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A vampire is a supernatural creature, once a living human but now undead, that feeds on the blood of the living. The conditions under which one becomes a vampire are varied, but the most common is infection by another vampire, specifically if one is slain by being fed upon by one.



General Characteristics

Vampires tend to look as they did in life, albeit more deathly in appearance and more seductive in manner. They also tend to have no heartbeat and cold skin, reflecting their nature as an animated corpse. The abilities of vampires are likewise varied, but tend to include superhuman strength, superhuman reflexes and speed, and superior resistance to injury. Lastly, the weaknesses tend to include a fatal vulnerability to sunlight, a return to death when staked through the heart, burned, or beheaded, and an aversion to holy symbols such as the cross and holy objects such as holy water.


Vampires can climb walls like an insect, transform into a bat or a cloud of mist, and have an ability to mesmerize and control normal humans and animals. Such vampires also cast no reflection in mirrors and are repulsed by garlic. (It has also been noted that Stoker's vampires appeared to have no trouble with the sun, although adaptations of the novel tend to ignore that.)

Similar Versions

The vampires from the Universal Monsters, Dark Shadows and Castlevania universes are similar to this version.

Vampire Chronicles

Vampires can only create others of its kind if the vampire-to-be also drinks some of the vampire "sire"'s blood. They have no vulnerability to holy symbols, and are able to fly.


Vampires are like the Dracula version, except that they can also become wolves or assume a hybrid form between animal and human. Further, they can fly, and holy objects only affect them if the user has an actual belief in the object's holiness. They are vulnerable to silver in addition to everything else; stakes, however, merely paralyze them until they are removed.


Vampires vary widely in this universe, from monstrous creatures like Caitiff, or sometimes more like the Dracula or Marvel versions as in the I, Vampire series.


These vampires are much different than the others. Firstly, there is nothing remaining of the soul of the original human- instead, a demon takes up residence that absorbs the memories and darker personality aspects of the original. In reflection of that demonic nature, Buffy vampires assume a more monstrous appearance when entering battle. They cannot assume the forms of animals or mists, and possess no inherent hypnotic abilities. Buffy vampires also turn to dust when they are staked, rather than leaving a corpse (though there are exceptions). (In the original film, the vampires did not turn to dust, and could fly, but those abilities were dropped for the series.)

Dungeons and Dragons

Vampires feed on life energy rather than blood (although they frequently get said life energy by drinking victims' blood), and may create specially bonded vampire mates in a manner similar to the Vampire Chronicles version. In other aspects, they are more or less identical to the Marvel Comics version.

Real Ghostbusters

These vampires are like the Marvel version, except they can also manifest bat-like wings for flight.

Mighty Max

Vampires are really monstrous mosquito-like creatures that can take on human form.

Van Helsing

Dracula and his three brides Aleera, Verona, and Marishka were capable of walking around in the daylight hours, so long as they remained out of direct sunlight. They were vulnerable to silver, and were capable of transforming into large, humanoid bat creatures.

Jack Staff

Vampires can turn into batlike monstrosities when using their vampiric powers: the ability to turn into a noxious mist, as well as bat-like senses and flight.

Notable Vampires

See also

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