Angels (Diablo)

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Angels are a species that feature in Diablo.



Angels were a race of luminous beings who were formed shortly after the dawn of creation when the creator Anu defeated the monstrous Tahamet. From Tahamet, the Burning Hells were created giving rise to the race of Demons whilst the mortally wounded Anu similarly died with his body becoming the High Heavens from which the race of Angels were formed. They came to come under the rule of a group of Archangels that embodied different values with these sitting on the Angiris Council. Since that time, they came to be involved in the Eternal Conflict against the races of Demons and their leaders who were the Prime Evils.

The coming of the Great Conflict to the mortal realm saw Angels and Demons disguising themselves among humans. This resulted in the Sin War where they attempted to secretly lure mortals to their respective causes.

Under the Archangel Tyrael, a secretive order of mortal magi were gathered from wizards among the diverse and numerous mage clans of the East. These sorcerers formed the Horadrim where they were tasked with the goal of hunting down the three Prime Evils and put an end to their vicious rampage.

Eventually, Tyrael came before his fellow Angels where Imperius accused him of repeated interference in the mortal plane that was in defiance to their ancient laws. Ultimately, this led to Tyrael deciding to willingly abandon his position as an Angel and become mortal where he was banished to Sanctuary as a result.

With the defeat of Diablo, the missing Malthael returned where he had become the Aspect of Death and headed a legion of followers that were known as the Reapers.


In appearance, the Angels resembled humanoids in cowls but in their true existence were a divine essence composed of light and sound. Their kind were also regarded as the Seraphim who were not immune to the corruption of Demons. It was possible for an Angel to abandon their divinity and willingly become mortal though such an act was seen as sacrilege by their kind.

It was said that goals and motivations of the Angels was unknowable when compared to the forces of Hell who desired Sanctuary's destruction.

Leadership of their kind was held by a group of Archangels who sat on a body known as the Angiris Council. The ancient laws of the High Heavens prevented them from interfering in the mortal plane. Anarchs were Angels that served as the most trusted advisors to Malthael. Those sages of wisdom that reached an exceptional level of knowledge were granted the title of Exarch. A faction of Angels that formed under Malthael were the Reapers.

The home of the Angels was the realm of the High Heavens. Its Diamond Gates were noted to had stood untouched since the beginning of time.


  • Imperius : a male Archangel who was the Aspect of Valor.
  • Tyrael : a male Archangel who was the Aspect of Justice.
  • Auriel : a female Archangel who was the Aspect of Hope.
  • Itherael : a male Archangel who was the Aspect of Fate.
  • Malthael : a male Archangel who was the Aspect of Wisdom.
  • Izual : greatest of the angels heroes and lieutenant to the Archangel Tyrael and bearer of the Runeblade Azurewrath.
  • Inarius :
  • Urzael : a male Angel who was a devoted follower of Malthael that followed him in his fall where he became the Harbinger of Death and co-leader of the Reapers.
  • Balzael : an Angel champion who served Malthael and became one of his Reapers.


  • Angels were created by Blizzard Entertainment where they feature in the setting of Diablo.
  • They were based on the concept of Angels of Abrahamic Beliefs.


  • Diablo:
  • Diablo 2:
  • Diablo 3:

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