Daxam (DC)

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Daxam is a planet that features in DC Comics.






A Kryptonian and Daxamites in Superman Annual v1 #14.

Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Daxam

It was home to a native race of humanoid aboriginals that lived on the planet. During the Great Inquiry, the planet Krypton expanded to bring enlightenment to other worlds with this being achieved through conquest. On such world was discovered by the explorer Dax-Am with Kryptonian colonists settling on the newly named Daxam. On the various worlds, the Kryptonian expansion was pushed back by those native races with the exception of Daxam. The settlers were asked to return to the homeworld but they found that they could have inter-relations with the aboriginals. A result of this interbreeding was the birth of the Daxamite race who began to differ from the Kryptonians within a generation with few remaining of their original homeworld after the following three centuries. As they prospered, the Daxamites later developed a desire to explore space where they went to many worlds where they made peaceful contact. After many years, fear began to grip Daxam with a push towards isolationism with this eventually erupting into a conflict known as the Science War on their world. This war lasted for four days and cost the planet a quarter of its population. (Superman Annual v1 #14)

It was said that long ago the planet Daxam came to be overrun and conquered by an alien race. This was until a scientist whose name was lost to history created the Galactic Golem. The creature defeated the aliens but rampaged out of control forcing the scientist to sacrifice himself in order to shut it down. The Golem then remained dormant and hidden in the arsenal of the Priest-Elders who came to power on Daxam. (Superman v1 #675)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of realty was created with a different history of events.

During this time, Sodam Yat formed the Isolationist Party that advocated no contact with the wider universe though he did it in the belief that other races needed to be protected from the Daxamites. It was then that they were visited by the Eradicator who was operating under his directive to ensure the survival of the Kryptonian race. As the Daxamites were descendants of Kryptonians, the machine began to use genetic engineering and cloning to breed a new kind of Daxamite soldier that had all the strengths but none of their races weaknesses. This force was made into an army with the intention of conquering Earth and turning the planet into a New Krypton. Upon learning of this, Sodam Yat took a ship and fled to Earth to warn the Justice League of this threat with the Eradicator and his Daxamite army arriving shortly afterwards. (Justice League v4 #40) The Advance Legion of Daxam managed to take control of the planet until the Justice League tricked them to entering a portal to a world without a sun. The heroes then defeated Captain Nur and his soldiers with the Eradicator deciding that his creations were flawed. Thus, the machine turned on them and attempted to trigger a self-destruct system in them where upon the A.I. intended to harvest bio-resources to create a new Kryptonian race. However, the Eradicator was destroyed by Wonder Woman thus ending the threat with the Green Lantern Corps taking the Advance Legion back to Daxam to stand trial for their actions. (Justice League v4 #43)


It was said to be the second planet around the star Valor. (Action Comics Annual v1 #10)

At the rim of the star system was an asteroid belt with one of these planetoids designated Ricklef II being colonized by the Daxamites in the 30th century.


  • Lar Gand :
  • Sodam Yat :
  • Zax Vane :
  • Van Toth :


  • Daxam was created by Edmond Hamilton and John Fort where they made their first appearance in Adventure Comics v1 #312 (September, 1963).

In other media


  • In Legion of Super-Heroes, Daxam was mentioned but not seen in the episode "Sundown, Part 1". It was stated to be part of a simulation that was used by the Legion of Super-Heroes for their training. Lightning Lad was stated to had taken 11 attempts till he was able to pass the sim.
  • In Supergirl, Daxam was mentioned in the live-action television series in the episode "Welcome to Earth". It was revealed to had been a world that was a twin to Krypton that orbited the same star that also developed its humanoid intelligent inhabitants. Daxam was said to hold a native animal race of dragons that were used in sports. The world had a long standing enmity and rivalry with its twin world of Krypton with the two planets engaging in conflict that they blamed on the other. During Krypton's destruction, the debris impacted Daxam's moon causing debris to smash onto the surface whereupon the world was ravaged by solar storms. Though the planet still existed, all life on it was wiped out as a result of the catastrophe. The Daxamites meanwhile were scattered across the universe with the Royal Family seeking to re-settle it.


  • Adventure Comics v1: (1963)
  • Legion of Super-Heroes:
  • Green Lantern Corps:

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