Homo Magi

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The Homo Magi are a species that features in DC Comics.





Homo Magi were a branch offshoot of humanity that had lived alongside Homo Sapiens but were distinguished by their natural affinity to use magic. (Secret Origins v2 #27)

Long ago, it was said that the lands of Camelot were visited by the refugees from sunken Atlantis. They were allowed into the lands of the fairies by King Oberon who accepted them into his court. In time, these became among the Homo Magi of the world where they were known as the Elder Folk who lived separately from primitive humans. (Madame Xanadu v1 #19)

In 5000 B.C., the wizard-king Nommo of the African Kingdom of Kor whose strength lay in the mystical Flame of Life. During a confrontation with Felix Faust, Nommo was bathed in the magical flames and cursed with immortality where he outlived all those around him. By 2000 B.C., he had grown tired of his everlasting life and learnt of the existence of Homo Magi. Nommo who had taken the name Doctor Mist sought to create catalysts of change in the world and used the Flame of Life to forged the magical Stones of Life gems that he gifted to disciples that he had trained from the Homo Magi. Initially, he desired to find a companion but as these mystics grew he sought to develop the perfect society. After a large number of Homo Magi gathered, Dr. Mist built the Hidden City in Northern Turkey to serve as their home. Some of the special disciples were later instrumental in shaping the world of Homo Sapiens with these being the likes of Marco Polo, Leonardo da Vinci, Joseph Balasmo, Thomas Paine and Benjamin Franklin along with numerous others. Nommo had believed that he had recreated the world in his image of a peaceful society with Homo Magi and Homo Sapiens working in perfect harmony with one another. This was until the onset of World War I when Nommo had learnt that the banished Felix Faust was influencing the human world once more. Thus, Dr. Mist began gathering heroes from the ranks of the Homo Magi that included Sargon the Sorcerer, Doctor Occult, Zatarra and many others. (Secret Origins v2 #27)

The Homo Magi have existed for as long as the human race, but due to their special abilities, they did not expand as the Homo Sapiens did. Eventually, they started to interbreed with normal humans, resulting in many generations of Homo Magi/Homo Sapiens hybrids. As the number of pure Homo Magi dwindled, they decided to go into hiding. (Justice League of America v1 #165)

Many years ago, the crime-fighting magician Zatara confronted an old enemy King Inferno on the slopes of a mountain in northern Turkey that was near the home of the Homo Magi. The battle ended in a massive rock slide that severely injured Zatara. Sindella rescued Zatara and nursed him back to health. (Justice League of America v1 #164)

One of Blue Devil's thirteen tasks was to defeat the dreaded Homo Magi before their warlock hordes overran the Earth. (Shadowpact v1 #17)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. The Homo Magi were the first race of magic users on the Earth who were taught at the Rock of Eternity and spread it around the world. They were said to had been responsible for building Atlantis and created the Empire of Kor with the ruins of their once great civilization being hidden with magic. (Justice League Dark v2 #11) At the dawn of civilization, an underwater kingdom known as Nan Madol was established which held powerful magic until their enemies moved against them. They brought down their empire and sealed Nan Madol beneath a barrier deep beneath the ocean. (Justice League Dark v1 #26) At some point during the reign of Calculha and Dark Majistra, magic became its strongest on Earth in Atlantis. (Justice League v3 #17) Having been taught magic within the Rock of Eternity, the Homo Magi eventually found their way to Earth and spreaded their magic throughout the world. From their spread came the foundation of many civilizations, the most significant being Atlantis though others like the Empire of Kor, Mu and others came into being. (Justice League Dark v2 #11) During the time of Arion, magic and science were said to had been in sync to the point that society was like heaven. This was until the Atlanteans brought an end to this golden age where an offshoot came to establish the underground kingdom of Skartaris. (Trinity v2 #19)


Homo magi possess the respective strength of their particular bodily constitution and training, but can increase it through magic.

They were naturally adept at magic since many humans possesses the Homo Magi gene because of their relationships in the distant past, these humans can learn to use indirect magic by performing rituals, but pure Homo Magi or their direct descendants can use direct magic. (Justice League of America v1 #165)

They were said to be one with the natural order where they controlled the forces of magic. The Homo Magi have existed for as long as the human race, but due to their special abilities, they did not expand as the Homo Sapiens did. It was said that when compared to Homo Sapiens that they were far fewer in number. Eventually, they started to interbreed with normal humans, resulting in many generations of Homo Magi/Homo Sapiens hybrids. As the number of pure Homo Magi dwindled, they decided to go into hiding. Another trait of Homo Magus was that when they met someone of the opposite sex among homo sapiens then the two would immediately be attracted to one another. (Justice League of America v1 #165)

Warrior mages were known to join battalions to fight in conflicts. (Shadowpact v1 #6)

Settlements made by the Homo Magi included:

  • Secret City : an ancient sanctuary in Northern Turkey that was hidden from men's eyes by a mystic barrier for untold centuries with its inhabitants being known as the Hidden Ones. (Justice League of America v1 #165)
  • Hidden City : a hidden retreat in the mountains of Turkey called the Hidden City, out of fear that their uniqueness would be absorbed and diluted by the Homo sapiens. Powered by the Medulla Jewel, the City is then shifted into another dimension for protection.
  • Kor :


  • Nommo : a male wizard-king from the African kingdom of Kor thousands of years ago where he gained immortality and sought to create more Homo Magi with himself taking the name of Dr. Mist. (Secret Origins v2 #27)
  • Sindella : a female Homo Magi based in their hidden city of Turkey where she encountered Zatara after his fight with King Inferno. She came to rescue the injured magician where she came to marry him with her becoming the mother of his child named Zatanna. (Justice League of America v1 #164)
  • John Sargent :
  • Giovanni Zatara :
  • Zatanna Zatara :
  • Zachary Zatara :
  • Sebastian Faust :
  • Fauna Faust :
  • Traci 13 :


  • The Homo Magi were created by Gerry Conway and Dick Dillin where they made their first appearance in Justice League of America v1 #164 (March, 1979).
  • According to Day of Judgment Secret Files and Origins v1 #1 (1999), Homo Magi first emerged 100,000 years ago and they later founded the fabled city of Atlantis.

In other media


  • In Arrow, the Homo Magi were mentioned in the setting of the live-action television series set in the Arrowverse during the episode "Eleven-Fifty-Nine". Damien Darhk stated that they forged mystical idols in the image of the being whose power they wished to channel with one among them being the Kushu Idol.
  • In Young Justice, the Homo Magi appeared in the setting of the animated television series. Their origins were traced to ancient Atlantis when it sat on the surface and the home of the greatest nation on Earth. In that time, a branch of humanity emerged that had an affinity to magic where they developed alongside homo sapiens and Metahumans. This was until the sinking of the city at the hands of Klarion causing Homo Magi to disperse around the globe.


  • Justice League of America v1: (1979)
  • Secret Origins v2:
  • Zatanna Special v1:
  • Justice League Dark v1:
  • Justice League Dark v2:

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