Allura In-Ze

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Allura In-Ze in Supergirl v5 #47.

Allura In-Ze is a female comic character that features in DC Comics.





Alura supported her husband Zor-El, one of the only scientists to believe his older brother Jor-El's predictions about the impending destruction of Krypton. When the planet exploded, Argo City was somehow blown safely into space with a life-giving bubble of air around it (a later version of the story in Action Comics #316 (September 1964) has the city saved by a weather dome that Zor-El had constructed). The explosion had turned the ground beneath Argo City into Kryptonite, but Alura, Zor-El and the other survivors covered the surface with sheets of lead. The Kryptonians managed to keep alive for many years, and Kara was born a number of years after the destruction of Krypton. The end for Argo City came during Kara's teens when a meteor storm punched holes into the lead sheeting, exposing the survivors to the deadly kryptonite radiation. Zor-El had managed to build a rocket and now used it to send his daughter to Earth. Alura provided Kara a costume based closely on Superman's own.

It was later revealed to Supergirl through Zor-El induced dreams that he and Alura had teleported away into the Survival Zone (similar to the Phantom Zone) during Argo's final moments. Supergirl was able to rescue them in Action Comics #310 (March 1964), and Zor-El and Alura went on to live in Kandor. When the bottle city was enlarged, Zor-El and Alura resettled on New Krypton/Rokyn.


In "The Supergirl from Krypton" story-arc in Superman/Batman #8-13 (May–October 2004), Alura and Zor-El rocketed their daughter away from Krypton before Kal-El left. It was expected that she would reach Earth first and could help raise Kal from his infancy. However, she stayed in stasis and her ship did not reach Earth until years later, so the infant she expected to help raise was a grown man when she arrived still in her teens.

After Lex Luthor uses Black Kryptonite to split Kara into good and evil parts, the evil Kara claims that Zor-El actually sent his daughter to Earth to kill his nephew, since he resented his older brother and hated the idea of Jor-El's lineage continuing past Krypton's destruction. This tied together and explained fragmented flashbacks that had suggested Zor-El was a villainous character, including his dismissal of schoolchildren taunting Kara as "the dead" (they had already been possessed) and Alura telling Kara to kill her and "make your father proud" (she had also been possessed by Phantoms from the Phantom Zone, and this was not a taunt but a genuine request from what remained of her original personality) as well as the original idea that he wanted Kara to kill Kal-El. As the story ended, it was revealed that the house of El was cursed by the phantoms as they saw them as their jailers. Wherever one of the El blood line went, the Phantoms would follow. To save Earth, he needed to send Kara to remove Kal and stop the El blood line from ever growing. At the end of this story arc, however, it was revealed that the images of Zor-El and the Phantoms subsequently invading Earth as predicted were all a ruse by the Monitors to see if Supergirl belonged in the New Earth universe. Upon discovering she was truly that universe's Supergirl she was left to her own devices to reconcile with all the people she harmed in the wake of the "test". The Monitor does, however, assert that the memories of Zor-El and the phantoms on Krypton were nevertheless real.

A subsequent flashback in #24 apparently contradicts the Monitor, revealing that "New Earth" Zor-El was not a scientist, although Alura was. In current continuity, Zor-El was a Ranger, and got on well with his brother. With his encouragement, Alura designed the ship that sent Kara to Earth, as both Kal-El's protector and the last living being who remembered Krypton (since Kal-El was an infant).

In Action Comics #869 it is revealed that Alura saved Argo City from Krypton's destruction by engineering a protective dome with her husband Zor-El. However, Brainiac who was the culprit for Krypton's explosion, returned to finish the job. He merged Argo with the Bottle City of Kandor and killed those he considered to be duplicate information. Superman finds the city in Brainiac's ship. Zor-El and Alura are able to make contact with Kal-El to enquire about their daughter. The Bottle City of Kandor reverts to its full size in the North Pole at the end of the "Brainiac" story arc, which leads directly into "New Krypton".

New Krypton

Lex Luthor as part of his efforts with Project 7734 sent a robotic double of himself with Brainiac in an attack on New Krypton. This assault saw the robot tamper with the body chemistry of the captured Reactron who was being held by the Kandorians. (Supergirl v5 #52) A result of this act saw Reactron killing himself and bringing about a chain reaction on New Krypton. This saw the death of Alura who was at the site of the explosion along with the further death of seven thousand out of the 100,000 Kryptonians of New Krypton. (Superman: War of the Superman v1 #1)

The New 52

Following the Flashpoint, a new version of history was created with a different series of events.

Her dead body was later re-animated by the Cyborg Superman but it lacked a soul with Zor-El intending to harvest the energy of Eliza Danvers to craft the spark of life in his dead wife. He intended to do this to all the people of Argo City which brought Zor-El into conflict with his and Allura's daughter Supergirl. (Supergirl V7 #3)


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • Allura In-Ze were created by Otto Binder and Al Plastino where she made her first appearance in Action Comics #252 (May 1959).

Alternate Versions

  • In the alternate universe of Earth-Two, Allura In-Z (note different spelling) is married to Zor-L, and they send their daughter Kara Zor-L to Earth Two where she becomes Power Girl. This Zor-L was an expert in psychology, and created a virtual reality chamber for Kara inside her spacecraft. As she aged inside the rocket on her way to Earth-Two, she experienced the type of life she would have had on Krypton with Allura and Zor-L. Zor-L and Allura were killed when Krypton exploded. This version of Allura lived in Kandor and not Argo City. Allura only made one appearance, in Showcase #98 (March 1978).
  • In Gotham City Garage v1 #16 (2017), Allura was shown to exist in an alternate world setting. It was shown in a flashback that her husband was a senator on Krypton in its final days when General Zod took charge leading to their worlds destruction. She and her husband placed their daughter Kara on a spaceship to be launched to another world so that she could die. Allura was shot and killed by Kryptonian soldiers that were seeking to apprehend them. The spacecraft landed on Earth with Kara being adopted by James Gordon where she lost memories of her past and grew up as Kara Gordon alongside her adoptive sister Barbara Gordon.

In other media


  • In Superman: The Animated Series, the character briefly appeared in the episode "Little Girl Lost, Part 1" where she was voiced by Carolyn Seymour. Within the DC Animated universe, she was renamed as Kala In-Zee who resided on Krypton's neighboring world of Argo. She died but not before managing to hide her daughter Kara In-Zee in stasis to save her. A hologram of Kala In-Zee activated when Superman arrived on Argo where she asked any rescuer to look after her daughter Kara.
  • In Smallville, the character did not appear on the show but reference was made to Zor-El's wife who was the mother of Kara Zor-El. Kara's mother was not shown to be with her during her teenage years and instead the young Kryptonian girl grew fond of her aunt Lara. Zor-El was later shown to had developed a desire for Lara with the fate of his own wife not elaborated on in the television series.
  • In Supergirl, Alura Zor-El featured in the animated series starting from the pilot where she was played by actor Laura Benanti. She was the Kryptonian mother of Kara Zor-El and a leading figure on Krypton. She had a twin sister who was imprisoned at Fort Rozz in the Phantom Zone for attempting to take over their world. Similarly, she was responsible for sentencing various criminals including alien ones to the prison with its occupants hating her as their jailer. When Krypton faced destruction, it's people launched a number of survivors into space that included baby Kal-El and Alura's own daughter Kara. Alura was killed with tge destruction of Krypton but she left holographic recordings for her daughter to consult. The Fort Rozz prisoners managed to escape with a number seeking to get revenge on Alura by targeting her now grown up daughter Kara whow operated as Supergirl on Earth. In "Stronger Together", it was revealed she had a twin sister named Astra In-Ze with such being a rare occurrence on Krypton. Allura became a Judicator who later had her sister General Astra imprisoned at Fort Rozz. The Department of Extranormal Operations installed Allura's interactive AI system from Kara's ship into a room in the base for Supergirl to consult.


Allura in Superman: Unbound.
  • In Supergirl, the character briefly appeared in the movie where she was played by actor Mia Farrow.
  • In Superman/Batman: Apocalypse, Kara Zor-El's mother was shown briefly in a flashback in the animated film adaptation of the comic storyline but was not named and not voiced. She was seen watching her teenage daughter Kara being placed into an escape ship prior to Krypton's destruction and died when her homeworld exploded.
  • In Superman: Unbound, the character appeared in the animated movie where she was voiced by Sirena Irwin. She and Zor-El were shown as being the parents of Kara Zor-El where they resided on Krypton long ago. Around thirty years ago, the family was visiting the capital city of Kandor when it came under attack from Brainiac. The El's managed to escape onboard their vehicle just before a dome was brought down that shrunk Kandor into a Bottle City whereupon Brainiac departed. In fear for their daughter's future, they decided to send her to a safe haven in space where they launched her to another world prior to Krypton's destruction where she landed on Earth. Zor-El began to study the Brainiac Probe's left behind and learnt of their master in an effort to attack him in order to retrieve Kandor. However, this act simply attracted Brainiac's attention and he captured them as well whereupon he incorporated them into the Bottle City of Kandor. There, they remained un-aging due to the conditions of their environment and powerless to resist their captor. Superman went into space to confront Brainiac before he could come to Earth but he was captured and shrunk into the Bottle City. Once there, he learnt of the El's survival and met his aunt Allura who explained their plight in the city. Kal-El later orchestrated a plan to escape and took Kandor from Brainiac with him in order to rescue its populace.


  • Action Comics v1:
  • Supergirl v5: (2010)
  • Superman: War of the Supermen v1: (2010)

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