Alucard (Hellsing)
Alucard is a male anime and manga character who features in Hellsing.
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Alucard (Japanese: アーカード, Hepburn: Ākādo?) was a male human being born in the winter of 1431 where he was known as Vlad III Dracula who was the son of Vlad II Dracul. He was captured by the Ottoman Empire as a child whereupon he was sodomized by an unknown high ruler. Upon his escape, he lived the life as Voivode of Wallachia with his viciousness in battle later leading him to be known as Vlad Tepes or Vlad the Impaler and as Kazikli Voyvoda by the Turks which meant the Impaling Prince. He launched an all out war against the Turks which devastated both sides. But in time his troops were defeated and his people killed with some being at his own hands as his homeworld was set abalze. His reign to an end upon his "death" in 1476 at the age of 45 when he was captured and was to be executed for his crimes. But before he was beheaded, he drank the blood from the battlefield and became a true vampire. Upon accepting the powers of darkness by being transformed into an undead supernatural being, the cross that he had always kept with him shattered.
It was then that he came to be considered a weapon for the family and the Hellsing Organization. He then came to suffer a 20 year period of imprisonment where he resided in his crypt in the Hellsing family mansion. This was until a young girl named Integra Hellsing fled into the crypt as a last resort to escape death after being marked for elimination by her traitorous uncle. Her blood was noted to had awakened Alucard and resuscitated the ancient vampire who then killed Integra's uncle and followers. He then willingly entered into the service of Integra as she was the chosen heir of the family.
Here he meets Seras Victoria, one of the police sent in beforehand to handle the situation, as well the target, the Cheddar Priest. After hearing Seras scream and sees both of them, he smiles and approaches them and coolly says that he's the priest's death after he questions his identity. The priest came to mock ehr and finally, snaps his fingers after ordering his army of ghouls, armed with weapons to kill him. Alucard's gets stormed with bullet, which caused a huge, grey smoke after the ghouls finished shooting. The priest, after seeing Alucard's corpse falling, laughs manically. Until Alucard's eye glows bright red and multiple caterpillar surrounds his body. His whole body regenerates, including his clothing and hat while he smiles, and after regenerating fully, he pulls out a giant pistol with a very long barrel called "Casull" and points it at the priest's ghouls, and fires, which instantly killed them, then he turns around and sprays, wiping out all of the ghouls that surrounded him, which made the priest, get immediately terrified. He then reloads the Casull, while explaining what type of bullets does the Casull have; "The Silver cross of Manchester Cathedral was melted down to make this 13 millimeter exploding shells", and claims that nothing he ever shoots, ever gets back up again. The priest, thinking Alucard will not shoot him if he holds the girl hostage, the priest puts Seras between himself and the other vampire's Casull but, after knowing that the Police Girl is a virgin, Alucard shoots him anyway, and the Casull's bullet penetrates through Seras' heart and hits the Cheddar Priest's. After the priest lets go of Seras, Alucard quickly ran straight towards him and impales him with his hand, killing him. He then gives Seras a chance to avoid death and turn into a Vampire, which she accepts. Alucard later on, returns to Integra and introduces her to Seras. Integra, thinking that Seras was just a survivor of the incident, was shocked to hear that she's a vampire. Integra screamed at Alucard where the vampire said that he did not have a choice.
Alucard sets about trying to teach her how to be a true vampire, helping her unlock her bloodlust and tap into her superhuman abilities. Alucard approaches Integra and Integra is feeling nostalgic so she recalls what happens Ten years ago, Seras and Alucard made fun of her and Integra became furious. Integra orders Alucard to eliminate Leif and Jessica on a mission in Bermingham. Alucard shoots the door and introduces himself to Leif, who he quickly eliminates. Jessica however, took the opportunity to run seeing Alucard busy. Not knowing Seras was there, Seras eliminated Jessica with a Sniper.
On a mission in Badrick, Alucard was seen eliminating ghouls upstairs and sits down, drinking medical blood before telling Seras what to do. He was interrupted by Alexander Anderson, who impales Seras with multiple bayonets when he was trying to teach her, and was surprised when he "purifies" the house. When he saw Alexander, he was smiling and after a brief talk, both of them approaches each other, ready for a standoff. Though Alexander was fast enough to impale Alucard with 2 bayonets. However, Alucard was able to shoot him in the head at point-blank range with the Casull. After complimenting Alexander a little, Alucard tries to help Seras. But, Alexander shocks Alucard when he stands up and impales him with 2 bayonets once again. Alucard leaps forward and shoots Alexander, which was powerful enough to send him reeling back. He regenerates again and ran straight toward Alucard, who dodges and keeps shooting at him. Alexander blocks all bullets from the Casull and throws multiple bayonets at Alucard, which shattered windows. Seeing Alucard distracted, Alexander takes the chance and grabs his hands, stabbing them with his bayonets. After Alucard is trapped, Alexander shows his healing ability to Alucard. This was when he realizes Alexander is a Human Regenerator. Alexander once again throws multiple bayonets at Alucard's torso before decapitating him. Alexander laughed at went for Seras, who Alucard tells to drink his blood. Integra stops Alexander but Anderson states that he will not back down against a 'Protestant whore' and swiftly killed Integra's bodyguards. But before he can kill Integra, Alucard regenerates and engages Alexander again. Alexander manages to cut off Alucard's arms, but Alucard heals so fast that it made Alexander withdraw, who states that he's not ready. After the battle is over, Alucard, Integra, and Seras head back to the Hellsing Organization Manor. Alucard was sleeping in his chair and has a dream about the time Abraham Van Helsing defeats him. Alucard woke up and cried tears of blood. After that, Alucard goes into Seras's room, which has Walter in it, and calls her an idiot.
Walter then introduces Alucard to his brand new weapon, the Jackal. Alucard holds it for the first time and says that it's perfect. Seras is impressed and stares at the Jackal until Walter introduces Seras too about her new weapon, the Harkonnen. Later, when the Hellsing Organization is assailed by Luke Valentine and Jan Valentine and Alucard hears the noises upstairs. Walter gets a call from Integra and Alucard was excited when he hears that Walter will rescue Integra with Seras, and was finally going witness Walter's true identity after decades. Alucard then leaves and patiently waits for Luke Valentine. After Luke swiftly eliminates the Hellsing Personnel that ambushes him, he searches for Alucard and finally founds him. After Luke said if he was hiding or not he will find him, Alucard says that he was not hiding.
After Luke introduces himself, Luke pulls out his M1 Garand and before Alucard's wine drops and shatters, both have their weapons on each other's heads at point-blank range. The wineglass shatters and both shoot each other. Alucard's Casull was powerful enough to send him reeling back and Luke's M1 Garand made Alucard get excited. Alucard tries to shoot Luke again but Luke was fast enough to shoot Alucard multiple times before running out of bullets and dodging his Casull. Luke, who's dodging Alucard's Casull states that he will defeat him and become number one and ran straight towards Alucard yet again and says checkmate. After realizing he fell for his trap, Luke leaps and dodges his Casull again, and after Alucard shoots the Jackal for the first time, Luke was shocked and terrified when it destroys a huge chunk of a wall, seeing Alucard stand up, bleeding, and asking for his name again. Alucard compliments him and releases Control Art Restriction to Level One, which shows Luke's true nature, a coward. Luke dodges multiple Baskervilles and screams, then runs away. Alucard's arm with the Jackal came out of one of the Baskervilles' mouths and shoots his leg. Luke falls and was absolutely terrified of Alucard. He then came out of Baskerville, telling him to stand up, and attack him while holding one of his legs. After Luke calls him a monster, Alucard was disappointed and stares at Luke, furiously. He insulted Luke and called him 'Dog food' before Baskerville comes out of Alucard's right arm and devours Luke. Before Alucard walks away, he calls Luke 'dog shit'.
Personality and attributes
In appearance, tall, Alucard was a long-limbed, broad-shouldered adult man of indeterminate but reasonably young age, as is commonly seen among vampires. Alucard possesses blood red eyes, which may glow when he is experiencing strong emotions. Though as stated above, he can change his hair as it's a part of his shadow. He commonly has short, jet-black hair and his bangs fall slightly in his eyes, with strands on the sides of his bangs framing his face in this form. He typically dresses in Victorian style clothing with a charcoal suit, leather riding boots and a flamboyant red bowtie which was covered by a long red over-coat. He also wore a red fedora with a wide floppy brim as well as a pair of circular wire-framed sunglasses that mostly hid his red colored eyes. Despite this being his typical clothing, he was also known to wear other outfits. He was noted for having previously operated under the name of Count Dracula (ドラキュラ, Dorakyura). Arthur Hellsing was said to had been responsible for giving him the name Alucard (アーカード, Ākādo?) when he became an asset of the Hellsing Organization.
As he was noted as being perhaps the most powerful vampire known, he enjoyed immortality and thus was very egotistical. In battle he belittled his enemies and allowed them to chance to inflict seemingly fatal wounds on him before he healed himself and utterly destroyed his opponent. Rather they simply obliterate them, Alucard was known to break his enemy on a psychological level. He showed nothing but disgust when combating lower forms of vampires as he believed that they were simply unworthy of the life they lived - to the point that he once claimed that such individuals were not even worthy to be sent to the lowest pits in hell. Alucard often told such vampires that eternity was wasted on the likes of such individuals and he claimed that they were little more than scum. This was because he did not feel that they were true vampires and that the gift of immortality should only be given to those worthy of it. Thus, when facing such foes he displayed his full might and power though showed disappointment if his vampiric foe did not have similar feats.
Despite his nature, Alucard expresses admiration for humans, most notably Integra and the determination of his rival, Alexander Anderson, to destroy him an example of the 'fantastic' and 'magnificent' qualities of humans.
In combat, he fought with intense ferocity and often showed extreme levels of cruelty in battle. He rarely killed his targets outright but rather shot to disable them upon which he attempted to humiliate them. His massive ego often gave enemies frequent attempts to try and kill him before he retaliated but upon failing to do so he demonstrated the full weight of his powers. He showed nothing but confidence in such engagements and often showed to his enemies that he was invincible. During such engagements, he often admitted to his enemy that he was a "monster" in the course of his battles showing that he had no guilt over what he was or what he did. Alucard once said that the Iscariot priest Alexander Anderson would never be able to kill him as he was neither man or monster; and that only a man was capable of killing a monster. He showed relish during one of his hunts against a vampiric priest and knowing the carnage his foe made - he claimed that it was such a wonderful night.
His service to the Hellsing Organization was not apparent though he claimed to a vampire priest that there was a specific reason he served his human masters. Whilst ruthless, he showed an odd relationship with Seras Victoria who he often referred to as "police girl". When she was in the grips of the vampire priest and facing death - he offered her the choice to join him. Namely that she would be transformed into a vampire but stated that it would have to be her choice. This was partly because he did not want her to resent him for turning her into a vampire as the decision ultimately was hers.
Powers and abilities
As a vampire, Alucard has the ability to consume blood raw. He has long, conical fangs to assist in this job as well as a serpentine-like tongue. His feeding habits have been seen to vary: from the traditional neck-biting[10] to simply ripping people to pieces and outright devouring them.
Though he generally dons a corporeal, humanoid form, Alucard is made up of a highly variable otherworldly substance that is black in core and reddish on its edges.
Being a vampire, he had enhanced strength which allowed him to wield pistols that were too heavy for Humans to handle. He was immortal allowing him to survive the ravages of time and was almost invincible due to his very powerful regenerative abilities. This was one of his most important powers as it far greater then ordinary vampiric powers as he reformed from his own blood after his body was shredded by gunfire.
His senses were not only sharper than a mortal's, affording him abilities such as perfect accuracy, but he has abilities that they completely lack. In particular he possesses a 'third-eye' which allows him to see things from far, far distances.
By draining a person of their blood, Alucard gained dominance over their souls and very forms. He also takes on whatever knowledge they possessed whilst converting the victim into an extension of himself referred to as a Familiar. Alucard could summon forth anyone he's taking the soul of at will. Whoever he absorbed, their powers are at his disposal. Upon releasing his final restraint Level Zero, all the souls held by him were allowed to roam freely where thousands of the dead claimed by him were sent forth with them capable of decimating armies.
Alucard was capable of turning his body into some sort of dark reddish mist in order to render attacks against him useless.
He had a wide range of supernatural techniques at his disposal which he was capable of unleashing when he felt that he had toyed with his enemy enough. One power was simply warping the visions of his foes and placing them into a dark red tunnel where he appeared and could materialize at certain points. His ability to teleport allowed him to disappear into the shadows and emerge elsewhere or even move through walls. He claimed to a pair of young vampire lovers that instead of travelling by bike, they could have turned into bats or become fog. As a shapeshifting, he was able to alter his form and take on a number of appearances including that of a young woman.
Being too powerful to be left on his own, his power was kept in check by the Control Art Restriction System (拘束制御術式, Kōsoku Seigyo Jutsushiki) which had to be accessed by the approval of Cromwell (クロムウェル, Kuromuweru). There were shown to be four levels of restriction and corresponding states, with lower numbers meaning greater levels of power. Alucard could release his power up to Level One by himself, but he needed his master's approval to release his final state—Level Zero, the lowest Level, allowing him full access to his most devastating powers. His gloves, which were engraved with the Hellsing seal, were the mechanism and the source of Hellsing's control over him. The psalm "The Bird of Hermes is my name/Eating my wings to make me tame" was etched on his coffin that served as his pledge of loyalty to serve the Hellsing family after his capture. As such, his coffin not only served as his resting place, but it also acted as the promise and contract he made to the Hellsing family.
- Alucard was created by Kouta Hirano where he featured in the setting of the Hellsing universe.
In other media
- In Hellsing, Alucard appeared in the setting of the anime television series where he was voiced by Japanese actor Jouji Nakata and English actor Crispin Freeman. Alucard appeared to save a Hellsing soldier named Chris Pickman from an attack by a SAS ghoul from behind. He apologizes that he was late and then shot another ghoul in front of Chris. Alucard was impressed by Chris' calm personality and says that he is indeed a man of Hellsing. The two continued to explore Incognito's castle and formed some sort of a duo. Alucard shoots multiple ghouls while walking while Chris was seen throwing a grenade to kill the remaining ghouls, knowing that Alucard will survive that. Alucard appears without a scratch from the ghouls or the explosive, then hears a cannon explosive fired by a raging Seras who witnessed Fargason's death. Alucard was excited and tells Seras to enjoy it. He then shoots another SAS ghoul behind his back, but, to his surprise, he sees Chris has been shot in his stomach. In Chris's final moments, he asks Alucard to kill him at once, as he wants to die as a human, rather than as a Ghoul. Alucard honored the man's final request and puts him down with the Jackal. As a sign of respect, Alucard laid his hat on the man before entering the tower of London.
- Hellsing:
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