Baldur (Too Human)

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The cybernetic Aesir god Baldur and his troops.

Baldur is a cyborg videogame character that features in the videogame Too Human.




Early life

Baldur's life began over 200 years ago where he was taken by the Children of ODIN and went through a period of enhancement to make him a member of the Aesir by their father ODIN to serve as warriors against the YMIR. Much of that time was spent in gestation and conditioning during the early stages of the war against Hel. Due to the fact that he spent most of time in augmentation, he was a novice on the battlefield and only fought against goblin machines. Despite this, he was still considered a type of celebrity among Humanity. During these early years, only two women touched his heart with them being Nyanna and Freya but ultimately Baldur married Nyanna.

Whilst in Asgard, he came before his deranged brother Hod who, unknowing to others, had his eye implants manipulated by Loki. Loki had used his hacking ability to make Hod that Loki and his forces had attacked Asgard. Thus, innocent civilians all around Hod were seen as the enemy and when Baldur came to stop his brother, Hod only saw Loki. Hod then fired his gun and seemingly killed what he believed to have been the rogue Aesir Loki and fled. Baldur, thus, had been killed by one of his own and the Aesir sent his remains to Helheim where the administrator Hel experimented with the body and gave him back his life. Nyanna in the mean time was so distraught as she believed her husband to be dead and sought to rejoin him which meant that she killed herself whilst the rest of the Aesir stormed Helheim to retrieve Baldur.


As a result of the experiment that returned to him his life, Baldur had lost the memory of his "death" and returned to serve his people. He was saddened to learn of Nyanna's death but was not aware of the reason. As time went on, he discovered that the Human settlements were being targeted by a strange YMIR. Tracking the creature, he entered into an Inn where he was being accused by some Humans of being the person responsible for the deaths as they were unaware of his identity due to the robes he was wearing which concealed his true nature. It was then that the machine monster attacked and revealed itself to be a new GRNDL type YMIR that devoured the organic bodies of Humans for an unknown purpose. Battling the creature, he severed its arm causing it to flee.

He later returned to Asgard where he showed the remaining arm to Heimdall who managed to determine that it was a new form of machine and suggested that Freya take him to meet the Norns. There, he connected to Yggdrassil and went into the virtual realm where he recieved advice from the Norns after which Baldur assembled a strike team to venture into YMIR territory where he finally managed to confront GRNDL and defeat it. With its destruction, Baldur returned to Asgard victorious and participated in a celebratory banquet. Later, he left and met with Freya where he became suspicious about the death of his former wife. When he confronted Freya on this issue, she simply told him to meet with Heimdall and an angry Baldur believed that his brothers were hiding something from. Meeting with Heimdall, he learnt the truth that she died as a result of Hod's actions who had gone renegade and left into the Ice Forests of Svartlheim. Heimdall assured Baldur that Hod would be dealt with and that Tyr was going to lead a force into the enemy territory to kill the rogue Aesir. However, in anger, Baldur demanded that he be put in charge of the mission and later assembled warriors to journey into the YMIR territory to kill Hod and gain vengeance. Before departing, Heimdall asked that Baldur destroy Hod's cybernetics as he did not wish for them to fall into the hands of the enemy though the angry Baldur replied that nothing would be left of Hod when he was through with him.


After fighting numerous of the undead in Helheim, Baldur ultimately found himself face to face with its administrator. Loki's daughter Hel and fought her as she used her abilities as an Adept of Cyberspace to defeat him. During the battle, he came upon the truth of his past, that he had been killed and resurrected by Hel through her unique abilities after which he was retrieved by his Aesir brethren.

Upon returning to Asgard, he was part of the festivities and celebration of the Aesir victory. However, Baldur's faith had been shattered for he had been lied to by his brothers and sisters. He also lamented that their doom may be approaching for Tyr's death meant that they had lost the secret of sentient weapon technology and Hel's undead army walked the earth with Baldur being amongst their number. He left the hall to brood on his existence whilst Loki remained free to plot the end of the gods and humans.


Personality and attributes

Baldur with Freya.

Being a member of the elite military force of the Aesir, Baldur was charged with the protection of Mankind from the monsters that are bent on destroying the world. He has a soft spot for Humanity as he feels a kinship with them and truly feels a connection to them which is why he fights for the betterment of their future. However, often finds himself divided on the issue of joining his Aesir brethren in becoming a cybernetic being or following the path of Humankind. Most of the Aesir believe that a good warrior needs as much technology as possible though a smaller more conscientious faction believes that knowng how and when to use specific technology is just as important. Thus, Baldur has not seen a compelling reason to embrace the technology that separates the gods from humans.

His nature meant that he was exemplary even amongst the god-like Aesir. Being the least cybernetically enhanced among the Aesir, he was well liked among Humans for they feel he is the closest to them in both mind and body. He is both open and friendly as well as commands great respect and friendships. His popularity, however, has also sparked jealousy in the hearts of others. He was a champion amongst Humans and led his armies at the forefront of the battle line where he charged at the enemy and laid them low with his courage. Those that fight by his side are known to gain the favor of ODIN himself.

Intiailly he was a novice having only fought against light enemies such as common goblin machines. He was the most loved son of ODIN and recieved special attention from the leader of the Aesir which has brought envy and jealousy for he represents the future of their kind. Being new in the placement of the Aesir, his position in their hierarchy had not been fully decided with some gods and humans viewing Baldur as a beacon of hope. Events change Baldur significantly making him lose his innocence and become more of a realist as he sees the world for himself.

The Aesir make use of cybernetic implants in order to improve upon themselves but the young Baldur only has trace implants which allowed him to enable other modules that could be added in the future. This gave Baldur the spider web blue design that marks his face. These trace implants were designed by ODIN to monitor Baldur's performance and determine his suitability for future implants. This makes him the least cybernetically enhanced among the gods.

Though centuries old, he appears as a man of 25 years of age. His blood type was synthetic XNA with its immunity boosted with a regenerative ability of 98%.

Among his kind, he held a deep ove with Nyanna but also had an attraction to the Vanir goddess Freya.

Note that most of the personality description comes from the IGN preview information of the game.

Powers and abilities

Baldur with his weapons.

Baldur's primary weapon was Fenrir, a bastard sword that was actually a Sentient Weapon which was a melee blade that contained an artificial intelligence trapped inside of it. The mind was once the machine Fenrir that fought against the Aesir but is now forced to aid Baldur in battle and was one of the very early experiments in using the machines own might against them. Containing the captured brain of one of the YMIR but put under restraints and forced to fight for whoever wields it. The intention was to use the machines own brutality and lethal concentration against them making it an incredibly effective weapon. However, Fenrir does not always get along with Baldur or the Humans he was charged with protecting making certain situations more dangerous. When working against its master, Baldur calls Fenrir a "bastard wolf" with the blade often representing the more primal side of Baldur. Ultimately, it worked in symbiosis with Baldur and contained appropriate nanoforge equipment allowing it to reshape into a form that the bearer chooses as the AI resided within the hilt. Being a veteran of countless battles, Fenrir was a highly experienced killer.

In addition to the blade, Fenrir makes use of a pair of glass guns that are called Havoc and Malice which fired armor piercing nanopolymer bullets. They are not sentient like the blade Fenrir but have been in enough battles that they have developed their own personalities. These glass guns made use of electrostatic linear accelerators for propulsion and are said to share the same technological designs as ODIN's own weapon; Gungir and were known also as the Marks of Gungir.

Among the gifts given to Baldur and his Aesir brethren was the knowledge of the Ruiners which was a way of enhancing their attacks through the use of Cyberspace. Ruiners triggers a cascade of programs in Cyberspace which are channeled into realspace through the network of Cyberspace nodes that saturate the planet. His back also contained a robotic spider which detached from Baldur to interface with computers.

Furthermore, like all the Aesir, Baldur was trained in the use of a wide variety of weapons; both melee and ranged. His skill allows him to wield weapons such as swords, axes, hammers, glaives as well as guns such as mass-driving linear accelerators, laser accelerators and fusion/plasma hybrid energy weapons.



  • Too Human:

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