Jennifer Kale

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Jennifer Kale is a female comic superhero who features in Marvel Comics.




Jennifer Kale

Kale's teenage granddaughter Jennifer took an interest in witchcraft, and, using one of his books without his knowledge, experimented in summoning a demon. She succeeded in bringing the powerful demon Thog the Nether-Spawn to Earth from the other-dimensional world of Sominus without realizing he would not be under her control. But the Man-Thing saved Jennifer's life, and Thog was forced back to Sominus. As a result of a subsequent encounter of the Man-Thing, Jennifer, and Thog, Joshua Kale realized that Jennifer had a psychic link with the Man-Thing. (Fear v1 #11)

Jennifer was once sought out to help the mutant team known as X-Force. She helped against Pandemonia, who had taken mystic control of several X-Force members. Jennifer joined X-Force in confronting Pandemonia. She freed Pandemonia's mental slaves (Locus, Meltdown, Warpath, Skids, Sunspot) and, assisted by Moonstar, she banished Pandemonia back to her home dimension on the chaos plane. (X-Force v1 #85)

After joining Florida's state Initiative team, Command, and fought the Skrulls infiltration of the Initiative during the Secret Invasion. (Avengers: The Initiative v1 #19) Jennifer was then called to investigate some strange happenings around Man-Thing's swamp. Having to fight several zombies, including zombified members of her own team and an extra-dimensional zombie Deadpool, who expertly cut her connection to her magical powers, before being minced on the fan of a fan-boat by Jennifer. She was eventually picked up by A.R.M.O.R. and placed in quarantine, seemingly in a near-catatonic state. (Marvel Zombies 3 v1 #1)

Heroic Age

Around this time, the Man-Thing came to be removed from his swamp in the Florida Everglades and came to be used as a mobile transportation system for the Thunderbolts. This left the Nexus unguarded and Kale looked to return its guardian to it. Using magic, she came to infiltrate the Raft and took the Man-Thing back with her where the helped repel interdimensional invaders that arrived in the swamp. She then opposed the Thunderbolts in taking the Man-Thing back but came to see that the guardian of the nexus was willingly helping the team. Thus, she came to say her farewells and departed the scene. (Thunderbolts v1 #154)

She later came to be a target of Daniel Drumm who looked to remove all magic users before getting revenge against Doctor Strange. (New Avengers v2 #34) This saw him taking over Victoria Hand where he was responsible for the murder of Jennifer Kale. (New Avengers v2 #31) She came to resurrect herself using dark magic but the cost of it left the right side of her body without any skin. Maria Hill came to seek her out for her magical aid in order to track down Bullseye after the Hand took him away. Kale came to use her magical ability to transport Elektra to the hidden location the Hand were using to heal the villain. (Elektra v4 #9)

Afterwards, she was responsible for summoning Belasco from Hell on behalf of Man-Thing so that Ted Sallis could take revenge on the demon for his condition. (X-Men: Curse of the Man-Thing v1 #1)


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • Jennifer Kale was created by Steve Gerber and Rich Buckler where she made her first appearance in Fear v1 #11 (December, 1972).

Alternate Versions

In other media

Video games


  • Fear v1: (1972)
  • Thunderbolts v1:
  • New Avengers v2:

External Links

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