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Gouken is a male video game character that features in Street Fighter.




Gouken (Japanese: 剛拳 Hepburn: Gōken) was a male human who was born in the modern age where he was the older brother of Akuma. At some pint, the two developed a talent for martial arts and eventually came under the tutelage of a master named Goutetsu (轟鉄 / ゴウテツ Gōtetsu?, "Roaring Iron"). Their man was a practitioner of an art that was originally developed with the intention of killing an opponent and were rooted in Japan's feudal age. In time, Goutetsu taught his skill to his two students but the brothers began to differ in the methods as well as use of the fighting style. Akuma eventually cam to be completely bent on master the art of killing and the darker aspects of the martial arts. This led to him succumbing to the Satsui no Hado (Translation: "Surge of Murderous Intent") where he wanted to embrace it to its fullest extent and become more powerful as a result. In contrast, Gouken had developed his own style and art where he wanted to embrace the more peaceful as well as spiritual aspect of the martial arts that removed the Satsui no Hado. This led to him turning fatal techniques such as the Hadoken and Shoryuken into tools for self-defense by removing their killing potential. Around this time, he also came upon an abandoned orphaned child named Ryu who he took under his wing and made the boy his discipline. Meanwhile, Akuma came to completely fall under the influence of the Satsui no Hado leading to him murdering Goutetsu for not embracing it to his fullest extent and left behind both his master's dojo along with his brother in order to train by himself to grow even more powerful.

Afterwards, he would take a new pupil in Dan Hibiki but came to learn that the man wanted to learn martial arts for revenge. This led to Gouken rejecting him for his motivations as he fared that Dan's anger would lead him down a dark path. Later in the summer, he would receive Ken Masters whose father was a good friend of Gouken and wanted his child to train under Gouken in order to learn humility as well as respect. After Gouken began to train the two boys, Akuma made a sudden appearance at Gouken's dojo. There, Akuma challenged Gouken to a fight. Akuma was soundly defeated by his brother, but Gouken spared his life even after Akuma's insistence that Gouken should kill him. After Akuma's arrival and departure, Gouken continued to train the two boys. Eventually, time would pass, and as his students matured, Gouken found his two students graduating from his tutelage, adept enough to leave the dojo and travel the world to continue their studies to become better people. One night during his Zazen meditation session, M. Bison arrives at Gouken's dojo in order to find the heir to Ansatsuken. Gouken expected that M. Bison would eventually come to him. However, he faced M. Bison with only his fists, not relying on moves such as Hadoken and Shoryuken which resulted in his defeat. M. Bison noticed this and curses Gouken for not showing his true power, he then comments on students being more willing to show Ansatsuken's true power and leaves. Afterwards, Akuma reappeared at Gouken's dojo and challenged his brother to a rematch. This time, Akuma ended up as the victor, supposedly killing him with the Shun Goku Satsu. However, because Gouken used a technique similar to Gen's and emptied his soul of emotions, he was merely left in a deep coma. Because he was unconscious for an extended period of time, Ryu and Ken believed their master to be dead, and put his body in a graveyard.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Gouken was an elderly man who had a very well-built physique with a white beard and prayer beads around his ne

A stern and serious figure who was enthusiastic over the nature of competition. He was shown to be a spirited and modest good sport at heart. His approach was silent and calm, evocative of 'zen' principles and he often shares insightful if not also blunt and critical advice and wisdoms to that effect.

He came to adopt Ryu as a son who also became his first disciple. Gouken inspired him to be a martial artist and views him as a son, but no longer views him as a student, but as a rival, as he has gone far in his journey and is skilled enough to learn his own techniques. He also helped him overcome the Satsui no Hado.

Ken was Gouken's second disciple and the son of his best friend. Gouken trained Ken when he was young, but no longer trains him, as, like Ryu, he is already skilled and views him as a rival due to this.

Gouken had little respect for his former disciple Dan Hibiki kicking him out of the dojo once he realized that Dan's motivation was revenge, fearing that it would lead him to a dark path. Gouken intended to stop Dan from ever fighting by sealing his fist but he couldn't bring himself to harm him and instead verbally told him to stop fighting

Powers and abilities

Gouken was a human being who came to train in the martial arts and trained under Gotetsu. This saw him becoming a practitioner of the martial arts of Ansatsuken (暗殺拳? lit. "Assassination Fist"). However, he disagreed with the use of its techniques as a means of killing. As such, he rejected the darker path espoused by the Satsui no Hado (殺意の波動 Satsui no Hadō?, "Surge of Murderous Intent" or "Surge of Killing Intent"). This led to Gouken toning down the moves in order to create the Hado no Chikara (波動の力 Hadō no Chikara?, "Surge's Power") and removed the killing potential. It involved the harnessing of Hadō (波動? "Surge") that was a ki-based energy. It was through his mastery of the martial art that allowed him to create techniques that better suited his own dynamics and philosophies. This led to the Kyosui no Hado (虚意の波動 Kyosui no Hadō?, "Surge of Mindless Intent") that was a light energy-based force created as the polar opposite of the Satsui no Hado. It was also known as the Power of Nothingness (無の拳 Mu no Ken?, "Fist of Nothingness") that was a state of consciousness transcending ordinary perspective, born through spiritual and mental refinement.

Among the techniques known to him included:

  • Gohadoken (豪波動拳 Gōhadōken?, "Great Surge Fist") : he was noted to be skilled enough to perform the technique with only one hand.
  • Senkugoshoha (閃空剛衝波 Senkuugoushouha?, "Flashing Air Strong Piercing Wave") :
  • Tatsumaki Go Rasen (竜巻剛螺旋 Tatsumaki Gou Rasen?, "Tornado Strong Spiral") :
  • Kongoshin (金剛身 Kongoushin?, "Diamond Body") :
  • Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (竜巻旋風脚 Tatsumaki Senpūkyaku?, "Tornado Whirlwind Leg") :
  • Hyakkishu (百鬼襲 Hyakki Shuu?, "Hundred Ogre Assault") :


  • Gouken was created by Capcom where he featured in the setting of the Street Fighter universe.

In other media


  • In Street Fighter, Gouken appeared in the animated television series in the episode "The World's Greatest Warrior" with his character design being similar to those in prior Street Fighter manga.
  • In Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist, Gouken appeared in the setting of the live-action web series with actor Akira Koieyama playing an older Gouken whilst actor Shogen Itokazu portrayed a younger Gouken.



  • Street Fighter:

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