Luck Voltia
Luck Voltia is a male anime and manga character who features in Black Clover.
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Luck Voltia (Japanese: ラック・ボルティア, Hepburn: Rakku Borutia) was a male human commoner who was born and raised in Yvon that was a village located within the Clover Kingdom. For much of his childhood, he was under the care of his mother where he had a slightly strained relationship with her due to his inability to stop smiling. Her treatment of him changed though when one day he managed to defeat a fellow student of noble birth during his school's magic tournament. This saw his mother hug him where she began to encourage him to keep winning in the future with this being a promise he would always strive to keep. Sometime later, his mother was noted to had passed away due to stress leaving her son to fend for himself. A few years later, Luck participated in the entrance exam to join the Magic Knights where he looked to be accepted into a squad. Luck nearly killed his foe during the combat trial which resulted in none of the captains wanting to recruit him. The only exception to this was from Yami Sukehiro of the Black Bulls Squad where after this incident Luck became the topic of conversation among the Magic Knights where he earnt the nickname of The Ecstatic Luck.
Afterwards, he was at the squad's headquarters where a physical argument erupted with his comrade Magna Swing over dessert. The captain then returned after attending a matter at the Magic Knight's Entrance Exam. It was then that the Black Bulls were introduced to one of their new recruits named Asta. Luck then was among his squadmates as they watched the new members take part in the initiation ceremony. After Asta passed the test, Lucky congratulated him and suggested that another initiation was a death match between them. Later that night, Luck is awaken by Noelle's rampaging magic. He then goes out to witness the accident up-close before Asta manages to stop the whole commotion and saves the other new member, Noelle Silva. Later on, he joins his other squadmates for a meal at the dining hall and gets a chance to explain a part of the duty of the Magic Knights to Asta. Some days later, Yami informs a few members that are hanging out together about the appearance of a dungeon at the border of the Kingdom. All of them, including Luck, start getting excited, even when they have to explain its significant to Asta. A group consisting of Luck, Noelle, and Asta is then chosen to take the mission to explore the dungeon. As they enter, Asta and Noelle begin arguing about the anti-bird's name but the issue is quickly solved when Luck suggests the name Nero. Additionally, they have to walk in the darkness halfway towards the inner-side of the dungeon after Asta accidentally drops their only source of light.
When they finally reach the inner-side, Luck begins to cause trouble by activating multiple traps which were planted around the dungeon's floor. Subsequently, Luck senses the presence of others within the dungeon as well. After locking on a target whom he believes to be strongest, Luck quickly leaves his other squadmates to conquer the dungeon on their own. He then begins traversing the dungeon at high speed as he moves closer towards his target. As he arrives, Luck quickly defeats all of the subordinates before challenging his target, Lotus Whomalt, for a fight. The fight begins with Luck mostly on the offensive, trying to prevent Lotus from escaping. However, Luck suddenly begins to lose the balance over his body, and Lotus reveals that he has been activating a magic spell that weakens Luck the moment the latter attacks his group. When his opponent decides to leave, Luck begins to remember his promise to his mother and quickly launches another attack. The fight continues with Luck releasing more of his magical power. Unfortunately, his opponent manages to restrain him within a solid smoke-based structure. Unable to move, Luck is saved by Asta whom swiftly breaks the structure that was restraining him. However, in order to keep his mother's promise, Luck asks Asta and Noelle to not interfere with his fight before trying to attack Lotus again. He misses the attack, but Asta once again saves him from the opponent's counterattack. After hearing Asta's lecture on the value of camaraderie, Luck accepted his squadmates help to defeat Lotus.
The moment the fight restarted, Lotus quickly traps the Black Bull members within a veil of thick smokes. Luck and the others tries to break out of it but the smokes constantly regenerates itself. Even though he cannot see his opponent, Luck is still able to locate his position while also acknowledging Lotus' sensory ability and the fact the he would evade any of his attacks. Suddenly, Luck notices something and quickly devises a plan with his squadmates. He then launches several attacks towards Lotus in the hope to direct him towards Asta and Noelle's position. His plan works and Asta manages to deliver a significant damage to their opponent. Unfortunately, Lotus manages to escape, so Luck suggested that they return to their primary objective of conquering the dungeon. Subsequently, Luck senses another person with an even stronger magical power in which he believes to have been suppressing his power all this time. Arriving at the center of the dungeon, Luck manages to swiftly save Klaus Lunettes from a crystal puppet that is about to attack him. Luck then, along with the member of the Golden Dawn, start fighting against several more crystal puppets made by Mars from the Diamond Kingdom. After Mars is defeated and restrained, the Golden Dawn and the Black Bull members begin their attempt to enter the center of the dungeon. While Klaus and Asta is arguing, Luck uses his sensory ability and determines that the door to the treasury is composed of mana and ask Asta to cut it down. The moment they enter, all of them quickly being amazed by the amount of treasures stored behind the door. They immediately scatter and start exploring the treasury while tinkering with various magic tools that they can find.
Not long after, Luck senses a familiar magical power and warns everyone to get away from the door. Unfortunately, he was too late and Mars had already storm into the treasury and manages to render Luck, Klaus and Yuno immobilized by trapping them within crystal structures. Seeing that Mars is about to attack Noelle and Mimosa, Luck can only struggle as he tries to break free from the crystal structure while being unable to use his grimoire. Luck was then taken by surprise when he sees Asta releasing a water-based attack to defend Mimosa and Noelle. When he sees Asta lose consciousness after one of Mars's Harpes manages to pierce his stomach, Luck quickly tries to rush his long attempt of trying to break Mars's binding with his Lightning Magic. Unfortunately, he does not manage to break free in time, but Yuno manages to break free from his binding and immediately tries to save Asta. In that instant, Mars is suddenly defeated and Luck's binding dissipates into thin air. Not long after, the dungeon begins to collapse. Luck quickly picks up the unconscious Asta and brings him to a vessel that Yuno created to escape from the dungeon. Luck then begins navigating Yuno to take the shortest path towards the exit while destroying the falling debris alongside Klaus. When they finally get out of the dungeon, Luck stays close to Asta until he regains his consciousness. He is then taken by surprise when Klaus starts hugging him and Yuno as a sign of the former acknowledgment of the two orphans.
Personality and attributes
In appearance, Luck Voltia was a young man of short stature with blue eyes and medium-length messy blond hair that was long enough to cover both his ears and forehead. He came to be known as Smiling Battle Mania (笑顔の戦闘狂 バトルマニア, Egao no Batorumania, Viz: "Smiling Combat Fiend") and was called The Ecstatic Luck (狂喜のラック Kyōki no Rakku, Viz: "Luck the Cheery Berserker").
Powers and abilities
Luck Voltia was a human who possessed Mana (魔マナ) that allowed him to use magic. He was highly proficient hand-to-hand combatant where he used it alongside his magic to perform deadly strikes. He was recognized by all captains of the Magic Knights for his ability to sense mana from a great distance. Yami Sukehiro also praised him for surpassing even nobles on his prowess with this ability
He came to gain a grimoire (魔導書グリモワール, gurimowāru) where the book allowed him to cast specific spells.. This allowed him to manifest the power of Lightning Magic (雷魔法 Kaminari Mahō) which allowed him to generate and manipulate lightning and electricity.
Among the techniques known to him included:
- Lightning Creation Magic: Thunder God's Boots (雷創成魔法『雷神の長靴』 Kaminari Sōsei Mahō "Raijin no Nagagutsu") :
- Lightning Creation Magic: Thunder God's Gloves 「雷創成魔法『雷神の手袋』 Kaminari Sōsei Mahō "Raijin no Tebukuro") :
- Lightning Magic: Thunderclap Crumbling Orb (雷魔法『迅雷の崩玉』 Kaminari Mahō "Jinrai no Hōgyoku") :
- Lightning Magic: Thunder Fiend (雷魔法『雷霆の刹鬼』 Kaminari Mahō "Raitei no Sekki") :
- Lightning Ultimate Magic: Lightning Battle Fiend (雷究極魔法『雷霆刹那戦鬼』 Kaminari Kyūkyoku Mahō "Raitei Setsuna Senki") :
- True Lightning Magic: Keraunos (真雷魔法『雷霆ケラノウス』 Shinrai Mahō "Keranousu") :
- Compound Magic: Thunder Arrow (複合魔法『神鳴の矢』 Fukugō Mahō "Kaminari no Ya") :
For a time, Luck's body and mana was under the control of the reincarnated elf Lufulu where afterwards Voltia's own lightning magic came to be greatly improved.
A citizen of the Clover Kingdom (クローバー王国 Kurōbā Ōkoku), he came to be a member of the Magic Knights (魔法騎士 Mahō Kishi) and had joined the Black Bulls (黒の暴牛 Kuro no Bōgyū).
- Luck Voltia was created by Yuki Tabata where he featured in the setting of the Black Clover universe.
In other media
- In Black Clover, Luck Volita appeared in the setting of the anime television series where he was voiced by Japanese actor Ayumu Murase and by English actor Justin Briner in the dub.
Video games
- Black Clover:
External Links
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