Garrison Kane
Garrison Kane is a male comic character who features in Marvel Comics.
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Garrison Kane
He came to be a covert spy in the Department K administration and took part in the second Weapon X program that grafted cybernetic limbs on him making him a cyborg. (Deadpool: The Circle Chase v1 #3)
He was the teams youngest member, and often immature compared to the veteran mercs. Despite that, he handled himself well enough on the field. On a Six Pack mission, the team was ambushed by Cable's clone Stryfe. Thinking it would save the team, Kane's friend Hammer tried to hand over vital information that Cable needed. Cable ended up shooting Hammer, paralyzing him. Prevented from rescuing the entire team, Cable fled through time, leaving his friends. In the ensuing destruction, Kane lost his arms and legs. (Cable - Blood and Metal v1 #2)
While with Weapon X, Garrison worked with other agents who had undergone different enhancement procedures, including Deadpool, Sluggo and Slayback. The others all died or went rogue, however, leaving Kane as the sole success for the second program. He became an active field agent under the codename of Weapon X, serving at the discretion of General Jeremy Clarke. Kane operated out of the Canadian government's covert agency in Newfoundland, Department K, which may have been named for their primary operative. While Department H was the ministry's public face, supporting super-heroes like Alpha Flight, K was more of a black ops unit whose existence was unknown to the public or even to Alpha Flight and other Department H agents. He was loaned to the Canadian government's Department K to work as a covert operative. Nearly seven years after the Six Pack's last mission, Weapon X was approached by his old comrade G.W. Bridge, who was now a commander in the international peace-keeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D. Bridge informed him that Cable was wanted for questioning after a terrorist bombing in Manhattan, and he was charged with bringing him in. Bridge offered Kane the chance to get involved in the hunt but Kane turning him down, preferring to leave his history with Cable in the past. Kane battled Deadpool, and was asked by former Six Pack colleague and S.H.I.E.L.D. agent G. W. Bridge to help capture Cable; he refused at that time to join the strike team named Weapon P.R.I.M.E. (X-Force v1 #2)
As X-Force defeated Weapon P.R.I.M.E., Kane learned the truth about Stryfe and was sent to Cable's future timeline, where his artificial limbs were reconstructed in liquid metal and upgraded with new weaponry and tools by Cable's freedom fighter group Clan Chosen. (Cable - Blood and Metal v1 #2)
Before Cable could fulfill that promise, however, he was called back to the present day when Stryfe attempted to assassinate Professor X sans helmet, thereby appearing to be Cable. With Nathan and his time-travel equipment gone, Kane was left stranded in the future. Hooking up with the remnants of the Clan Chosen, Cable's old revolutionary group, Garrison spent a full year waiting for Nate to return for him. Most of that time, Garrison researched Cable's past in order to get a better feel for the man. When Cable eventually did return, he led Kane and the Clan Chosen on a dual mission to capture the New Canaanites new time displacement nexus, sending Kane and Cable back to the present before destroying the nexus to prevent the Canaanites from using it themselves. (Cable v1 #2)
After that, Kane re-joined the Weapon X program and his cybernetic material was once again upgraded. The new upgrade made him able to duplicate the abilities of any mutant programmed into his bionics. Kane became the team's hit-man. In a battle with the group known as the Underground, Kane confronted his old friends Cable and Domino, and became repentant. Kane then used his power-duplication programming for the powers of former Alpha Flight member Madison Jeffries, who had been brainwashed into working for the murderous leader of Weapon X, Malcolm Colcord. These technoforming powers allowed Kane to disassemble Jeffries' army of Boxbots, but proved to be incompatible with his own bionics, apparently killing Kane with their use. (Weapon X v2 #12)
Personality and attributes
Powers and abilities
Eventually, he was implanted with a number of artificial limbs that turned him into a cyborg. (Deadpool: The Circle Chase v1 #3)
These included plasma generators within the arms that he could fire energy blasts at a target. (Cable - Blood and Metal v1 #1)
Kane's liquid metal limbs contained a record of known mutant power types. By uploading a particular power type, Kane could reshape his cybernetics to mechanically approximate that mutant ability. For instance, selecting 'Iceman' turned Kane's limbs into a freeze gun. (Weapon X v2 #8)
- Garrison Kane was created by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld where he made his first appearance in X-Force v1 #2 (September, 1991).
- The characters full name was given in Cable - Blood and Metal #1.
Alternate Versions
In other media
- In X-Men, Garrison Kane made a cameo appearance in the 1990 animated television series in the episode "Time Fugitives". This version was shown to be a cyborg in the distant future where he was part of Cable's anti-Apocalypse resistance but during a fight he was killed by being sucked into a time vortex.
- X-Force v1: (1991)
- Cable - Blood and Metal v1:
- Deadpool: The Circle Chase v1:
- Weapon X v2:
External Links
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