Dracula (Castlevania)

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Dracula is a male video game character who features in Castlevania.




Mathias Cronqvist (Japanese: マティアス・クロンクビスト, Hepburn: Matiasu Kuronkubisuto?) was a male human that lived in the 11th century and was born to a scholarly family who held books about many arcane arts of alchemy. In those years, he served in a company of knights alongside then Baron Leon Belmont. With Mathias's brilliant military strategies and Leon's skill with a sword their company came to be an unstoppable force. The well educated Matthias was also noted to had met Rinaldo Gandolfi at some unspecified time. He was later known to had married a woman named Elisabetha where he deeply loved his wife. Cronqist was later involved in a campaign against heathens in the east when Elisabetha died due to illness. Upon his return, he came to learn of her passing which left Matthias overtaken with despair so great that he became bedridden. Lamenting the loss of his love, he came to be angry with God who he began to blame for his wife's death. He believed that he had risked his life in God's name only for the one thing that mattered most to him in the world being taken from him by a merciless God. This he deemed to be unjust and unfair as Elisabetha was a pure and blameless woman who did not deserve to die especially when she was still young. Secretly, he devised a plan to take revenge on God for stealing Elisabetha by becoming a vampire and living eternally. By becoming immortal, he looked to defy God's decree that man should have a limited life and looked to spend eternity cursing Him. He began to delve into the arcane arts and learnt of the Crimson Stone (深紅の石 Shinku no ishi?) that was considered to be a treasure among vampires. Through some means, the stone came into Mathias's possession and he planned to use it to ascend to immortality.

Through his acquiring the arcane relic, an evil deity known as Death bound himself in servitude to Mathias, as Death would only follow he who controlled the Crimson Stone. With the stone, Mathias could not only control the powerful spirit creature, but also absorb the souls of slain vampires and add their powers to his own. As an effect of this, humanity would be lost and he would become a vampire himself. The young knight then had all the resources he needed to plan his scheme to become an immortal. Mathias eventually came in contact with a powerful Vampire Lord named Walter Bernhard, who had somehow obtained the Ebony Stone, another vampiric treasure that locked his forested realm and castle in eternal night, thereby making him the most powerful vampire. The only thing of value that Walter desired was the Crimson Stone, which was believed to be lost for ages, but was secretly held by Mathias. The vampire was bored due to his own immortality and in order to distract himself from that, he enjoyed playing life and death games with brave humans. To raise the stakes of the game - to make the human more interested - he would steal that which is most precious from his target. Mathias suggested targeting Sara Trantoul to Walter, the fiancée of Leon Belmont. The knight would make an interesting player in Walter's game, because according to Mathias's stories, his combat prowess was second to none. Walter, who didn't realize he was being tricked, ordered his forces to invade Leon's domain in order to capture Sara.

All went according to Mathias's ingenious plan; Leon went to Walter's castle to save Sara and due to a series of planned events, was able to defeat Walter. When Walter was dying, Death appeared and took his soul and granted the vampire's power to Mathias, who had materialized in the castle. It was only in his final moments that Walter realized what was happening and what Mathias's true intentions were. Due to absorbing Walter's soul, Mathias became the most powerful vampire, though the Ebony Stone eluded him, as it was destroyed in Leon and Walter's battle. Mathias then declared that he had never spent a better night and gave Leon his gratitude. A confused Leon demanded an explanation, to which Mathias replied that he needed a powerful vampire's soul and he knew that Leon had it in him to destroy Walter so that he could take the soul. Leon sensed a rage from the Vampire Killer, which he used to kill Walter and asked in disbelief if his best friend had abandoned humanity. Mathias confirmed this and revealed his motive. He admitted that everyone involved in the ordeal were just pawns in his plan to become the most powerful vampire and curse God forevermore because of God's cruelty. Mathias then offered Leon eternal life as he, too, suffered over the death of his beloved. Leon refused, because eternity without the one he loved would be empty and Mathias's twisted plan had cost Sara her life. Mathias believed that Leon out of all people would be the one to understand him, but when that wasn't the case, he became a bat and flew away and the two would never meet again, also ordering Death to dispose of Leon. Mathias went in hiding in foreign lands and he continued to curse God. Eventually, he named himself Vlad Țepeș Dracula, Lord of the Vampires and King of the Night.

Dracula Vlad Țepeș (Japanese: ドラキュラ・ヴラド・ツェペシュ, Dorakyura Vurado Tsepeshu)

Ancient vampire of Transylvania and mortal foe of the entire Belmont line of vampire hunters. He once loved a mortal woman named Lisa, a healer, and the two had a child, half-human, half-vampire, named Alucard. Lisa was slain by her townspeople, believing her a witch, and Dracula swore vengeance on the entire human race to avenge her. Dracula thereafter tried to destroy the human race and its chief defenders, the Belmont line. Time and time again he was destroyed, only to rise again thanks to his followers or the passage of roughly a hundred years (after which time he could resurrect himself without any help). Though Belmonts (and others) have defeated him at every turn- in 1450, in 1476, in 1576, in 1691, in 1788, in 1792, in 1844, in 1897, in 1999, and in 2035- Dracula has all eternity to rise again and again, until he finally gains victory.


Personality and attributes

Following his transformation into a vampire, he came to take the name of Count Dracula Vlad Ţepeş (ドラキュラ・ヴラド・ツェペシュ Dorakyura Vurado Tsepeshu?).

Some of his most consistent traits however are his deep cruelty and indifference to all the destruction he brings with him, while somewhat taking pleasure on the suffering he inflicts on others. He also justifies his actions by claiming that it is not by his power that he comes back, but through the malice of humans that makes his return possible, going as far as questioning whether he is truly "evil" because of this.

Despite being challenged and defeated numerous times by the Belmont Clan, he always seems to play with them at first before using his full power, possibly underestimating them while at the same time enjoying his battles with the family, something he does mention from time to time as he even looks forward to his next encounter against the Belmonts after being defeated.

He had said that he had risked his life and fought for the sake of God only for them to mercilessly steak away the one he loved most in the world. Thus, he deemed that limited life was God's decree and for that he reason he decided to defy it. For the rest of eternity, he deemed that he would curse Him as a result. This in turn led to his goal in becoming a vampire to gain eternal life which was his revenge against God.

Al he ever wished for in life was the safety of Elisabetha.

Dracula was a passionate demon worshipper who sold his soul and that of his son, Alucard, to an evil god in exchange for his power. Later developments retconned Alucard as having been born as a vampire-human hybrid, but Dracula's pact with the evil god remained as the means through which he became the Dark Lord, obtaining control over the legions of darkness.

Powers and abilities

He was regarded as a genius tactician who was even called Cronqvist the Wise. Mathias had detailed knowledge of alchemy due to his family books recording secret arts transmitted orally concerning alchemy that was a science that experimented with the arcane.

Originally, Mathias was an ordinary human being until he completed the Crimson Stone (深紅の石 Shinku no ishi?) thus granting him eternal life and the curse of vampirism.

Among the abilities known to him included:

  • Hellfire (ヘルファイア Herufaia?) :
  • Dark Inferno (ダークインフェルノDākuinferuno) :
  • Demonic Megiddo (デモニックメキド Demonikku Mekido?) :
  • Dominus Hatred ("ドミナス・オディウム Dominus Odium?) :

His dominion over demons and monsters from the Demon Realm was given by Chaos, an ancient powerful entity that feeds on evil and darkness from the hearts of mankind. His resurrection cycles are also fueled by this force and act as a via to resurrect him in a Black Mass, performed by his loyal followers who know the ideal moment and years to hold it; as humanity forgets about god and lost their faith by time.

He came to make his home that came to be known as Dracula's Castle (ドラキュラ城 Dorakyura Jō?).


  • Dracula was created by Hitoshi Akamatsu where he featured in the setting of the Castlevania universe.
  • The character was loosely based on the eponymous character from Bram Stoker's 1897 novel, Dracula, as well as the historical figure, Vlad Drăculea.

Alternate Versions

  • In Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, an alternate version of Dracula appeared where he was once a holy knight in the 11th century called Gabriel Belmont.

In other media


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