John Sunlight

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John Sunlight is a male character who features in Doc Savage.



John Sunlight

Russia was said to be the first government to become afraid of him. At some point, he came to be captured and sent to a Russian labor camp. Whilst there, he came to break the will of some of the other prisoners who began to follow him. They came to escape and stole a supply ship where they wandered through the Arctic ocean. During their travel, they came upon a mysterious blue dome on the ice that was actually the secret lair of Doc Savage. Sunlight's intelligence allowed himself to find a means of entering where he came upon countless superweapons stored within it. His intellect made him one of the few smart men capable of learning how to use these advanced weaponry. (Fortress of Solitude)

Sunlight apparently committed suicide rather than have his life saved by Doc Savage. (The Monarch of Armageddon)


Personality and attributes

In appearance, John Sunlight was a male human who was said to be a dark-haired, poetic looking man. (Fortress of Solitude)

John Sunlight possesses many qualities that could be considered heroic. In times of concentration or stress he emits a low growl subconsciously, very similar to Doc's trilling.

His driving passion was said to his need to control others. It was shown that he would starve himself in order to allow his men to eat. However, this was not done out of any particular care for those under him. Rather, this was because he could not control dead people and thus ensured their continued well-being. (Fortress of Solitude)

He was an idealist who sought to end problems such as war, famine, and bigotry by bringing the world under his control. (Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life)

It was said that John Sunlight had been put on Earth so that men could be afraid of him. (Fortress of Solitude)

Sunlight had a number of eccentricities such as the habit he adopted of dressing entirely in one color.

The two have shown immense respect for each other, and Sunlight has even offered to spare Docs life if he joins him.

Powers and abilities

He was stronger, more intelligent, and possesses greater emotional control than ordinary people do.

Sunlight was said to hold a hypnotic stare which only the most intelligent or determined can resist.

He had unusually large and long-fingered hands, with exceptional strength.

John Sunlight was one of the few smart men to find a means of entering Doc Savage's Fortress of Solitude and understanding the advanced weapons contained within it. (Fortress of Solitude)

Among the people that worked for him included two strong Amazonian-like women named Giantia and Titania who were afraid of him. (Fortress of Solitude)

He was shown to own a castle fortress found above a mountain near the borders of Afghanistan. (The Devil Genghis)


  • John Sunlight was created by Lester Dent where he featured in the Doc Savage universe.

In other media

Comic books

  • In First Wave v1 #1 (2010), John Sunlight appeared in the setting of the crossover comic published by DC Comics. He was shown as being a member of a secret cabal called the Golden Tree consisting of powerful, self-made men and women, with the aim of shaping and controlling the world. The members agree that the organization can do tremendous things, but that joining such a subversive organization would be political suicide. Thus, the compromise of joining the organization is that one can never ask the identities of the other members, and so no-one is compromised. The Golden Tree was supposedly working on advanced science. However, their methods are shady, involving scientists fleeing the outcome of the recent war, and who specialised in unscrupulous knowledge, such as torture techniques and the manufacture of intelligent automata. The Golden Tree has a stronghold in the South American country of Hidalgo, where they are working on something referred to, variously, as 'the floating city' and 'Neotlantis'.
  • In Doc Savage v3 #16 (2011), John Sunlight briefly appeared in the setting of the issue published by DC Comics.


  • Doc Savage: "Fortress of Solitude"

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