Kid Devil

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Kid Devil in Teen Titans v3 #37.

Kid Devil is a male comic superhero who features in DC Comics.




Edward Alan "Eddie" Bloomberg

Red Devil

Working with a studio, Eddie began to slack off during work causing him to be fired from another job. It was then that the ground tore open and a horde of demons emerged from the hell in Los Angeles where they flew into the sky. (Teen Titans v3 #30)

Eddie spent the last of his inheritance from Aunt Marla for a one-way ticket to Metropolis in order to enlist for Lex Luthor's Everyman Project. However, once he was there, he was screened and rejected from the program for psychological reasons. With no money, he had to sleep on the streets where one night he had to stay behind a church when he was met by a mysterious man giving him a box containing a black candle. Unaware of its nature, he decided o seek out Zachary Zatara for information who revealed it was a demon stick that would transport the bearer to its creator. Eddie decided to light it where he along with Zatara were transported into the demonic underworld before Neron. He offered to give Eddie power but this was based on his trust on Blue Devil that if ever broken by his 20th birthday would mean that Bloomberg would end up in Hell as Neron's protégé. (Teen Titans v3 #42)

He then followed Witchfire as she was opening a portal to the Oblivion Bar in order to get to the mystical gathering place and ask for information on Blue Devil. Eddie though was not allowed at the place and instead removed but the patrons decided to tell him to seek out Sebastian Faust. (Teen Titans v3 #42)

The Titans and Teen Titans managed to disable the T-Wing and crash it into the East River without anyone getting injured. Ravager was stowed away on the T-Wing, and told the Titans she waned to help them stop her brother without him getting killed. She also argued with Wonder Girl when she saw Bombshell on the team. Ravager wanted to know why she caught hell for being a former traitor if they’d let other ex-villains on the team. Jericho possessed Raven and spirited away his sister. He told her he was trying to kill he Titans, but only because of the voices in his head. He asked for her help, and she turned him down. Jericho was disappointed in her, he thought she would always be on his side, and pointed out that she was working with heroes associated with Vigilante, who was trying to kill him. He returned her to the Titans and fled to Time Square. The Titans spotted Vigilante, who was following them, and subdued him, though Ravager wanted to keep beating him for trying to kill Jericho. Vigilante promised to not kill Jericho if they promised that Jericho’s killing days were over. (Teen Titans v3 #70)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.


Personality and attributes

He had said that he had only trusted two people his entire life. Blue Devil was his best friend and someone he came to rely on after the death of his Aunt Marla. (Teen Titans v3 #42) In fact, he said that he always did what Blue Devil had said of him. (Teen Titans v3 #37)

Early in his career, he became pen pals with Jason Todd back when he had also started as Robin. (Blue Devil v1 #19)

When he was a kid, he had been a fan of Witchfire and had one of her albums. (Teen Titans v3 #42)

Powers and abilities

He was later given true powers by the demon Neron who bathed him in fire and gave him the powers of the underworld. This transformed him into a genuine demon where his skin was noted for being hot and he could spit out flames. (Teen Titans v3 #42) It was noted that his biology had become bizarre by this point with his blood smelling like gasoline. (Teen Titans v3 #35) Bloomberg was said to not be a mystical being but that his body had been transformed using meta-human gene manipulation. (Teen Titans v3 #36)

It was said that he had a remarkable healing factor that was 10 tens faster than normal. (Teen Titans v3 #36)


  • Edward Bloomberg was created by Alan Kupperberg, Dan Mishkin and Gary Cohn where he first appeared in Fury of Firestorm v1 #24 (June, 1984) whilst he debutted as Kid Devil in Blue Devil v1 #14 (July, 1985).

Alternate Versions

  • In Teen Titans v3 #50 (2007), an alternate version of Eddie Bloomberg appeared in the future setting of Titan's Tomorrow where this version had lost his soul at 20 and eventually took the name Red Devil. Ed Bloomberg traveled into the past with the other Titans, where he attacked Martian Manhunter and met his younger self. Red Devil tried to convince Eddie to let Ravager be killed, and that being Neron's protege wouldn't be that bad, but Eddie refused and defended Ravager. Red Devil later attacked Blue Beetle, whom he had killed in his own timeline. He was stopped from hurting Blue Beetle the first time by becoming possessed by a Starro clone, and the second time when he and the other Titans of Tomorrow faded away when the timeline was changed. Ed tried to warn Eddie not to trust Blue Beetle before vanishing. In the new timeline, Ed wasn't violent nor a fascist, but a superhero.
  • In Flashpoint: Deadman and the Flying Graysons v1 #3 (2011), an alternate version of Eddie Bloomberg appeared in the future setting of the Flashpoint reality that was a timeline within the Multiverse. He was shown to be one of the Resistance fighters that used his superpowers to try to keep the Amazon/Atlantean war out of Europe.


  • Fury of Firestorm v1: (1984)
  • Blue Devil v1: (1985)
  • Young Justice v1:
  • Teen Titans v3:
  • DC Universe Presents:
  • Heroes in Crisis v1: (2019)

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