Guild Navigator

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Guild Navigator are a genetically altered Human that feature in Dune.



Guild Navigators were humans that had mutated following prolonged exposure to the effects of Spice.

In time, they came to form an organization known as the Spacing Guild.


Third Stage Navigator in the original Dune movie.

In appearance, Guild Navigators were said to possess a tiny 'v'-shaped mouth and an ugly flap for a nose with these appearing small on their gigantic faces whose temples were noted to be pulsing. Their forms meant that they required translation devices as they could no longer speak due to their mutated voices. Typically, it was difficult to see a Navigator's face as they tended to be shrouded in the fogs of vapours in their tanks.

Their prescience was achieved by consuming large quantities of spice and also immersing themselves in high concentrations of spice gas which were housed within large tanks.


  • Edric :


  • Guild Navigators were created by Frank Herbert and featured in the setting of Dune (1984).

In other media

Video games

  • In Emperor: Battle for Dune, a number of Spacing Guild units were capable of being hired by the various Houses by constructing the Guild Palace. Among them include a large infantry unit called a Maker that were half mutated Navigators who resembled large humanoid worm-like creatures that fired a power weapon that dealt heavy damage. They were rarely targeted by Sandworms when on open sand with a possible reason being something to do with their Spice mutation.


  • Dune:

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