Legion (DC)

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Legion is an extraterrestrial comic supervillain who features in DC Comics.



Legion was the identity taken by the collective life force of the Tchk-Tchk race. In ancient times, the Green Lantern Corps came across the planet Tchk-Tchk in Space Sector 407, which was home to an aggressive, insectile race. After conquering their own planet, they began to spread to the rest of the galaxy, at which point the Guardians of the Universe decided to take action, sending the Green Lanterns to beat back the Tchk-Tchk and seal off their planet. (Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn v1 #4) Unable to leave, the Tchk-Tchk quickly expended their food supply and began to die out. Realizing what was happening, they put their minds into their new invention, the Soul Jar, wherein they became a sort of hive mind. Once all the remaining minds had entered, they built themselves a new body and called themselves Legion. (Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn v1 #5)

Quickly discovering that he was powerful enough to break through the Lantern's barrier, Legion set out to exact revenge on the Guardians. It managed to kill the Lanterns of Space Sectors 2817, 2816, and 2815 before encountering Abin Sur. The Lantern was unable to harm Legion due to his yellow color, but did manage to escape the encounter. Following Abin Sur's energy trail, Legion found himself on Earth where, upon learning of Abin Sur's death, he set out to kill his replacement, Hal Jordan. When he found Jordan, his ring was depleted, thus leading Legion to believe he had lost the trail. In a rage, he destroyed everywhere the ring had been. Jordan took the opportunity to go to Abin Sur's spaceship to recharge his ring, which again attracted Legion. Jordan detonated the ships reactors, using his ring to protect himself, and afterwards believed Legion to be dead. (Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn v1 #3)

On the Moon, he came to determine that Abin Sur was on Earth and believed the Green Lantern was hiding amongst the denizens of that world. Arriving on the planet, he tracked the Ungaran's vessel where he found the Green Lantern already deceased with Legion being enraged at being denied his prize. However, he came to learn that he had passed on the Power Ring to someone else in the world. (Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn v1 #2)


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

The exterior shell had a number of hidden mechanisms such as a scanner that allowed Legion to track his quarry. (Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn v1 #2)

He was capable of flight allowing him to travel across space and to other worlds. (Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn v1 #2)


  • Legion was created by Keith Giffen and Gerard Jones where he made his first appearance in Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn v1 #2 (January, 1990).
  • In the post-Infinite Crisis setting, the character was written out of continuity with no reference being made to him and instead the death of Abin Sur was attributed to the actions of Atrocitus.


  • Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn v1: (1990)

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