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Shadow Weaver is a female character who features in She-Ra.




Evelyn Morgan Powers was a female human who was an inhabitant of the planet Eternia.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Evil-Lyn was shown to be a beautiful woman with olive skin and short white hair. She was known as the Mistress of the Realm of Shades and as the Sorceress of Horokoth.

Evil-Lyn was noted for being quite treacherous and once said that she was on no one's side but her own.

Evil-Lyn was fiercly ambitious and often worked independently of Skeletor, enacting her own schemes to conquer Eternia, for which she would occasionally enlist Skeletor's other henchmen, whom she delighted in bossing around.

One incarnation of her was said to be the daughter of the Faceless One who was a sorcerer that was bound to the ruins of Zalesia.

She came to be considered Skeletor's greatest ally and his worst enemy. Evil-Lyn once revealed that she felt no loyalty toward Skeletor as it was his power that she wanted for herself.

Powers and abilities

It was noted that she was one of the most powerful beings on Eternia. Her magical abilities appeared to be endless, both with and without her wand.

Evil-Lyn had magical powers which made her second only to Skeletor. She could teleport, shoot magical blasts from her hands and eyes, control the minds of others and conjure violent storms. She was also very skilled at disgusing herself, often fooling the heroic warriors with her deceptions


  • Evil-Lyn was created by Mattel where she featured in the setting of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.

In other media


  • In He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Evil-Lyn appeared in the setting of the 1980s animated television series where she was voiced by actress Linda Gary.
  • In He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Evil-Lyn appeared in the setting of the 2000s animated televisions series where she was voiced by actress Kathleen Barr. This version was revealed to be the daughter of the mysterious sorcerer known as the Faceless One who lived confined and alone in the ruins of Zalesia where eh was the guardian of the Ram Stone. In her youth, Evil-lyn met Keldor, and forged an alliance with him, and the two were implied to share a romantic attraction. When he was gravely injured fighting Captain Randor at the Hall of Wisdom, Evil-Lyn helped the dying Keldor to Hordak's Sanctuary and witnessed his transformation into Skeletor. Evil-lyn was horrified by Keldor's transformation and realised he was not the same man she had once cared for, as he laughed maniacally upon seeing his skull-like visage.


  • In Masters of the Universe, Evil-Lyn appeared in the setting of the 1987 live-action film where she was portrayed by actress Meg Foster. Sometime ago, Evil-Lyn tricked Gwildor into giving her the Cosmic Key, which was then used by Skeletor's forces to launch an all out assault on Grayskull from within. After capturing Grayskull, Evil-lyn awaited Skeletor in the throne room to report their success. She assured Skeletor that the city had been secured, though He-Man continued to elude their armies. When Evil-Lyn triumphantly stated that Grayskull was finally theirs, Skeletor swiftly corrected her, stating that it in fact belonged to him alone. When He-Man and his allies later infiltrated Grayskull in an attempt to rescue the Sorceress, Evil-Lyn quickly spotted Gwildor and realised he had a second Cosmic Key. Unfortunately, she realised this too late, and Gwildor was able to open a portal to Earth, allowing He-Man, Man-At-Arms and Teela to escape. Evil-Lyn quickly assembled Skeletor's finest warriors; Karg, Saurod, Blade and Beast Man, to go in search of the key, and tracked it's signal to Earth.



  • He-Man and the Masters of the Universe:

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