Blood Dragons (Warhammer Fantasy)

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The Order of the Blood Dragons.

The Blood Dragons are an organization that features in Warhammer Fantasy.




The Order of the Blood Dragons

Many years ago, the people of the Empire would have named the knights of the Order of the Blood Dragon amongst the most noble and virtuous warriors defending the land. Their great fortress, Blood Keep, guarded the passes to Bretonnia and was famed for the strength of its walls and the valour of its defenders. Yet their terrible fall from the lofty heights of their noble purity into blackest darkness and corruption came not from within. One night, a man of great stature and noble bearing appeared before the gates of the fortress and demanded entrance. He named himself as Walach of the Harkon family, and when the knights opened the gates to him they unwittingly sealed their doom. Walach challenged the knights to single combat. Fighting them all with peerless skill and unnatural vigour and strength, he slew the mortal Knights of Sigmar with ease, for he was a vampire who had learned his craft in ancient days from the great and fabled Abhorash, first of the Blood Dragons. Though none of the knights could hope to defeat the undead monster, Walach spared those who fought bravely and with honour, passing to them his curse of vampirism and corrupting them utterly while slaying the others and feasting on their blood.

Rising from their defeat as deathless monsters, the fallen, pale-faced knights became a scourge upon the land under the leadership of their new Grand Master. Forsaking their oaths to Sigmar and the people of his Empire, the knights removed all objects of faith from their keep, throwing them from the walls after slaughtering their confused squires and retainers and raising them into undeath. They tore all sacred symbols from their armour that quickly became twisted by the dark power coursing through their veins. Sallying forth in dark parody of their former selves atop nightmare steeds forged from the carcasses of their once-noble mounts, the bloodthirsty knights began to prey on those they had protected, sowing terror and death among the villages and towns they had once sworn to defend and revelling in their new power and liberation. The people who had once showered the knights with affection now lived in fear under the terrible shadow of Blood Keep, now a spirit-haunted lair of monsters, and cried out for help.


Over time, the Blood Dragons became a macabre parody of the virtuous templars that Walach turned. Though they retained the Dragon as their symbol, with blazons and crests in their likeness, their armour was encrusted with images of death and slaughter. Their blades were fell weapons inscribed with dark runes, chased with precious metals and fashioned in the likenesses of evil beasts. The knights did not ride flesh­ and-blood horses, but charge across the field of battle upon evil Nightmares that were clad in thick barding painted with disturbing icons of necromantic power.


  • Red Duke :
  • Gorgivich Krakvald :
  • Mallobaude :
  • Merovech d'Mousillon :
  • Bertelis d’Garamont :
  • Loch'Jor the Hunter :


  • The Blood Dragons were an army that were created by Games Workshop and featured in the setting of the Warhammer Fantasy universe.

In other media

Video games


  • Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts:

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