Bajoran Wormhole

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The Bajoran Wormhole is a phenomena that features in Star Trek.



The Bajoran Wormhole was a wormhole that was situated around Bajor which connected the Alpha Quadrant to the Gamma Quadrant with this phenomena having been constructed by the Prophets. (DS9: Emissary)

Through it, the Orbs of the Prophets were dispatched to the planet Bajor with five of them being found in the asteroid belt in the system. (DS9: Emissary)

The existence of the wormhole was discovered by Starfleet officers Captain Benjamin Sisko and his science officer Jadzia Dax. Upon entering, they were transported to the Gamma Quadrant and on the return journey they were sent into the realm of the Prophets. Dax was returned back to Deep Space 9 whilst Sisko remained in communion with the Prophets. A Cardassian warship commanded by Gul Dukat had discovered the existence of the wormhole and travelled through it with the Prophets closing it in response. The loss of their warship led to the Cardassian Union sending further ships where they believed the crew of Deep Space 9 had destroyed their vessel leading to hostilities. This was until Captain Sisko managed to get the wormhole to re-open and he towed Dukat's vessel back to Deep Space 9 with the Cardassians ceasing hostilities. The wormhole remained permanently opened after the Prophets were convinced to allow all ships to pass through it making the phenomena the first stable wormhole in known space. This led to requests being made to Deep Space 9 for travel through the wormhole creating a new wave of discovery as ships sought to explore the Gamma Quadrant thus making Bajor the most important planet in the quadrant. (DS9: Emissary)


To the Bajorans, the Wormhole was known as the Celestial Temple and featured heavily in their theology. (DS9: Emissary)

Unlike other wormholes, the Bajoran Wormhole was actually not natural and in fact constructed by the Prophets that resided within it. (DS9: Emissary)


In other media

Video games

  • In Star Trek Online, the Bajoran Wormhole appeared in the setting of the MMORPG video game.


  • Star Trek: Deep Space 9:

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