Armageddon (DC)

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Armageddon is the name of several characters in the DC Universe.



Armageddon I

Main Article: Unknown

In time, he came to be considered the Reich's greatest saboteur. Due to his skill, he was deployed to the U.S. alongside Heinrich where they operated in secret from an electrical power plant outside Washington, D.C.. At some point, his subordinates came to be capture army intelligence officer Major Steve Trevor who was brought before Armageddon. (Wonder Woman v1 #234)

Armageddon II

Main Article: Unknown

Armageddon III

Main Article: Unknown

Armageddon was the name of a female half ogress who was the daughter of a Nazi where her father and grandfather had both operated as Armageddon where they had been foes of Wonder Woman. Her father was known to had experimented on her with ogre DNA that was passed on to her. The intention was to turn her into a weapon to be used against the Amazon. However, Armageddon came to flee from her family and escaped into the Canadian wilderness in order to live in peace as she came to hate the life that had been inflicted on her. (Wonder Woman v1 #753)


In appearance, Armageddon was the identity of a masked supervillain often with ties to the Nazi Party. (Wonder Woman v1 #234)

It was said that those that whispered their name did so in terror. (Wonder Woman v1 #235)

One incarnation of Armageddon was the result of experiments in ogre DNA that imparted on the person superhuman strength and abilities but left them with a monstrous visage as a result. (Wonder Woman v1 #753)

For battle, it was shown that Armageddon tended to wield a powerful axe. (Wonder Woman v1 #234)

The original Armageddon was known to had conducted experiments involving poisons unknown to American medicine. These ravaged the human body that degraded the body chemistry of the subject thus altering their shape and size evolving into Muutorr. These were artificial mutants whose minds were as corrupted as their body where they were driven by mindless instinct to kill their enemies. (Wonder Woman v1 #235)


  • The concept of Armageddon was created by Gerry Conway and Don Heck where it made its first appearance in Wonder Woman v1 #234 (August, 1977).


  • Wonder Woman v1: (1977)

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