Eto Yoshimura

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Eto Yoshimura is a female anime and manga character who features in Tokyo Ghoul.




Eto Yoshimura (Japanese: エト, Hepburn Eto) was the daughter of Ghoul father Yoshimura and Human mother named Ukina. The two had fallen in love in the modern age where Ukina gave birth to a naturally occurring One-Eyed Ghoul hybrid. After her birth, her mother began to secretly investigate the mysterious organization known as V who forced Yoshimura to kill his lover as punishment for 'betraying' them. To protect his daughter, Yoshimura entrusted Eto to the care of a Ghoul named Noroi where he left her in the 24th Ward with her mothers diary. In the years afterwards, Noroi came to serve as a foster father for her where she managed to survive in the ward and even became a kakuja whereupon she began a blood rampage. One day, the Commission of Counter Ghoul conducted a routine whack-a-mole operation where a team led by Itsuki Marude travelled into the 24th Ward where they first encountered Eto deep inside the area and were quickly overwhelmed by her. To protect the team, Associate Special Class Ghoul Investigator Kasuka Mado stayed behind to allow her comrades to escape thus sacrificing her life and protecting her husband who was a fellow Investigator. Upon C.C.G.s return, they investigated the site to find the scattered remains of Kasuka Mado whose partially devoured body parts were left behind. This resulted in her husband Kureo Mado swearing vengeance with him determined in the elimination in killing Ghouls with this revenge consuming his life. On another day, Eto single-handedly killed a Special Class Investigator from the 3rd ward leading to the ghoul being given an S-rating and the nickname of X. A month later, Eto was responsible for a large-scale attack on the C.C.G.'s 2nd ward Branch Office which was heavily damaged and suffered numerous casualties. The C.C.G. then increased her rating to SS with her nickname being given to Owl due to the plumage of her kagune with the report leading to her also being named the One-Eyed Owl. Afterwards, Eto and other ghouls attacked the Cochlea ghoul detention centre in the 2nd ward where her rating was once more upgraded to SSS. At some point, she came to be the founder and leader of a group of Ghouls known as the Aogiri Tree.

During the course of her various attacks, the S3 Squad led by Special Class Mikito Urie faced Eto. He ordered a retreat and died fighting her alone to ensure his comrades' survival. Iwao Kuroiwa and the other survivors later reported this news to a young Kuki Urie, who swore to one day avenge his father. Later, Eto's faction attacked the 2nd ward for a second time. First Class Investigator Kuroiwa dealt heavy damage to Eto's kakuhou with his quinque. However, Kuroiwa himself was seriously injured and could not participate in later operations. Subsequently, Yoshimura, acting alone in his daughter's place, attacked the 2nd ward for a third time to divert the attention of the CCG and V from his daughter Eto, and was defeated and seriously injured by Kishou Arima. During one confrontation, Eto revealed her hatred for the world, criticizing its state, and saying the ghoul who killed Arima would be the hope for her entire race, while the latter smiled at her. They formed a plan to groom someone who would be competent enough to bear the title of the One-Eyed King, Kaneki was later chosen for the task. Sometime after this, Eto tried to become an author, showing her manuscript to Shunji Shiono. Though initially rejected, she was finally accepted and adopted the pseudonym Sen Takatsuki, beginning her career as a novelist, at the same time planning for her next move. Her first work, titled Dear Kafka, would go on to be a best-seller and help establish a strong following as an author. She published five other works before publishing The Black Goat's Egg. Around two years after her debut, Eto was already aware of her father's identity, though the sight of him visibly angered her. One night, Shiono dropped by her apartment and accidentally found human body parts inside her fridge. Despite Shiono finding out about her ghoul nature, she spared him and the two continued working together.

Eto attended the meeting where Kaneki was brought before Tatara. At the end of the meeting, Tatara left the Aogiri hideout's affairs to Noro. Tatara predicted that the Doves would come soon and ordered Noro to follow their plan. Then, Tatara left with Eto to meet comrades that were waiting for them. While the 11th Ward Battle was taking place, Tatara and Eto led many of Aogiri's strongest members in an attack on Cochlea, freeing multiple dangerous ghouls. Eto was among the members of Aogiri gathered while Tatara interrogated Dr. Kanou's assistant about his location. She briefly chatted with Naki about Yamori's death, suggesting that Tatara should have killed Kaneki when he had the chance. Once the group had their information, she joined Tatara to discuss making their move before the Doves could. She was among those sent to raid Kanou's lab, and used the chaos to sneak deeper into the facility alone. There, she encountered the twins Kurona and Nashiro Yasuhisa, and taunted them about their past. Displaying incredible speed, she was able to seemingly teleport around the room while asking them painful questions. Once her psychological tactics overwhelmed them, she appeared behind Kazuichi Banjou and ripped out several of his ribs. Later on, she joins Kanou in his control room and watches the confrontation between Koutarou Amon and a deranged Kaneki. She expresses interest in Amon, before leaving the facility along with Kanou.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Eto Yoshimura was a short and very attractive woman who often had a sleepy expression on her face. She had light skin with a distinctive long green hair with similarly green eyes. Her right eye was revealed to be a kakugan whilst the other eye had a tone of light green. Her hair was often kept in an unkempt fashion with this being based on the style from her mother. When out on missions, she covered her body with bandages that wrapped her completely where she wore a magenta cloak on top with a bright pink neck scarf that had flowers on it and showed more childish traits. When she is out on missions, Eto wears childish attire with bandages wrapped around her body and a magenta cloak over the top. She also wears a bright pink neck scarf with flowers on it. She came to be referred to as the One-Eyed Owl by the C.C.G. Within society, she had a secret human identity where she was a celebrity writer known as Sen Takatsuki (高槻 泉, Takatsuki Sen).

Eto was shown to possess a sadistic personality where she often expressed joy at the suffering of others. She had no qualms about remorselessly slaughtering humans and ghouls alike with her showing happiness when she was inflicting pain. It was noted that like her mother that she had a very sharp intuition about the feelings and desires of others. However, Eto used this as a means of exploiting others to the fullest when dealing with her victims and manipulating them to do her bidding.

Like most ghouls, Eto was able to compartmentalise her real ghoul nature and her human alter ego which she did so with ease. This was shown when she appeared as As Sen Takatsuki where her personality was shown to be much different. In that role, she was shown as being quite playful and scatter brained at times with her oversleeping on the day she was supposed to be signing books and taking photos with admirers when it was prohibited by her manager. However, a personality profile made by Haise Sasaki in an analysis of her works showed that Eto as an the author was a woman filled with despair and hatred towards the world having completely abandoned hope long ago.

She came to reveal that her feelings for Kaneki were deep and that she had grown fond of him. Eto came to believe that they were similar both in terms of personality and because they were one-eyed ghouls. In one case, she claimed to 'love' Kaneki though in her own twisted view of it.

Arima was the only known human able to fight Eto in her kakuja form. His reputation made Eto eager to fight him when he arrived with his squad, but retreated later. She describes him as a ruthless person who does not hold back. Since their encounter years ago, they had been acting together in secret, creating a ghoul that could unite humans and ghouls together and create a new world order.

Eto was fascinated by him, taking an active interest in Amon after witnessing his battle against a deranged Kaneki. She seems to know quite a bit about his past, considering this unusual and noteworthy enough to make him more interesting than the half-ghoul Kaneki. In her human identity, she goes to CCG headquarters to meet with him under the guise of an interview. There, she discloses information about Kanou's laboratory, and causes him to begin questioning the secrets the CCG might be hiding.

Powers and abilities

As a One-Eyed Ghoul, Eto had inherited the powerful physiology of her father alongside the enhanced vigour that was common among hybrids. She came to possess Ukaku Kakuja as a result of living for many years in the 24th ward where she was forced to cannibalize other ghouls from an early age. Unlike other kakujas, Eto was shown to retain her consciousness rather than fall into a feral state. This allowed her to quickly become a kakuja which she was able to shape into two muscular blades above her shoulders. This increased her ability in close-range an helped counteract any weakness in her kagune.

Eto's skill with her kagune is far more advanced than most ghouls. After the timeskip, her kagune takes the form of multiple grotesque appendages attached to her back. These appendages can be shaped into eyes, mouths, arms, and legs in order to suit Eto's purposes. Her kagune appears to be an extension of her consciousness as the mouths often speak incoherent sentences, possibly her thoughts at the moment.

In her full kakuja form, she could take on the appearance of a large monstrous creature with her laving large spikes protruding from her back and four large protrusions similar to her father along with bird-like feet. A kakuja mask developed four horns and a single eye in the center with three markings on both cheeks and the forehead. In this state, Eto was incredible powerful with her able to fire large projectiles that were able to overwhelmed seasoned fighters with ease. Meanwhile, her augmented physical strength meant that she was able to overpower strong foes through brute force alone.


  • Eto Yoshimura was created by Sui Ishida where she featured in the setting of the Tokyo Ghoul universe.

In other media



  • Tokyo Ghoul:

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