Beast of the Hand

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The Beast is a comic demon supervillain that features in Marvel Comics.




The Beast was one of the race of Demons that inhabited the planet Earth. It was said that he was primary among their kind when the planet was young where the Beast believed in nihilism but that its influence was minimal at first. (History of the Marvel Universe v1 #2) According to one account, its true name was Krahllak who lived in its own realm of Hell, in war with his own sister, known as the demonic Wild. (Daredevil v7 #13) The Beast was present before the rise of humanity, during the cold and endless darkness, which it enjoyed. It viewed humanity as a corruption of this purity and sought to destroy it. (Elektra: Assassin v1 #7)

In the year Koki 1, the year of Emperor Jimmu, Shinto Kakemono wrote of the Beast stating that it was among the demons living in the Land of Darkness that grew fat on humankind's suffering. From below, he whispered through shadow and smoke with those hearing him bending to his dark will. It was said that the Beast required the right key to unlock the door between worlds with this being souls to accomplish his aim. (Wolverine v7 #6) At least a millennium ago, the Beast came to be worshipped by a cult of mortal followers. (Elektra: Assassin v1 #7) Among the Beast's devoted followers were the Snakeroot who came to serve as the inner circle of the Hand. (Daredevil v1 #322)

Around 150 years ago, the Beast controlled the Fist of the Hand, a man named Shinsuke Ishiyama, or the Dread Daimyo of Kumamoto, who killed many before committing seppuku. (Punisher v13 #2)

The Chaste gathered at their mountain retreat to discuss their plans in stopping the Hand from turning Elektra into a host for the Beast. (Daredevil v1 #320)

After Murdock took a life, he began the first steps in allowing the Beast to fully manifest in his body. From the shadows, the Snakeroot orchestrated events in secret to see Matt Murdock's full corruption so that he would become a suitable vessel for their master. (Daredevil v1 #509)

As Elektra sat, chained to the ground, the Beast appeared before her, pouring a chalice of its milk over her. The milk soaked into her body, filling her with the stench of the Beast. The Beast initiated a plot whereby it would cause a nuclear war and destroy all life on Earth. As one of the first steps in this plot, it possessed Mr. Reich, the US ambassador to San Concepcion. Reich was present at the funeral of Carlos Huevos, president of San Concepcion, who had been assassinated by Elektra. The ninja was also present; she recognized the nauseating stench of the Beast on Reich, and so that night she went to the American embassy to kill him. However, the Beast instead overpowered Elektra, forcing her to drink its milk, and her mind shattered as a result. Elektra was taken to the the Valley of Peace Institution for the Criminally Insane where she was to have a frontal lobotomy, but she regained her mind and broke free. (Elektra: Assassin v1 #1) Presidential candidate Ken Wind traveled to the South American nation of San Concepcion for a banquet in his own benefit. There he met with ambassador Reich, who secretly transferred the Beast, into him. The Beast took control of Ken Wind, whom the Hand felt was destined to become the next president of the United States. Elektra assassinated Reich, but realized too late that the Beast was now within Wind. (Elektra: Assassin v1 #3)

Around this time, the Beast came to hold the soul of Tenfingers where he constantly tortured the former Hand member. Lu Wei took her son Sam Chung to China in order to beseech the Beast directly to request the demons aid to restore her child's eyesight. She gave her own soul as a price for the deal with Sam working to restore his mothers soul. To achieve that end, he tricked Matt Murdock to come to China to find him at the Hand's temple where he aided in his capture. He aided in the breaking of his former mentor with the Beast ultimately agreeing to free Sam Chung and his mother to escape. Sam came to regret his actions and decided to confront the Beast to free Daredevil that the Beast was torturing. As the Hand attempted to capture the pair, they were betrayed by Lu Wei with the Beast devouring her whereupon it teleported itself and the temple elsewhere leaving Blindspot and Daredevil behind. (Daredevil v5 #28)

For years, the Archpriestess looked for a new High Slayer to lead the Hand after the death of the former Fist of the Beast. Other members of the dark order looked to martial artists though the Archpriestess came to believe that the Red Messiah to be the Punisher Frank Castle. Resurrecting his deceased wife, she convinced Castle to adopt the role of leader of the Hand where he began to use the ninja cult to eliminate criminals in the world. (Punisher v13 #2)


Personality and attributes

To his followers, he was referred to as the Lord and also as the Jackal's Son. (Elektra: Assassin v1 #7) The true name of the demon was said to be Krahllak. (Daredevil v7 #13)

He claimed to be the heart of darkness that was older than the light that brought about life. The Beast was said to had been given flesh for the purpose of ending flesh. (Elektra: Assassin v1 #7) The Beast was said to had hungered for the end humanity. (Shadowland v1 #3) To his followers, they derived their power from him which was intended to be used for destruction. (Punisher v13 #2)

It came to be known that the Beast had a sister called the Wild with the two warring against one another. (Daredevil v7 #13)

Among his children was a female demon known as the Hellbride. (X-Force v6 #13)

The Beast was said to be the unholy father of the Sickly Ones who had helped found the Hand to spread his bloody teachings. (Punisher v13 #2)

Powers and abilities

The demon was also able to produce a liquid called Mothers Milk that was fed to humans and made them subservient to the will of the Beast. (Elektra: Assassin v1 #1)

From the demon's mouth, he could exude a black substance that formed into a demonic entity that called itself the Tongue of the Hand that served as a mouth piece of its master. (Daredevil v5 #28)

A paragon of the Beast was said to be embodied by the High Slayer who served as the demon's Red Messiah. This person was to be the true Fist of the Beast who was meant to lead the Hand. To such a person, they came to be empowered by the five gifts of the Fist. The first of these was the Eyes of the Beast gifting them with supernatural sight. (Punisher v13 #2)

The inner circle of the Hand consisted of the Snakeroot who served as the Beast's most devoted followers. (Daredevil v1 #322)


  • The Beast was created by Frank Miller and Bill Sienkiewicz where it made its first appearance in Elektra: Assassin v1 #1 (August, 1986).

Alternate Versions

In other media

Video games

  • In Marvel: Avengers Alliance, the Beast was referenced in the Facebook video games Dossier in the Hand Entry. It was speculated by Doctor Strange that the Beast was a disguise used by the demon Dormammu.
  • In Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, the Beast was referenced in the setting of the Wii video game. It was said to be a primordial entity dating back to the dawn of civilization where it sought a return to those dark days. The demonic force was worshipped by the Hand who by modern times conducted an arcane ritual to bring about its emergence into the world. The Hand Mystics used Elektra as a vessel for the Beast as she had been resurrected by their magics in the past but she was freed from the entity's grip by the Avengers.


  • Elektra: Assassin v1: (1986)
  • Daredevil v1:
  • Shadowland v1:
  • Daredevil v5:
  • History of the Marvel Universe v2:

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