God of Destruction (Dragon Ball)

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The God of Destruction is a title for a group that features in Dragon Ball Super.




The Gods of Destruction.

The Gods of Destruction (破壊神 Hakaishin, Lit. "Destruction God") or Destroyers were deities that were tasked with the destruction of planets, races and threats that posed a risk to the development of a universe. In this role, they operated alongside that of the Supreme Kais who were the Gods of Creation that were charged with creating and filling worlds with life with the two sides operating in balance. A universe had only a single destroyer but in the greater span of the Multiverse there were eighteen universes each of whom had their own respective God of Destruction. At some point, the Omni-King Zeno destroyed six of the eighteen universes thus eliminating them and their respective Gods of Destruction thus leaving twelve universes left in the Multiverse.

Eventually, Champa decided to arrive in Universe 7 in order to challenge his twin-brother to a competition whereby the winner gained the Super Dragon Balls from his universe. Son Goku managed to convince the pair to field a tournament against their respective universes in order to decide on the winner. The match was fielded in Universe 6 and arranged by Champa whereby five fighters from both sides would fight one another in the arena. Ultimately, Universe 7 won the match with Grand Zeno arriving where he became entertained by the fight. This led to the Omni-King deciding to field a much larger version of the competition that was to be waged against all the surviving universes before he departed. In the aftermath, Beerus gained the Super Dragon Balls and wished for the Earth of Universe 6 to be restored to life as the world had been destroyed in a conflict long ago.

Zeno after witnessing the Tournament of Destroyers held by Beerus and Champa. After enjoying the tournament for its entertainment value and the spectacle of the participating fighters, Zeno determined that a larger competition involving all of the Universes would prove even more entertaining. Later, after meeting the Future Zeno, Zeno had more or less forgotten about the tournament until reminded by an eager Goku. Having not seen the original martial arts competition, the Future Zeno was uncertain of the idea, leading to the need for the Zeno Expo, a smaller demonstration of a fighting competition. It was at the Zeno Expo where the stakes of the Tournament of Power were set forth. Per the wishes of the two Zenos, the Grand Minister announced that the eight universes with the lowest fighter levels would be required to compete. The Universes that did not win the competition would immediately be erased from existence by the two Omni-Kings, resulting in the loss of more than half of the multiverse. To the shock of all present, it was declared that even the Gods of Destruction and Supreme Kais of the defeated Universes would be erased as well. The only ones spared from erasure in a defeated universe would be the attendants to the Gods of Destruction. Universes 1, 5, 8, and 12 were exempt from participating in the tournament due to their inhabitants having an average Mortal Level above 7. The eight other Universes, such as Universe 7 (level 3.18) or Universe 9 (level 1.86), aere left to fight to determine which one of them deserved to be saved.


In appearance, the Gods of Destruction were all powerful beings that operated in the universe. Each were among the mightiest entities in the Multiverse with them being universally feared as they were strong enough to elicit fear in both mortals and other gods. Unlike the Supreme Kais, the Gods of Destruction were not a single race but rather a title that could be bestowed on any individual. Alongside the Destroyer, the individual received an Angel attendant who served their needs. Despite their sheer destructive power, they were not invincible and not necessarily the strongest fighters in their respective universe. If the God of Destruction was ever killed then their Angel attendant became inactive until a new Destroyer appeared. As such, despite their incredible power and longevity a God of Destruction was capable of dying. In such situations, their Angel attendant sought out and trained potential replacements. Candidates did not need to be of the divine race and could be mortals who were selected if they possessed the adequate power for the role. A God of Destruction candidate (破壊神候補 Hakaishin kōho) was capable of turning down the role that was being offered to them. However, if they accepted, then they could take on the power of destruction and receive training from the Angel until they gained control over their new ability.

Despite their role, Gods of Destruction were not necessarily evil even if some enjoyed their duties. In fact, some were shown to be quite benevolent figures who instead used their powers to enforce 'justice' in their respective universe by destroying only planets or anything which they considered evil. Unlike the Angels and Kai's, they shared the emotions that mortals possess and were prone to the same revolt and rage, as they were once mortal beings themselves, which may cause them to commit abuse of their power, injustice, evil, and tyranny. While the Gods of Destruction were generally fearless of deities and mortals alike, they were shown to respect both the power of Zeno and the Grand Minister due to their greater position and power. While Gods of Destruction may destroy any individuals that oppose them or causes them trouble through their actions, they may spare mortals whom they find useful even if they were evil. Additionally, even if they befriend mortals, Gods of Destruction are no more obligated to help them than their divine counterparts and some such as Beerus will even refuse to assist them on principle, though this is mainly for their benefit, as Gods of Destruction destroy mainly to encourage growth among the mortal population of their universe.

Only those that were able to attain the powerful Destroyer Form (破壊神モード Hakaishin Mōdo, lit. "God of Destruction Mode") were they able to gain the traits of a God of Destruction. A unique ability taught to all Gods of Destruction was the potent 'Power of Destruction' which allowed them to 'destroy' any particular object or person. This could be achieved through simple contact and without the need for a fight with planets or even gods capable of being affected by this power. It was an absolute ability that could annihilate non-corporeal beings that could include ghosts or souls but was unable to destroy a person who was truly immortal. Hakai (破壊 Hakai, lit. "Destruction") was a powerful ability used most notably by the Gods of Destruction. Ultra Ego (我儘わがままの極意ごくい Wagamama no Goku'i, lit. "The Secret of the Self-indulgent") was a highly advanced battle technique primarily used by Gods of Destruction. It could also be manifested through the Ultra Ego transformation by those who were trained in the ways of Destroyers.

Once every millennia, the Kais and the Gods of Destruction went to their respective realms in order to hold coordination meetings. Gods of Destruction were intrinsically linked to the Supreme Kais of their respective universe. This was to the point that if all the Supreme Kais were to die then similarly their Destroyer would perish as well with this being a way of offsetting the balance of their respective universe. Only the gods themselves and their assistants were aware of this knowledge with a rare few mortals being entrusted with this information.

Gods of Destruction do not always work alone in their destruction and sometimes can appoint someone else the duty of destroying, thus becoming an Agent of Destruction (破壊の代行 Hakai no daikō).


  • Iwne (イワン Iwan) : a small haired creature who was the God of Destruction of Universe 1. His attendant and martial arts instructor was Awamo.
  • Heles (ヘレス Heresu) : a dark skinned female who was the God of Destruction of Universe 2. Her attendant and martial arts instructor was Sour.
  • Mosco (モスコ Mosuko) : a robotic outer shell that was piloted by the red-skinned and horned male Mule (ミュール Myūru) who was the God of Destruction of Universe 3. His attendant and martial arts instructor was Camparri.
  • Quitela (キテラ Kitera) : a green-skinned rat-like male who was the God of Destruction of Universe 4. His attendant and martial arts instructor was Cognac.
  • Arack (アラク Araku) : a fish-like male who was the God of Destruction of Universe 5. His attendant and martial arts instructor was Cukatail.
  • Champa (シャンパ Shanpa) : a male cat-like humanoid who was the twin brother of Beerus with Champa becoming the God of Destruction of Universe 6. His attendant and martial arts instructor was Vados.
  • Beerus (ビルス Birusu) :
  • Liquiir (リキール Rikīru) : a male fox-like being who was the God of Destruction of Universe 8. His attendant and martial arts instructor was Liquiir.
  • Sidra (シドラ Shidora) : a bald-headed green-skinned male with long hair in the back who was the God of Destruction of Universe 9. His attendant and martial arts instructor was Mojito.
  • Rumsshi (ラムーシ Ramūshi) : a pink skinned male elephant-like being who was the God of Destruction of Universe 10. His attendant and martial arts instructor was Kusu.
  • Belmod (ベルモッド Berumoddo) : a male clown-appearing member of Universe 11 who was once a Pride Trooper with him being friend and companion of Gicchin but the pair parted ways as Belmod did not agree with the idea of teamwork or friendship. He became a God of Destruction thousands of years ago but eventually decided to retire with Toppo being the candidate to replace him. His attendant and martial arts teacher was Marcarita.
  • Giin (ジーン Jīn) : a green-skinned fish-like male being who was the God of Destruction of Universe 12. His attendant and martial arts instructor was Martinu.
  • Toppo :


  • The Gods of Destruction was created by Akira Toriyama where it featured in the setting of the Dragon Ball universe.
  • The position initially appeared as a solitary title for Beerus when he was introduced in the animated film Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods.
  • Multiple Gods of Destruction were later established and later shown in Dragon Ball Super.

Alternate Versions

  • In Dragon Ball GT, Dr. Myuu created the Machine Mutant known as Lord Luud that came to reside on Planet Luud. The titanic machine was worshipped by the Luud Cult who came to refer to the creature as the God of Destruction Luud (破壊神ルード). The term God of Destruction was created in Dragon Ball Super with Luud not being one of them but simply known by that title.

In other media


  • In Dragon Ball Super, the Gods of Destruction appeared in the setting of the anime television series adaptation.


  • In Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, the God of Destruction appeared in the setting of the 2013 anime film.

Video games

  • In Dragon Ball Legends, Gods of Destruction appeared in the setting of the mobile video game.
  • In Dragon Ball Fighterz, Beerus was referred to as the God of Destruction in the setting of the fighting video game.


  • Dragon Ball Super:

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