Campione (Campione!)

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A Campione is a title that features in Campione!.




A Campione were demigod-like figures that were originally mortals who managed to slay one of the Heretic Gods. This act led to the mortal taking on the power of the defeated deity and becoming a demon king.

After the defeat of Verethregna, Godou Kusanagi gained the Heretic Gods power and became the seventh king of the world.


In appearance, a Campione was originally a seemingly mortal human. Once the mortal had slain the god, they gained the immortality and the abilities of the fallen deity. As a result, the Campione did not age and possessed enhanced bodies that allowed them to heal far faster when compared to mortals. The transformation also led to the healing of any former injuries or wounds from before with the person being returned to perfect health. This led to them gaining a far greater lifespan than humans with among the oldest Campaione being between 400 to 500 years old. In addition, they gained greater attributes such as holding stronger bones and a magical ability greater than the most powerful of mages even if the person had no talent or experience in magic. Despite these traits, they still were required to study and learn to use this magic in order for them to cast specific spells. Campione also developed the power of understanding and communicating in any language in the world allowing them to read texts and converse with others.

Their enhanced nature meant that normal magic was incapable of physically affecting a Campione. This was both an advantage as it prevented enemies from directly casting spells on them but also prevented friendly magic from helping them. Thus, spells such as healing magic or those that were designed to teach the demon king were incapable of being directly cast. The only means of using healing or teaching was internally that could only be done through a kiss between the caster and the Campione. This was not through a simple kiss but a deep one with a conscious effort made between the two parties where acts such as the transfer of months of knowledge could be achieved within moments.

The power of a Campione was tied to the Authorities of the Heretic God that they had slain.

A Campione's sole obligation was to fight Heretic Gods and defeat them. It was said that it was within their right to compel humans to yield to them and bend them to their will. They were referred to as the 'King of Kings' and attracted a great deal of respect from mortals that were aware of their existence. Any area they were based in led to them being designated the ruler of that territory that they called home. Within the mythological world, their words were considered law and none were able to challenge their power with only another Campione daring to contradict them. Among their kind, it as said that there were only two kinds of relationship with these ranging from ignoring one another and forming pacts of nonaggression or becoming eternal enemies that duelled to the very end. Campione were referred to as the 'Bastard/Illegitimate Children of Epimetheus' who was the Titan of hindsight because only someone who acted without thinking of the consequences would face a Heretic God rather than run away.


  • Sasha Dejanstahl Voban :
  • Luo Hao :
  • Aisha :
  • Annie Charlton :
  • Alexander Gascoigne :
  • Salvatore Doni :
  • Godou Kusanagi a dark haired Japanese male teenager who through the Prometheus' Grimoire came to steal the Divine Authority of Verethragna and defeated him whereupon Kusanagi gained his power as he became a Campione.
  • Rokuhara Ren :


  • Campione was created by Jō Taketsuki where it featured in the setting of the Campione! universe.
  • The term was Italian for 'Champion'.

In other media



  • Campione!:

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