Gon Freecss

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Gon Freecss is a male anime and manga character who features in Hunter x Hunter.




Gon Freecss in Hunter x Hunter v1 #1.

Gon Freecss (Japanese: ゴン゠フリークス, Hepburn: Gon Furīkusu) was a male human who was born the son of the hunter Ging Freecss.

When he was 20 years old, Ging Freecss returned to his home on Whale Island for the first time in 8 years where he was carrying his infant son Gon. When questioned about the boy's mother, Ging simply said that the pair had been separated. In this time, Ging attempted to leave the newborn Gon in the care of his grandmother but his parenting style infuriated his cousin Mito Freecss (ミト゠フリークス, Mito Furīkusu) who claimed custody of the boy in court. Afterwards, Ging came to leave Whale Island with him never returning to his home town.

In the years afterwards, Gon was raised by Mito who became a foster mother to him where she claimed that his parents had died in an accident when he was a baby. When he was 9 years old, the boy was rescued from an angry mother Foxbear by a professional Hunter named Kite who had been a student of his father. During the encounter, Kite came to hit Gon in the face and tried to kill the Foxbear's cub but the young boy went to protect it. Kite revealed that he had been looking for Ging as a final test in being seen as a true Hunter where his admiration of his mentor awoke a desire in the young Gon to meet his own father. For this to occur, Gon needed a Hunter License and set about becoming a Hunter so he could learn why his father had chosen his profession over his son.

At some point, he asked his aunt if he could take part in the Hunter Exam where she said she would only allow him if he could catch the Master of the Swamp that was a giant fish operating on the island.

Gon was first seen fishing on a Whale Island bog for The Master of the Swamp—a fish so enormous that five grown fishermen pulling together could not land it, but Gon succeeds in catching it after a week of work. He made a wager with his aunt Mito Freecss that if he could catch the fish, she would allow him to take part in the Hunter Exam. After getting Mito's consent on his application to the Hunter Exam, Gon proceeds to say a bittersweet farewell to Kon; a Foxbear cub raised by the boy following his first encounter with Kite. Gon tells Kon that he is going to become a Hunter and that he will do things that the animals of the forest will not like. Since Kon is the king of the forest, he can not talk to Gon anymore. Kon walks away from Gon to a gathering of other animals. Gon returns home and speaks to Mito. She asks if Gon always knew his father's trade, and also tells him his father left Gon with her when he was still a baby; Gon replies that being a Hunter must be an important job if family comes second, and that it is time for him to meet his father. He is then seen preparing to board a ship heading for the Hunter Exam. Everyone in the town comes to say goodbye and wish him luck. Aunt Mito comes and tells him that his father did not abandon him; she made him give up Gon through the courts. Gon says he knew because she never looks at him when she is lying. He gets on the boat and yells back to her that he will return as a great Hunter. The first night on the boat, there is a huge storm that tosses around most of the would-be Hunters. After the storm, the ship's drunkard of a captain walks around to see only three candidates still able to move. Later on, Gon is standing on the front of the boat where he predicts they will be hit by another storm, but this time it will be three times the size of the previous night. The Captain knows he is correct and not guessing; he sees Ging in Gon. He asks who Gon's father is, which confirms his first impression. The Captain shows Gon how to steer the boat and announces that the next storm is coming and that anyone who wants off should leave. All but Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio leave. The Captain enquires why they want to be Hunters. Gon answers immediately while the other two do not. Leorio asks why they should tell him when he just steers the ship. The Captain replies that he screens applicants and that it is up to him whether or not they pass. The remaining two tell him. While explaining, Kurapika annoys Leorio to the point where they go out into the storm to fight. When Katzo falls overboard, Gon jumps after him, catching him and narrowly escaping falling into the ocean thanks to Kurapika and Leorio grabbing his ankles in time to pull them both back on board.

Hunter Exam

When they reached the land, the Captain gave them a hint to head to a lone cedar tree outside of the city to find their navigators. Gon decides to go, and Kurapika tags along. Leorio splits off to take the bus to Zaban City, but rejoins them when he overhears that it is trick to weed out the weak. Later they reach a village that seems to be deserted, but Gon and Kurapika hear sounds of people. Then the whole population of the village comes out to start The Mind-Boggling Two Choice Quiz. The leader of the village asks two questions and all they can say is 1 or 2. A man who had been tailing them walks in and says he will go first. She asks him, "Men have taken your mother and your true love captive. Who do you save?" He chooses 1, the mother, and is allowed to pass. Leorio starts yelling because of the preposterous question. Kurapika tells him to be quiet; he and Gon have figured out the riddle. She asks another impossible question and after the time limit is up, with none of them having said an answer, Leorio tries to attack her. Kurapika blocks it stating they passed since silence was the real answer. He adds that he heard the other man scream, meaning he was attacked. In the meanwhile, Gon keeps agonizing over the riddle until he declares he cannot find an answer. To Kurapika and Leorio, who are content with passing the test, he replies that the day may come when he really has to choose. After a few hours, the trio reaches a house and finds the navigator couple being attacked by a Kiriko, a Magical Beast called a Kiriko. When the beast takes off with the lady, Gon and Kurapika launch themselves in pursuit while Leorio stays behind to take care of the man. Gon is amazed to find out that the Kiriko can talk. He pulls ahead of Kurapika, closes in on the Kiriko, and bashes him in the head. The Kiriko drops the wife, who is caught by Kurapika. Gon continues to pursue it until it confronts him into a clearing. Gon merely greets it and asks where the one he hit went to. It is revealed that the two Kiriko and the couple are a family and the Navigators, and Gon was the first human in years capable of telling the wife apart from the husband. The Kiriko fly the three to the Hunter Exam site. The next day, they arrive in Zaban City. They initially assume a majestic building is the exam hall, but a disguised Kiriko takes them to a small restaurant. The disguised Magical Beast orders a specific meal, then the cook sits them in a room and delivers the meal. The room is actually an elevator that starts to drop. As they make their way down, Kurapika and Leorio try to find out whether Gon is taking the test for gain or for justice, but he is unable to answer before the doors of the elevator open. They are immediately greeted by Tonpa, who introduces himself as a friend trying to help Gon. Then he introduces some of the other regulars, such as Bourbon the Snake Charmer, Todo the Wrestler, the Amori Brothers, Cherry, and Geretta the Huntsman. While doing the introductions they hear a bloodcurdling scream, and they look to see a man missing his arms courtesy of Hisoka the Magician who maimed him only because he bumped into him. Tonpa then offers Gon and the other two some juice. Gon, being the first to taste it, spits it out saying it tastes funny, leading Kurapika and Leorio to dump theirs on the ground. Afterwards, Tonpa came to make a hasty apology to the group.

Satotz, the examiner of the First Phase, begins the 287th Hunter Exam with a multi-marathon run through the underground tunnel. A boy on a skateboard notices Gon and introduces himself as Killua; the pair spends the majority of the First Phase getting to know each other. Gon notices Leorio faltering around the 60km mark. He stops and silently waits until Leorio gets his second wind, the man dropping his briefcase in the process. Gon uses his fishing pole to grab Leorio's attaché and carries it. After running for 80km they come to a set of stairs and start climbing, while Satotz starts to pick up the pace. Gon discusses his reasons for wanting to become a professional Hunter with Killua until the pair reach the exit of the tunnel in the first place. The First Phase continues outside, with the examinees being required to follow Satotz through the mysterious Milsy Wetlands in a thick fog. Gon is warned by Killua to stay close to Satotz, as he can sense that Hisoka will use the cover of the mist to satiate his bloodlust. The boys continue ahead but Gon turns around after hearing Leorio scream. Gon then saves Leorio from Hisoka, who had been murdering applicants in an attempt to 'play proctor'. Gon pursues Hisoka to no avail, silently attacking until he has caught and choked. However, Hisoka takes an interest in Gon and spares the lives of him and his friends. While Hisoka carries Leorio to the destination of the Second Phase, Gon and Kurapika follow behind him at a distance. Gon mentions that he was afraid of Hisoka and wanted to run away, but he could not, and simultaneously excited at the same time. Having the experience of mortal fear for the first time in his entire life, Gon cannot control his growing curiosity. The Second Phase of the Hunter Exam takes place in the Visca Forest Preserve, where the examinees meet Gourmet Hunters Menchi and Buhara—who have split the phase into two tests. Buhara's test is to find the world's most dangerous pig and to roast it. Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio comb through the forest reserve and find a drift of Great Stamp. Amidst his battle with one of the boar, Gon again takes notice of how situations that threaten his life also give him a rush. However, he also realizes that he needs bigger thrills. Gon and his friends complete the task easily along with seventy other applicants. Menchi's test ends up baffling nearly all of the applicants after she tells them to make sushi for her test. Due to being a traditional dish of Jappon, only Hanzo ends up knowing what it is yet Menchi still failed him. Gon is clueless to a solution until it is revealed to all of the examinees, but to no avail. Menchi overreacts to the applicants' dismissive comments about Gourmet Hunters and fails the entire group as a result—forcing Netero, chairman over the Hunter Association, to intervene. The test is taken to Split Mountain, where examinees hunt for Spider Eagle eggs. Forty-two applicants pass the Second Phase. The forty-two remaining examinees board the Selection Committee's airship at the end of the day, where Beans explains that the next phase of the exam will begin at 8:00 a.m. in the morning. As everyone rests up for tomorrow, Gon and Killua spend their time getting to know each other. Killua tells Gon about how he has run away from home in order to escape his overbearing family of assassins until being interrupted by Netero, who offers to immediately issue the boys Hunter Licenses if they can grab a ball from him. The two give it their best efforts individually with no progress made until they attack Netero together; though they come seemingly close to succeeding, Netero shatters their hopes by proving the game impossible to win after revealing that he has not used two of his limbs at all. Killua gets frustrated, quits, and then murders two applicants after the game out of frustration. Gon, however, continues to play until he forces Netero to use his right hand through a near-suicide tactic. When he succeeds in doing so, Gon passes out in exhaustion.

The next morning, the Hunter Association's airship arrives at the top of Trick Tower, a prison filled with traps in order to prevent its inmates from escaping. Beans inform the 40 remaining applicants that the objective of the Third Phase is to reach the bottom of the tower alive within 72 hours. Gon and Killua survey the area and discover there to be trapdoors embedded within the floor. They report their findings to Kurapika and Leorio and each goes through a trapdoor, coincidentally all landing in the same room. The four learn that they have inadvertently selected The Path of Majority Rules; Lippo, one of three proctors over the Third Phase, explains that the group is required to proceed through the tower based upon the decision belonging to the majority. However, the group is forced to team up with Tonpa after he slips through the ceiling. After a couple of hours of walking, the group comes to an arena over a seemingly bottomless pit. Their first challenge is to win 3 out of 5 competitive matches, using any type of method, against convicts sentenced to life imprisonment. Tonpa purposefully fails the first match and proves to be untrustworthy. Gon faces the next prisoner, a serial bomber by the name of Sedokan, in a match to see whose candle can burn the longest. Sedokan presents Gon the choice of one of the candles, one short and one long, in a desperate choice. Gon selects the long candle, but it is later revealed that Sedokan had rigged the game for the boy to fail. Using his wits, Gon wins his match and is the first to attain victory on his team. Kurapika manages to win his trial as well, facing off against a Phantom Troupe imposter in a deathmatch. Leorio, pitted against a prisoner in a gambling match, loses both the round and fifty hours of their time as well. Although Killua is victorious in the fifth round, the team is forced to wait for fifty hours inside of a room due to Leorio's loss. With only nine hours remaining in the Trick Tower, the team works together until they reach a crossroad that happens to be their final test on the Path of Majority Rules. After some bickering, Gon comes up with a clever solution that allows all five to successfully pass the Third Phase of the Hunter Exam.

The Fourth Phase is a manhunt on Zevil Island, wherein the 25 remaining competitors being required to target and acquire their prey's number badge. Gon draws Hisoka and is thrilled by the hunt. Upon arrival, Gon struggles to come up with a way to acquire Hisoka's badge until he observes a hunt for the first time. Thus, Gon spends an entire day and his next morning learning how to hunt through attempting to reel in live prey using his fishing rod. Gon realizes that hunting requires waiting to strike as your prey attacks his own target; he chooses this method to attempt to steal Hisoka's badge. With his training completed, Gon thereafter utilizes Hemotropic Butterflies to stalk Hisoka. Gon finds the man, naturally silences his presence by slowing his heart rate and stopping his breathing, and lies in wait. Gon waits until Goz, another applicant, accosts Hisoka for a fight in front of him. He sees it as his chance to put his new skills into practice, but Hisoka refuses to fight the suicidal warrior. Gittarackur suddenly intervenes and kills Goz, his target. Gon watches as Hisoka and Gittarackur have a conversation as if they were friends, the new party giving the magician a badge he took from another applicant. Night falls and Hisoka resumes stalking for prey, eventually spotting Kurapika and Leorio from a distance; he chooses to pursue them. Gon follows behind Hisoka and realizes that his two new friends are being targeted. Conflicted, Gon initially decides to stick with his plan until he realizes that it would also mean sacrificing his friends, thereafter resolving to help them if the situation took a turn for the worst. The duo manages to negotiate their way out of any danger from Hisoka and Gon continues to watch him. Hisoka's bloodlust flares overnight and shoots a terrible fear through Gon. It is the first time he ever feels such an ominous aura. The next day, Gon manages to get Hisoka's numbered plate and is temporarily paralyzed when shot by Geretta with a blow dart coated in a muscle relaxant. Hisoka then kills Geretta, but gives Gon back his plate and then his own. Gon manages to stand to his feet and refuses Hisoka's charity, insisting the magician takes back his plate. The former refuses, punching the latter and declaring that he will not take his badge back until he can retaliate. Gon spends the night quietly seething over the violation to his pride. During the Fourth Phase's final day, Gon finds Leorio and Kurapika and chooses to help Leorio to acquire his target's badge from Ponzu. He is confronted by Kurapika after the phase ends. Gon confesses what happened to him and expresses the humiliation and frustration he feels from losing, shedding tears. Kurapika lifts his spirits as the two head towards the Hunter Exam's Final Phase.

The Final Phase was a tournament with each of the participants. After being selected by the judges as being the most exceptional applicants, Hanzo and Gon face off first. Gon is outmatched when it comes to combat, but his unwillingness to submit causes Hanzo to forfeit the battle—making Gon the first applicant to pass the 287th Hunter Exam. At first, Gon refuses to accept the win, insisting that the two of them can figure out a way to have a proper match. Hanzo, annoyed, knocked Gon out and the boy does not awake until the Exam has ended. Satotz fills in the details and explains to Gon that only two people did not pass the exam—Bodoro and Killua. It is revealed that Gittarackur is actually an alias for Killua's older brother, Illumi. Killua was manipulated into murdering another contestant and subsequently failed the exam. Gon, enraged, confronts Illumi, breaking the assassin's wrist in the process, and gets Killua's address. Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio all then depart to Killua's home on Kukuroo Mountain


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Gon Freecss was young male with long spiky black green tipped hair and large, hazel brown eyes.

Gon was shown as being simple-minded and determined that were common traits among Enhancer-type Nen users.

One of his reasons for wanting to be a Hunter was to meet his father. He believed that his father's devotion to being a Hunter must have meant that it was an important job as it put his family second.

He was noted for having a bit of temper and holding an impulsive nature that caused him to act without thinking things through leading to him suffering the consequences of his actions.

According to Zepile, Gon did not care about concepts such as good or bad when he was curious or amazed.

It was shown that he was the son of the Double-Star Ruin Hunter Ging Freecss (ジン゠フリークス, Jin Furīkusu).

Gon was raised by his aunt Mito Freecss (ミト゠フリークス, Mito Furīkusu) who was his father's cousin where she helped care for him until he decided to take part in the Hunter Exam.

He later came to meet the Hunter Kite (カイト, Kaito) who had been his father's disciple and student. Gon came to blame himself for being too weak to help his mentor causing him to enter a destructive and self-destructive spiral. This led to him being extremely vengeful and single-minded where he was only focused on making Pitou fix Kite.

Powers and abilities

Gon Freecss was born an ordinary human being though one with amazing potential and talent.

It was shown that his eyesight was excellent to the point that he was able to spot several examinees in the woods from the top of a tree with this being a feat that Kurapika had judged to be impossible by normal human standards. Similarly, his sense of hearing was superior where he was able to fight even in pitch-black darkness. In one instance, he was able to battle a bat-like opponent by hearing their wings cutting through the air and using that to determine their location.

Together with his potential, it is his strength of mind that continuously leaves more experienced and skilled fighters dumbstruck, and is a crucial component of his overflowing charisma that causes even more powerful Hunters to gravitate towards him. His indomitable will allows him to continuously put his life on the line without being held back by fear, which in turn allows him to take chances others would never dare.

His Nen ability was called Jajanken (ジャジャン拳けん) that was a play on the Japanese word for rock-paper-scissors "Janken". The concept was first developed by Gon after he learnt the dangerous roots of the game within martial arts.

When using the ability, Gon performed a chant just prior to each attack where he spoke the words, "First comes rock! Rock, paper..." (最さい初しょはグー! ジャン!! ケン!!! 〈……〉!!!!, Saisho wa Gū! Jan!! Ken!!! [...]!!!!).

With the power, he could perform three different types of techniques that were:

  • Rock (グー, Gū) : a close ranged attack that had the highest power level due to it factoring on him being an Enhancer.
  • Scissors (チー, Chī) : a mid-ranged attack that involved transmuting his aura into a long blade which he could extend from his outstretched middle and pointer fingers.
  • Paper (パー, Pā) : a long-ranged attack that used his Emission skills to hurl aura from his open palm as a spherical projectile.

A tool he kept with him was a telescopic fishing rod that came from his hobby of angling. As a Hunter, he came to use it as a makeshift weapon allowing him to strike faraway opponents with its heavy float and grabbing faraway objects with the hook.

He came to join the ranks of the Hunter Association (ハンター協きょう会かい or Hハンター協きょう会かい, Hantā Kyōkai) where he was listed as being a Rookie (ルーキー, Rūkī).


  • Gon Freecss was created by Yoshihiro Togashi where he featured in the setting of the Hunter x Hunter universe.

In other media


  • In Hunter x Hunter, Gon Freecs appeared in the setting of the 1999 anime television series where he was voiced by Japanese actress Junko Takeuchi and by English actress Elinor Holt in the dub.
  • In Hunter x Hunter, Gon Freecs appeared in the setting of the 2011 reboot anime television series where he was voiced by Japanese actress Megumi Han and by English actress Erica Mendez in the dub.


Video games

  • In Jump Force, Gon Freecs appeared as a playable character in the setting of the crossover fighting video game where he was voiced by Japanese actress Megumi Han.


  • Hunter x Hunter:

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