Kal Kent

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Superman Kal Kent in Superman/Batman v1 #79.

Kal Kent is a male comic superhero who features in DC Comics.





Kal Kent was a male Kryptonian hybrid who was a descendant of Superman and native to the 853rd Century. In that time, the flourishing House of El came to establish a Superman Dynasty that operated over the centuries. (Superman: The Man of Tomorrow v1 #1000000)

Whilst at Metropolis Multiversity, he met Lori Lombard-Thorul who believed she was destined to be the true love of Superman. This was until Heartiac transferred to the Multiversity and Kal began spending time with her instead. As a result, Thorul became the supervillain One Woman Adversary Chamber (O.W.A.C.) and a foe of that era’s Superman. (DC One Million 80-Page Giant v1 #1000000)

Two days ago, he fought a Chronovore alongside the other members of the Superman Squad that was a team of Supermen from various eras in the timestream. (DC One Million v1 #1)

Following the League's departure, Hourman releases the Hourman virus which infected not only people but technology as well. It was also revealed that the virus was Solaris' artificial intelligence in its infancy. The virus was spreading because Solaris was looking in all technology and organisms for its body. To cure the world and save it from Solaris, the Justice League Alpha had to create Solaris. Once in his body, Solaris became self-aware with his intelligence increasing with every passing second. Starman came to sacrifice himself in order to banish Solaris by creating a black hole. With the Justice League Alpha's time machine unable to reach the 853rd century, Superman Secundus was able to punch through the time barrier to bring the Legion back to the 853rd century. They arrive in time for Superman-Prime's arrival and the final destruction of Solaris. (DC One Million v1 #4)

He journeyed to the 5th Dimension to help his cousin a fellow Superman from that realm to battle an invasion of Carnivorous Colours from the Outer Spectrum. Kal’s 5-D hearing managed to pick up a warning from the Batman of his era that the criminal Epoch intended to break into his Fortress of Solitude. Thus, Kal Kent travelled back into the 3rd Dimension and alongside Batman they confronted the supervillain. (Superman/Batman v1 #79)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Kal Kent


Personality and attributes

In his era, the people of the world adored him in being their superhero. They said he was faster than a speeding tachyon, more powerful than the gravitational pull of a collapsing star and was able to leap from world to world in a single bound. (DC One Million v1 #1)

He was a member of the Superman Dynasty that consisted of Supermen from the various eras with Superman Prime being their founder. (DC One Million v1 #1)

Powers and abilities

Due to his Kryptonian ancestry, he gained his awesome abilities through the light of the System's Super-Sun. (JLA v1 #1,000,000) When beyond his home system, it was noted that his powers waned within days with this also occurring if he went back in the past. (DC One Million v1 #1) Under the effects of the Super-Sun, he was said to be faster than a speeding tachyon, more powerful than the gravitational pull of a collapsing star and able to leap from world to world in a single bound. (Superman: The Man of Steel v1 #1000000) Despite his heritage, machines in the past did not register him as Kryptonian as his bloodline had been diluted over the centuries. (Superman v2 #1000000)

He was regarded as a genius to the power of 10 Einstein units. (JLA v1 #1000000) It was shown that he was capable of mathematically simulating several billion possible scenarios simultaneously. This capability though was reduced to several hundred when his powers were waning. (DC One Million v1 #2)

Similar to his ancestor, he had a range of eye-based abilities including heat vision and X-Ray vision. (Superman: The Man of Steel v1 #1000000) Kal was capable of also generating force visions where he could create a beam from his eyes encasing a target in a field. He could then exert gravimets of pressure onto any object within the force vision field and use it to contain megaton blasts. (Superman v2 #1000000)

He was able to create an electromag pulse around him over a localised area that was able to shut down machinery at the scene. (Superman v2 #1000000)

One of his ancestors in the 67nd century married Gzntplzk who was the Queen of the 5th Dimension leading to 10 new senses entering the bloodline. This gave him access to Super-ESP which he could use to hypnotise a crowd of people. (DC One Million v1 #1) His ESP capabilities allowed him to be capable of wiping particular memories from a person's mind. He could use a sublim-level hypno-vibraton to help quell a mob as a non-violent means of resolving an incident. (Superman v2 #1000000) These fifth-dimensional super-senses were able to allow him to determine if he was trapped within a time loop. He could link his senses through his super-ESP to allow others to mentally break from the loop. (Superman/Batman v1 #80)

Similar to his ancestor, he was capable of super-breath where he was able to store enough super-compressed material in his lungs allowing him to snuff out a red giant star. (DC One Million v1 #2)

By shouting Namrepus which was saying Superman backwards, he was able to shunt himself into the 5th Dimension. He could then return himself back to normal space at any point as Kal was able to move himself between those realms. (Superman/Batman v1 #80)


  • The Kal Kent Superman was created by Grant Morrison and Val Semeiks where he made his first appearance in JLA v1 #23 (October, 1998).

Alternate Versions

In other media


  • In All-Star Superman, Kal Kent made a cameo appearance in the setting of the animated film adaptation.


  • JLA v1: (1998)
  • DC One Million v1: (1998)
  • DC One Million 80-Page Giant v1:
  • Superman: The Man of Tomorrow v1:
  • Superman: The Man of Steel v1:
  • Superman v2:
  • Hourman:
  • Superman/Batman v1:
  • Justice League v4:

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