Celestial Intervention Agency
The Celestial Intervention Agency (CIA) was a covert intelligence agency used by the Time Lords to protect their interests, in spite of their official policy of non-intervention. They are presumably under the direct control of the Time Lords' President and the High Council. In the past, the CIA placed the Fifth Planet of the Solar System into a time-loop, in an attempt to trap the Fendahl, and helped defeat Morbius. Since they could manipulate the Doctor's TARDIS from Gallifrey, the CIA used the Doctor (in his Third, Fourth, and Sixth incarnations) as an agent, sending him to defeat various menaces, including the Daleks, the Master, Omega (a task requiring the first three Doctors united), and many more.
It's also been theorized that they manipulated the First and Second Doctors' destinations at times, were involved in the transformation of Earth into Ravolox, and helped create the Valeyard, but those are unproven.
No (known) relation to the modern-day United States intelligence organization with the same initials.