Automutation Syndrome

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Automutation Syndrome was a genetic condition that featured in Exo-Squad.


Automutation Syndrome was a genetic condition that certain Neosapiens suffered from as a result of the genetic engineering by the Humans that created them which was imperfect. Many Neosapiens feared the signs of this disease as it involved the Neosapien's DNA becoming increasibly unstable which would eventually result in the body's collapse into a pile of mush. Beyond this, little else is kown about the exact nature of the disorder.

Phaeton developed the condition after his fall from Olympus Mons on Mars during a fight against J. T. Marsh. This resulted in his confinement in a life-support suit for the rest of his life and meant that he would eventally die of the disorder. Even by the end of the Neosapien War, there was no known cure for Automutation Syndrome.

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