Draenor is a planet that features in Warcraft.
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Draenor was a planet with a relatively warm climate, moderate seasons, and the majority of its landmasses covered with prairies and woods of giant mushroom-like plants. However, primarily of note was the color of the sky, which varied from a vivid orange to deep red.
The planet came to develop an abundance of spiritual energy that prevented any elementals from taking physical form. This though had the effect of causing the accelerated growth of life leading to the formation of a savage ecosystem. At the top was an invasive species of carnivorous plants known as the Sporemounds was that was part of a pervasive kingdom called the Evergrowth. It was during this time that the Titan 'Aggramar came upon Draenor during his travels where he was intrigued by the world though foresaw doom if the native plant life was allowed to grow unchecked. He could see that the Evergrowth would eventually consume everything on the planet which would include its elemental spirits before devouring itself. This would leave Draenor a wasteland and devoid of any life with the Titan's natural affinity for order compelling Aggramar to take action. However, he did not wish to completely destroy the plant life but simply to temper it and to do so he could to neutralise the heart of the Evergrowth's power which were the Sporemounds. Destroying these himself would risk irreparable damage to Draenor and could potential shatter it but the Titan could not stand guard over the world forever. Thus, he decided to he needed mighty servants that would operate to uproot the Sporemounds and thus used his powers to give the mountains life thus creating the Grond. These giants strode over the surface where they battled the Evergrowth until one of the Sporemounds was destroyed.
Around 200 years ago, Draenor came to be visited by a Naaru vessel named the Genedar that was piloted by the Draenei who crashed on the world. These uncorrupted Eredar believed the world would make the ideal refuge for their millennia-long exodus and came to name it Draenor ("Exiles' Refuge"). Despite some trading, both societies never gave much thought to the other.
However, the orcs were later corrupted by the Burning Legion and turned into ferocious and merciless warriors by the blood of Mannoroth. They also began to wield warlock magic that caused the corruption of the whole planet. Little by little, the prairies disappeared, giving way to red and blasted wastelands. Under the Legion's influence, the Orcish Horde slaughtered the Draenei, who up until that time were the dominant race in Draenor. While some of the remaining 20% of the Draenei fled the planet in their interdimensional ship "The Exodar" which was damaged in the attack and crashed in the Azuremyst Isles on Azeroth. Those left behind remained scattered and hidden, most were mutated physically by the warlock magic that they were exposed to, became known as "The Broken".
Later, the opening of too many waygates by Ner'zhul caused the partial destruction of Draenor. The chaotic energies from the portals violently shook the entire planet, ripping open large rifts into the Twisting Nether, rendering the world into pieces.
Still, one remnant of Draenor, the Hellfire Peninsula and the majority of the southern continent remain after the explosion and is suspended as a still-habitable planetoid, thereafter referred to as the Outland.
One of the many brutal pit lords of the Burning Legion, Magtheridon, took control of the world with his demonic troops after Mannoroth was destroyed by Thrall and Grom Hellscream. The pit lord continued to rule by transforming most of surviving orcs into Fel Orcs (also known as Red Orcs) and assumed power, marking the center of his domain with the Black Citadel. From there he ruled over Outland with the aid of his most trusted lieutenants - The Master of Pain and The Mistress of Torment.
Illidan Stormrage fled to Outland with his lieutenants, Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider and Lady Vashj, as well as their armies of Blood Elves and Naga. Illidan fled to Outland in hopes of escaping the Wrath of the Demon Kil'jaeden, whom Illidan had angered by failing to destroy Ner'zhul, the Lich King. Illidan successfully invaded The Black Citadel, shutting down the remaining demonic portals, enslaving the Pit Lord, and claiming the throne as his own.
Illidan now reigns over the Black Citadel in the Shadowmoon Valley, attended by a host of demons, Fel Orcs, Draenei, Blood Elves and Naga. Most of the Blood Elves, including Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider, occupy The Mana Forges in the Netherstorm, along with the mysterious Tempest Keep; while Lady Vashj and her Naga are to be found in Coilfang Reservoir, in Zangarmarsh. Auchindoun, the Draenei temple/tombs which lie in ruins due to the Alliance Invasion of Draenor, occupies the center of the Bone Wastes, just south of the Draenei capital "Shattrath" in Terokkar Forest. The Dark Portal and Hellfire Citadel still stand to the east in Hellfire Peninsula, which serves as the prison of Magtheridon. Here, Illidan uses the Pit Lord's blood to experiment in ways of making his Fel Orcs even stronger.
In appearance, Draenor was a large, fertile world dominated by vast plains, dense forests, and lush swamps. The name of the planet came from the Draenei who named the world Draenor ("Exiles' Refuge") with the Orcs adopting the name as they had no word to identify their world. To the Ogres, the world was known as Dawgar ("the Known Earth") whilst the Arakkoa called it Rakshar ("the Sunstone").
Locations on Draenor included:
- Hellfire Peninsula :
- Zangarmarsh :
- Terokkar Forest :
- Nagrand :
- Blade's Edge Mountains :
- Netherstorm : originally known as Farahlon that was a lush island in the Barrier Sea that consisted of beautiful forests and a verdant open range east of Gorgrond.
- Shadowmoon Valley :
Native intelligent races included:
- Orcs :
- Arakkoa :
- Botani : an intelligent, bark-skinned race of humanoids that were among the Primals of Draenor who worshipped the enormous genesaur as gods and were notorious for their ability to infest humanoid races turning them into shambling slaves.
- Gronn :
- Ogres :
- Draenei :
It was known that Draenor did not possess a world-soul.
Organizations on Draenor included:
- Broken :
- Ner'zhul :
- Gul'dan :
- Magtheridon :
- Draenor was created by Blizzard Entertainment and featured in the setting of the Warcraft universe.
Alternate Versions
- Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness:
- Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne:
- World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade:
- World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor:
External Links
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