear disasters. (Firestorm: The Nuclear Man v2 #29)
Pionic Man turned out to be grateful for his current condition, and gave Firestorm a hug. He revealed that his benefactor never gave his name, but operated out of a Hewitt Enterprises on the Brooklyn waterfront. Jason insisted on making things right with his girlfriend Gehenna, so he separated from Stein, who told him they could handle the investigation for a while. Stein, Pozhar and Reilley visited Hewitt Enterprises, and while they were waiting to meet the owner of Hewitt Pozhar commented that Jason was hot-headed, and wanted to know if they could trust him as Firestorm. Lorraine and Stein said they had total faith in him, and Pozhar promised he accepted their judgment. The heroes met Victor Hewitt, son of old Firestorm nemesis Tokamak, and he assured them he didn’t share his father’s vendetta. Jason and Gehenna made up, and since she wanted in on his adventure they went exploring an upstate lab that Stein suspected. Jason realized that Gehenna had been created by their master villain. He reached out to Stein and formed Firestorm, slamming her against a wall and demanding to know if she was a spy. Stein was horrified, he told Jason to let her go and stop acting like the bully his father was. Jason calmed down, and realized Gehenna had always been truthful with him. When she described her father, Firestorm realized he was Tokamak. The heroes reconvened at Hewitt Enterprises, where Tokamak, the Pupil and the Dollies were waiting. Tokamak revealed he’d been posing as his own son, in actuality he was a clone. He was detonating explosives set in nuclear power plants around the world, and using a giant energy-collecting Dollie orbiting Earth to transfer the power to himself. He said he planned on bringing the planet to the brink of destruction with a nuclear blast from his own body to warn people against nuclear proliferation. Firestorm added Firehawk to the matrix, and Tokamak told them the nuclear energy flooding into him was keyed to his DNA, so even if they killed him he’d still win. Jason remembered that the Firestorm matrix had its own DNA, and hoped that Tokamak and his clone’s matrix did as well. Against Stein’s warning that it was unethical to use their power on a person he separated Tokamak, who was still dying of radiation poison9ing after his final confrontation with the original Firestorm. He died in Firestorm’s arms, amazed that he’d been defeated. (Firestorm v3 #31)
On New Year's Eve, Pozhar remained in town as he was reluctant to return to Russia after his wife had left him. Lorraine later invited him out on a date with the two heralding the new year with a kiss. (Firestorm v3 #32)
Following the Flashpoint, a new version of history was created with a different series of events. Professor Mikhail Arkadin was a Russian scientist who worked jointly with American scientist Martin Stein in the creation of the Firestorm Protocols. He was involved heavily in the Firestorm Protocols that it became considered his life's work. During his time, the Protocols were stolen from his facility and sold around the world. As Pozhar, he journeyed to Qurac where he attacked one of the people disseminating the stolen Firestorm data. (Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men v1 #4)
Personality and attributes
He claimed that he was a scientist and not a warrior who simply wanted to be with his family. (Firestorm v2 #64)
Powers and abilities
After Chernobyl, he was transformed into a being of energy that could burn matter through contact. When hungry, he reduced any matter to energy and consumed it to replenish his power levels. (Firestorm v2 #63)
Elements tied together into the Firestorm Matrix to create Firestorm have one main ability which all other stem from. Their 'atomic fusion' or 'nuclear nature' stem from nuclear physics tempering with the user's mixture of psychic energies as well as physical properties. Users accessing Firestorm or the Firestorm Matrix were called 'elements' as they individually make up the Matrix. Firestorms can break down and reapply subatomic particles as well as break up the molecular structure of elements and rearrange them. To do this the element must know the exact elemental make-up of the object or human. Most Firestorms cannot affect living tissue but it was possible though very unstable.
- Mikhail Arkadin was created by John Ostrander and Joe Brozowski where he made his first appearance in Firestorm v2 #64 (October, 1987).
In other media
- In Legends of Tomorrow, a character named Mikhail Arkadin made an appearance in the shared continuity of the Arrowverse in the episode "White Knights" with him being portrayed by actor Voytek Skrzeta. He was shown as being an officer in the Soviet Union during the 1970's where he operated as an agent of Vandal Savage. Mikhail was a ruthless torturer with no remorse for the prisoners, and in a prison break initiated by Jax and Hawkgirl, Mikhail was left trapped in cell
- Firestorm v2: (1987)
- Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men v1:
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