Cassidy Cornell

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Cassidy Agnes Cornell is the anchor/field reporter for Reefside High School's TV station. Her cameraman and sidekick is Devin Del Valle. She was very suspicious of why would Ethan James, Kira Ford, and Conner McKnight would ever want to hang with each other and she decided to investigate why, but had later gave up the search.

Cassidy kept busy with numerous stories. She went to the mall to interview famous pop star, Kylee Styles. Once done with that, Cassidy was on move for another story. Cassidy and Devin spotted the Dino Thunder Rangers battling Donkeyvac, and Cassidy went to interview the monster. Donkeyvac stole Cassidy and Devin's youth. Not missing a beat, Cassidy and Devin began to take advantage of the senior citizen discounts at various places. When the monster was destroyed, Cassidy and Devin's youth was restored.

Cassidy and Devin had started searching for the identity of the Power Rangers, mostly the White Ranger. Cassidy and Ethan continued their friendship by hanging out together. Cassidy was surprised when Kira took her to Mr. Cormier's office for an interview for the position of a news reporter. Cassidy thanked Kira for helping her get the job and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

Cassidy and Ethan had went on their first date and realized that they really had nothing in common. So they decided to just stay friends. Cassidy had met Marah and learned that they looked exactly alilke. Cassidy and Devin had learned of the Dino Thunder Rangers' identities and decided not to inform Mr. Cormier about their discovery.

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