Khemri is a place that features in Warhammer Fantasy.
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Khemri was a city that was built by an ancient race of humans in the Old World. Originally, it was a major city of the ancient empire of Nehekhara. Khemri was the first human civilisation to emerge in the world as a cluster of kingdoms nominally ruled by a High King. As the empire of Nehekhara arose, Khemri became the greatest of the cities that arose in that civilisation and became, by tradition, the first amongst equals. The empire that they ruled extended in what was now the Darklands and Southlands.
Eventually, a young noble named Nagash was born who was the oldest son of the reigning king. Instead of becoming the heir as eldest sons other nations would, he was forced into the ranks of the Liche Priests as the Grand Heirophant, a living sacrifice to the Gods. Later after becoming a high priest, he killed his younger brother and usurped the throne. His rule was terrible. During this time he began the construction of the black pyramid as a 'magnet' for dark magic. He also began studies into an elixir of life using human blood. Due to his dark nature combined with his tyrannical rule, the other kings rose up against him and he was forced to flee his homeland. The kingdom of Lahmia was eventually corrupted as well by vampirism, thus causing another series of wars culminating in the other kingdoms destroying Lahmia, causing the vampires to spread to all corners of the earth.
In time, Nagash returned with vast armies of the dead he had perfected through his newly developed necromancy. Although he was initially defeated by the armies of Khemri, he then unleashed plague which decimated the people of the land and when the Great Necromancer attacked again he committed mass genocide with little resistance, obliterating all remaining life from the land.
Nagash's plan now reached its final stage, using the incredible amounts of power he had accumulated combined with mined warpstone and massive numbers of sacrificed Orcs he cast a mighty spell to muster all the dead in the world to his call, especially the now-dead Khemrians. With this army he planned to rule the world and transform it into an eternal kingdom were only he ruled. Thankfully for all living creatures, Nagash was assassinated by the last living Khemrian namely King Alcadizaar who Nagash had taken prisoner with the help of the Skaven who forged a mighty blade specifically to kill the Great Necromancer. However, Nagash completed his ritual before his death, awakening all the dead of Khemri from their tombs.
The dead raised by the ritual were free of Nagash's rule, but only the Tomb Kings and Lich-Priests were sentient. When they awoke they were less than pleased at the current turn of events, having expected to be reborn as gods in the afterlife, not dusty mummies. The enraged Tomb Kings then proceeded to re-establish control over their now dead subjects with mixed degrees of success. This state of affairs has remained the same into the modern day where they continually fight amongst themselves, other nations and the (resurrected Nagash. The lesser Kings and Princes came to be ruled over by Settra who was the first and greatest of the Priest-Kings.
Yet his ritual had awakened the many ancient kings who emerged from their tombs and fought over control of the cities. Finally Grand Hierophant Khatep broke the seals on the pyramid of Settra who emerged at the head of a army struck down all that stood against him. None, not even Arkhan the Black could stand against him.
Enraged at the state of his land and his body, Settra commanded that the kings return to their tombs and that he would remain awaken and vigilant as he rebuilt the empire and watched for the return of Nagash.
In appearance, Khemri was a city located on the river now known as the Great Mortis River in the Old World. The land around was flat, surrounded by fertile flood plains and then expansive deserts, leading to Araby. The fertile lands provided ample food for the population and the flat desert around gave them advanced warning of incoming enemies. Its position on the river allowed it to command the trade routes to the east of Nehekhara.
Locations within Khemri included:
- Black Pyramid of Nagash :
- Great Pyramid of Khetep :
- Necropolis of Khemri :
- Temple of the Sun :
Most other cities in Nehekhara, when not rebelling against its rule, paid vast amounts of tribute in gold, slaves and military units. This made Khemri the greatest centre of trade and finances, military power and it boasted the biggest pyramids for its dead.
- Settra :
- Nagash :
- Alcadizaar :
- Amamurti :
- Khemri was created by Games Workshop where it featured in the setting of the Warhammer Fantasy universe.
In other media
Video games
- Warhammer Fantasy:
External Links
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