Holy Knights (The Seven Deadly Sins)

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Holy Knights is a title that features in The Seven Deadly Sins.




The Holy Knights (Japanese: 聖せい騎き士し, Hepburn: Seikishi) was a title given to skilled warriors in Britannia who had magic power and incredible fighting ability. They existed as far back as 3,000 years ago when the human race produced some of their number in the ancient past where they fought besides the other races against the Demon Clan. During that Holy War, they were successful in sealing away the Demon race through the Coffin of Eternal Darkness with this having cost the lies of thousands of Holy Knights.

When the Seven Deadly Sins were framed for killing the previous Great Holy Knight, Zaratras and plotting to overthrow the kingdom, the entire order of Liones' Holy Knights were dispatched to kill them all. After the group of knights' supposed offense and the subsequent escape of at least four of them, the Seven Deadly Sins were dissolved and were relentlessly hunted down by the Holy Knights. In the aftermath of ambushing the Seven Deadly Sins in the castle, numerous Holy Knights lost their lives attempting to kill the seven legendary knights fighting their way out as witnessed by young Alioni and an elderly knight.

King Bartra Liones, although realizing that a predicted new Holy War would soon occur, ordered all the Holy Knights to lay down their weapons in an effort to avoid war. However, the Holy Knights, believing that the war was inevitable and that protection of the kingdom was their duty, captured the king a few days in a successful coup before Elizabeth found Meliodas, and began military preparations. The kingdom, now under the command of current Great Holy Knights, Hendrickson and Dreyfus, fell into a state of distress as citizens from towns and villages surrounding the kingdom were enslaved or forcefully recruited into joining the military effort: the men forcibly trained as soldiers, the women and children forced to amass food for storage, and the elderly forced to construct castle walls. Death has now become the penalty for insubordination under the rule of the Holy Knights, with them justifying their enslaving of the citizens with the fact that the war is being fought for their protection to begin with. It was revealed that Hendrickson plotted to resurrect the long-sealed Demon Clan so there will be a formidable enemy for the Holy Knights to fight and win the Holy War with aid from the New Generation Holy Knights.

During the Sins' infiltration and Arthur Pendragon's surprise visit, the Holy Knights were divided as several members began to question themselves if protecting or oppressing the people is their role and eventually turned against their fellow comrades. After the king of Liones was successfully rescued and Dreyfus admitting his crime of murdering Zaratras, Hendrickson who recently recovered from his defeat by Gilthunder, triggered a spell that causes the demon blood of the New Generation Holy Knights to run out of control and mutate them into hybrid Demons, thus causing chaos and confusion among the Holy Knights and knights throughout the kingdom's capital. The Holy Knights immediately fought against the New Generation Holy Knights-turned-Demons throughout the capital in defense of their kingdom but began suffering heavy losses among their ranks in multiple skirmishes in the ensuing chaos while some of their comrades and ordinary knights led the civilians to safety while fighting off the Demons attempting to harm them. However, Ban and of the Seven Deadly Sins come to their aid in time, pulling out and destroying plant creatures that were the core of the Demon hybrids' transformation from the New Generation's bodies, reverting the rampaging knights back to normal.

Recovering from the crisis, the Holy Knights around the capital rallied and surrounded Merlin's old castle, the same way they did before ten years ago but this time, they now aid the Seven Deadly Sins against the true enemy: Hendrickson. Witnessing the Sins' defeat, the Holy Knights made their move and battled their former superior only to face his terrifying demonic powers and suffered heavy casualties among their ranks and were instantly defeated despite great powers the Holy Knights all possess. However, Elizabeth awakened her powers that healed all of the Holy Knights and the Sins back to full health, as well as temporarily pushed back Hendrickson. The Holy Knights and the Sins were given and carried out the plan by Gowther to attack both Meliodas and Hendrickson at the same time with everything they got long enough for the Dragon's Sin of Wrath to build up his ultimate technique and finally defeat Hendrickson. After the former Great Holy Knight's defeat and death, the Holy Knights quickly bend their knees in shame in front of their king, who recently recovered thanks to Merlin, for their atrocities they committed upon the kingdom they swore to protect and blindly following Hendrickson in his plot to revive the Demon Clan all in the name of the Holy War and demanded heavy punishment for their sins but the king forgave them and told the Holy Knights to help restore the kingdom back to the way it was before and dedicate their efforts to prevent the same mistake again in order to avert the Holy War from happening.


In appearance, the Holy Knights largely consisted of humans that had magical power that they used to aid them in battle. Typically, they were shown as wearing armoured suits and being armed with weapons.

Known ranks of knights included:

  • Great Holy Knight (聖騎士長, Seikishi-chō) : the most powerful of the Holy Knights, and possess the authorities of commanding over them, thus making them the leaders of the Holy Knights.
  • Assistant Great Holy Knight (聖騎士長補佐, Seikishi-chō Hosa) :
  • Cardinal (枢機卿, Sūkikyō) : Holy Knights serving directly under the Great Holy Knights and act as their assistants. They may not necessarily be stronger than Diamond ranked Holy Knights, and some cardinals are elderly knights and wizards.
  • Holy Knight (聖騎士, Seikishi):
  • Apprentice Holy Knight (聖騎士見習い, Seikishi Minarai) :

Power rankings of the knights was divided on gem basis with these including; Crystal, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Platinum and the highest being Diamond.

Among known orders of knights included:

  • Seven Deadly Sins : the strongest and cruelest order of Holy Knights in the Kingdom of Liones. They were formed by seven brutal criminals, who had all been convicted for grievous crimes and had carved the symbols of seven beasts onto their bodies. They were originally framed for murdering the Great Holy Knight Zaratras, and as a result were hunted. They were indefinitely disbanded, as well as branded as traitors and villains, separating from one another and forced to go into hiding.
  • Pleiades of the Azure Sky :
  • Weird Fangs :
  • Dawn Roar :
  • Four Knights of the Apocalypse : an order of four knights prophecized to bring complete destruction to the world as well as lead the King of Camelot, Arthur, to his ruin. Despite their identities being almost completely unknown, Holy Knights such as Ironside, Pellegarde and Talisker have begun searching the land for any possibilites as to who they may be in hopes of snuffing them out and preventing the prophecy from coming to fruition.

Artificially created Holy Knights were formed through the use of demon blood being absorbed into the human body. These individuals were known as Reactors (被験者リアクター, Riakutā; literally meaning "Test Subject") that were divided by generations. The transformation was known to empower non-magically gifted individuals but there was a risk as only the strong could survive the transformation whilst the weak were killed in the process. Those knights descended from demon blood were also vulnerable to the control of higher ranking demons.

Each of the kingdoms possessed their own cadre of Holy Knights that defended it from dangers. Holy Knights of a kingdom could be divided into a number of sub-factions.


  • Meliodas :
  • Merlin :
  • Escanor :
  • Ban :
  • King :
  • Diane :
  • Gowther :
  • Dreyfus :
  • Hendrickson :
  • Howzer :
  • Zaratras :
  • Dale :
  • Gannon :
  • Gilthunder :
  • Griamore :
  • Guila :
  • Twigo :
  • Ardbeg :


  • The Holy Knights were created by Nakaba Suzuki where they featured in the setting of The Seven Deadly Sins universe.

In other media


  • In The Seven Deadly Sins, the Holy Knights appeared in the setting of the anime television series adaptation.


Video games


  • The Seven Deadly Sins:

External Links

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