Golden Dawn (Wolfenstein)
The Golden Dawn is the name of a group that featured in Wolfenstein.
The Golden Dawn was the name of an order consisting of various individuals who studied the occult.
At the height of the Second World War, this occult study group was led by Doctor Leonid Alexandrov. They eventually heard of the Nazi's moving into the town of Isenstadh where they were harvesting a rare mineral known as the nachstone crystal as well as tampering with powers the Golden Dawn believed they did not understand. Moving into the town in secret, they began operations to prevent the Nazi's from retrieving further items relating to the crystals and their findings led them to determine that a set of ruins otuside Isenstadh contained an artifact known as the Thule Medallion. The Golden Dawn dispatched Sergei Kolkov to find the medallion and prevent its discovery by the Nazi's but he was captured and interrogated, leading the Germans in uncovering a hidden chamber within the ruins.
Kolkov was, however, freed by a spy from the Office of Secret Actions; an American known as B.J. Blazkowics. Asking for his aid at the dig site, Blazkowics discovered the medallion but refused to hand it over to Kolkov. Reluctantly, Kolkov told him how to operate the arcane device and asked for his help in preventing the Nazi's from studying an ancient portal within the ruins. Kolkov departed from the dig site but later met Blazkowics at the Golden Dawn's hidden headquarters in the town, much to the disproval of his leader Alexandrov. Despite this being the case, Alexandrov asked for Blazkowics to meet one of his agents at the nearby tavern. Once there, it was revealed that the Golden Dawn had dispatched two of its agents to a farm that had been commandeered by the Nazi's.
A few days ago, only one of the agents returned and died from whatever that had claimed him whilst the whereabouts of his colleague were unknown. The American spy later went to check on the farmhouse to uncover what the Nazi's were doing as the Golden Dawn agent had a nachstone crystal with him but it was of inferior quality. When the spy arrived, he managed to rescue the other Golden Dawn agent whereupon it was revealed that the Nazi's were attempting to grow further nachstone crystals as part of a mysterious goal. When agent Blazkowics returned, Alexandrov told him that he only asked him to rescue their spy, not destroy the entire Nazi base. However, he later asked the American to investigate reports from their agents in the hospital commandeered by the Nazis. Once there, he made contact with the nurse who was part of the Golden Dawn but she and many other staff were killed by German Veil Assassins.
As the Golden Dawn continued to operate, Blazkowics eventually discovered onboard the German Zeppelin that Leonid Alexandrov was actually working with the Nazis. In fact, he orchestrated the movement of the Golden Dawn to Isenstadh in order to make use of his students to translate the Thule Manuscrupts for use by Deathshead and his forces. After uncovering a Thule Portal for the Nazis, Alexandrov was executed as he was of no further use to them.
- Leonid Alexandrov
- Sergei Kolkov
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