Grace Choi
Grace Choi is a female comic superhero who features in DC Comics.
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Grace Choi was the daughter of an Amazon of Bana-Mighdall. She grew up in different foster homes, but never really had a home. The only foster parents she had fond memories of were the Lindsays of Cleveland Heights, Ohio. (Outsiders: Five of a Kind - Wonder Woman/Grace v1 #1)
By the time she was 9 years old, she came to live at a foster home where she suffered from abuse leading to her eventually running away. She came to live on the streets for two months when she was abducted alongside other homeless children. The people responsible were headed by a man named Tanner branded her where they rented her out and shipped her along with the others across the state in the back of vans. When not moved around, the girls were all kept strapped to beds in small rooms by their abusers. When she was 12 years old, her powers first began to manifest which she used to free herself and the others allowing them get away. (Outsiders v3 #17)
At some point, she got a job at Chaneys in Metropolis that was a club that allowed Metahumans and those with powers to mingle with one another. Grace operated as a bouncer and part of security where she said that she liked her job and the pay was good. During her time there, she was known to had met Roy Harper where the two had flirted and seen one another. (Outsiders v3 #1)
Roy later approached Grace and offered her a place on the newest incarnation of the Outsiders which she accepted after learning that it paid three times more than her security job. (Outsiders v3 #1)
Whilst clearing out a site used by a gang, she inadvertently discovered a people smuggling organisation where she learnt that it was the same one run by Tanner who had abused her long ago. This caused Grace to act out violently on the street as she sought to shut down the group with Roy speaking to her and learning of her past. (Outsiders v3 #17) They brought the matter to the Outsiders who felt that they could not handle it on their own and instead looked to have it addressed through the media by news reporting. They then participated at a strike at one of the locations where they helped free many homeless kids that were being trafficked by the organisation but the still failed to find Tanner. (Outsiders v3 #18) He responded to this attack on his operations by abducting Roy's daughter Lian Harper. This saw Roy have the Outsiders help him find his child with them able to recover Lian. During that time, Grace found Tanner where she badly beat him up for what he did to her but relented from killing him as she instead allowed him to be arrested. (Outsiders v3 #19)
Many months after her departure from the Outsiders, Grace is shown in a live-in relationship with Anissa, with both women now in a state of semi-retirement following Anissa's recovery. When Black Lightning arrives at Grace and Anissa's apartment with his small band of fugitive heroes, Grace comes to his aid and helps fight off the attacking members of the Justice Society of America. In the ensuing battle, Grace renders Stargirl and Mister America unconscious, telling them not to threaten her "in-law". After the battle with the JSA, both Grace and Thunder agree to join up with Black Lightning's small team of Outsiders, who are tasked by Amanda Waller with travelling to Markovia and capturing Geo-Force and his rogue faction of the team. (Outsiders v3 #36)
At some point, she secretly pursued a relationship with fellow Outsider member Thunder. (Outsiders v3 #41)
An army of Earth’s heroes, including Grace and the Outsiders, appeared to take Superboy-Prime down during the Sinestro Corps invasion of Earth. The heroes focused on wrecking his armor, because after a year on Oa, and away from a yellow sun his Kryptonian body still was not at full strength, and his armor collected sunlight. Superboy bragged that once the sun rose on Earth he’d be at full power. Superboy was battered by Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman, who blamed him for Superboy’s death, as well as Supergirl and Power Girl, who blamed him for the death of the Superman of Earth-2. As the fight went against him, Superboy broke down in tears. He tried to wipe them away, saying that it was impossible for boys to cry, and then whining that no one ever thanked him for sacrificing his Earth to save the multiverse. The battle lasted until dawn, and he flew into the sunrise. As he achieved full power he declared himself the one, true Superman. The Guardians arrived with Sodam Yat, the new Ion, and pitted him against Superboy-Prime. (Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime v1 #1)
Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Grace Choi
Personality and attributes
She had numerous tattoos across her body with this being partly to over up a brand on her lower back that was given to her by child traffickers when she was young. (Outsiders v3 #17)
She and Roy Harper had known one another with the two having flirted with each other. (Outsiders v3 #1) The two of them have had casual sex with one another but were never in a relationship together. (Outsiders v3 #11) Despite that, she was shown to be equally attracted to women as well with her having a sexual relationship with Anissa Pierce showing her to be bisexual (Outsiders v3 #41) Grace said that she slept with both men and women though the nature of the relationship was different in each case as it was just sex with men whilst she sought a relationship with women. Choi often teased Anissa when they were team mates but in reality she actually liked her from the first time they met with this eventually culminating in their relationship. (Outsiders v3 #46)
Grace had a traumatic past as she was abused by a foster family and later abducted by traffickers. This period of her life saw her raped and abused as she was rented out to people as well as kept in poor conditions until her powers manifested. (Outsiders v3 #17) Choi was abducted, raped and sold prior to that time with this being said to be an experience she could never truly get past. (Outsiders v3 #18) This led to her wanting to get revenge against Tanner who was the one responsible for the acts on her thinking that she could erase this past by killing him. However, when confronted with the chance of killing him, she let him live as she realised that all it meant was that he was gone but that her past still remained. To Grace, she felt that Tanner had robbed her of the person she could have been in life with hope not giving her comfort but rather rage driving her. (Outsiders v3 #19)
Choi had said that she was not someone who processed her emotions much. (Outsiders v3 #46) She tended to be angry and her emotions were raw making her be at odds with allies. (Outsiders: Five of a Kind - Wonder Woman/Grace v1 #1)
Powers and abilities
Her abilities made her incredibly strong allowing her to fight Metahumans. (Outsiders v3 #1)
- Grace Choi was created by Judd Winick and Tom Raney where she made her first appearance in Outsiders v3 #1 (August, 2003).
- The first hint of a deeper origin for the character occurred in Outsiders v3 #39 (October, 2006).
In other media
- In DC Nation Shorts, Grace Choi did not appear but was referenced in the "Thunder and Lightning" animated shorts where Thunder was shown to be texting her.
- In Black Lightning, Grace Choi appeared in the live-action television series where she was portrayed by actress Chantal Thuy. Shay Li Wylde was born on May 16, 1991 into a dysfunctional family. When she was still a baby, Shay Li was abandoned by her biological parents, who later both died, resulting in her being placed into foster care. Growing up, Shay Li was shuffled between various foster homes and manifested shape-shifting powers since early infancy, stating she did not even remember not having them. Due to her troubled life, Shay Li learned from a very young age how to take care of herself and not to let people get too close to her, as well as getting accustomed on waiting in hospitals rooms. In 2007, when she was 16, Shay Li was abducted and sold into a prostitution ring that held her prisoner for years until it was broken up by I.C.E.. Shay Li then vanished for some time until she resurfaced in Freeland under the new identity of 'Grace Choi'. One day, Grace met Anissa Pierce at a library, insisting she check out a favorite of hers, The Outsiders. She then promptly invited her to a cosplay party at the bar she worked at. At the party, the two danced together, before being interrupted by Anissa's then-girlfriend Chenoa. Trying to avoid a fight at her bar, Grace asked Chenoa to take their problems outside.
Video games
- In DC Universe Online, Grace Choi appeared in the setting of the MMORPG.
- Outsiders v3: (2003)
- Outsiders: Five of a Kind - Wonder Woman/Grace v1:
- Batman and the Outsiders v2:
- Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime v1:
External Links
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