Genii (Stargate)

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The Genii are a civilization that features in Stargate.



The Genii were a human race that inhabited a world that was located in the Pegasus Galaxy. In time, they came to form a great confederation of planets where they had constructed numerous city-sized bunkers on their homeworld designed to shelter their people from long forgotten wars. Millennia ago, their civilisation drew the attention of the Wraith who proceeded to destroy their confederation and reduced them to ruin. In this time generations ago, the Genii managed to shoot down a Wraith Dart but at great cost though this simple act gave them hope for resisting their enemy. The survivors came to seek shelter in the underground bunkers in order to maintain their society. In time, deception became their prime means of survival as they hid their advancement in order to escape the Wraith's attention. From deep underground, they continued their advancement whilst on the surface they portrayed themselves as simple farmers. The Genii then spent years developing a plan at striking back at the Wraith during their slumber where they intended to develop nuclear capabilities. The intention was to develop atomic weapons and sneak them onto Wraith Hiveship to destroy them. (SGA: Underground)

Over the years, they were known to had made many trading partners which included the Athosians with Teyla Emmagan having met them though she never knew about their true nature. (SGA: Underground)

Teyla later introduced her friends in the Atlantis Expedition to the Genii when Atlantis was running low on food supplies. Major John Sheppard offered medicinals as trade but the Genii wanted more due to the amount of crops that were being requested of them. It was then that Major Sheppard offered C4 explosives where it was seemingly being used to clear out the landscape for the planting of more crops though in reality the Genii intended to use it to answer the issues of supercriticality in their atomic weapons. Thus, a trade agreement was formed though Major Sheppard and Rodney McKay came to unwittingly discover the true hidden nature of the Genii. Ordinarily, the Genii would have killed those that discovered their secret but they had need of the C4 explosives possessed by Atlantis. Thus, Major Sheppard managed to forge an alliance with the Genii as the two shared a goal in fighting the Wraith. However, the Genii leader Cowen was infuriated when he learnt that the Atlantis Expedition had unwittingly awakened the Wraith from their slumber. (SGA: Underground)

Afterwards, the leader of the Manarians informed the Genii that the Atlantis Expedition were looking to seek shelter on Manaria for their people. This was because of a powerful storm that would affect their world which meant that a skeletal crew would remain behind in the city of Atlantis to save it whilst the remaining inhabitants were off-world. Chief Cowen then summoned for Commander Acastus Kolya and decided to accelerate their plans in taking over Atlantis as an opportunity had presented itself. Kolya believed his team was not ready yet but Cowen pushed forward with launching their mission. Travelling to Manaria, they captured an Athosian trader who was made drunk at the time and used him to get the identification code for the Atlantis shield. Using the code, they Genii strike team claimed to be the Athosian trader who had come under attack and hat they had injured where they were returning to Atlantis. The control room crew allowed them entry where the strike team murdered the two guards after which Kolya moved his men to take over the city. (SGA: The Storm)


In appearance, the Genii were a human civilisation though they had two different facets of their society. On the surface, they appeared as simple primitive farmers with this helping them evade the attention of the Wraith. The true nature of their people was within their underground bunker cities. (SGA: Underground)

Secrecy was said to be the greatest defence of the Genii. Typically, they were known to had killed those that had learnt of their secret. Officially, they were known to be farmer who were fair traders. (SGA: Underground)

In their underground home, their military was said to train whilst their scientists developed new weapons for them. (SGA: Underground)

It was estimated that Genii technology was sixty years behind that of Earth. The Genii have access to primitive computers and projectile firearms of various models. They had access to portable radio-like devices that could fit on a strap that could be placed below the wrist. (SGA: Underground)

The Genii have directed much effort into developing nuclear weapons, with which they hope to strike at the Wraith during their hibernation cycle. They have had trouble separating Uranium 235 from 238, and in initiating fission in a supercritical mass. Genii medical technology was not as advanced as that of Earth, and many of their people suffer from radiation sickness due to inadequately shielded reactors. (SGA: Underground)


  • Cowen : a senior male military leader of the Genii. (SGA: Underground)
  • Tyrus : a male military scientist who was the father of Sora with the pair working on a computer interface device to a Wraith flash memory drive. (SGA: Underground)
  • Acastus Kolya : an older male Commander who was a famed trainer and leader within the Genii military. (SGA: The Storm)
  • Sora : a female military officer who was the daughter of Tyrus where she was an accomplished marksman and worked with her father in developing an interface device to a Wraith flash memory drive. (SGA: Underground)
  • Ladon Radim :
  • Dahlia Radim :
  • Pranos :


  • The Genii were created by Peter DeLuise where they featured in the setting of the Stargate universe.


  • Stargate: Atlantis: "Underground"

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