Machina (Linebarrels of Iron)

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The Machina are a type of mecha that feature in Linebarrels of Iron.



Machina were machines that were created in an alternate reality where an Earth was formed as a singularity in space-time. This other world existed in an alternate time and dimension with this highly probable existence being parallel to the universe held by Earth. It was referred to as a the Highly Probable World where in a single moment in its existence, its history branched out from that of its counterpart thus creating an alternate reality. Humanity in this world managed to create a planet that was highly sophisticated and rich in technological advancements. Among their creations in this alternate Earth was the machines known as Machina. (Episode: The Worse After-School Hours Ever) During its early years, a technological system known as Factors were used that were individuals paired with Machina in the time of the Transmission age. In this worlds existence, mankind attempted to overcome their restrictions by choosing to merge with the Machina with this leading to their consciousness combining to form a universal psyche. Within it, the variety of tasks demanded of each person in the network was defined as the new concept of self. as a result, individuals became a distant memory and though thought itself existed it came at the expense of feelings. Individuality in terms of minor genetic variance was allowed to exist to be maintained by the psyche itself was directed to the singular goal of integration into the collective mass. In this new society, perfect efficiency was achieved with greed and desire removed leading to the removal of all conflict. With the Highly Probable World at peace, technology was allowed to advance beyond human imagination leading to the extinction of normal humanity. In its place were HumanMachina that had the single goal of expansion with their collective psyche lacking any sense of individuality but retaining the sense to expand into its own world and others. On an alternate Earth where all were one, the HumanMachina known as Central had expansion as their reason for crossing the boundaries between dimensions. (Episode: That which Devours Demons)

At some point, Central determined the existence of a parallel neighbouring Earth and decided to expand it by invading this planet. (Episode: The Worse After-School Hours Ever) On the alternate Earth, a small group of humans including Amagatsu Kizaki and his small cadre of supporters worked to combat the efforts of Central where they revived the Factor system that was a forgotten relic of the transmission age. However, Central discovered his plans and Hisataka Katou was forced to kill Amagatsu but not before his death Kizaki sent his daughter to the paralle Earth with the Machina Linebarrel. Seeing his actions as a sign of loyalty, Central decided to include Hisataka Katou in their operation to conquer the parallel Earth. (Episode: That which Devours Demons) To that end, they dispatched Hisataka Katou to this world to serve as the vanguard for their eventual invasion. He was responsible for forming the Katou Organization with numerous Machina being dispatched from the Highly Probable World to serve as warmachines for the vanguards forces. For a time, Kunio Ishigami worked with Hisataka but disagreed with his methods leading to him stealing a number of the Machina whereupon he established the JUDA Corporation. (Episode: The Worse After-School Hours Ever)


They were powered by nanobots called Drexler S.O.I.L. (D-S.O.I.L.) that allowed them to regenerate themselves after being damaged. It operated as a form of artificial muscle and thus when damaged a Machina often 'bled' this material.

Each Machina was held as having its own consciousness and could only be chosen by a select pilot known as a Factor. Should their Factor be killed, then a Machina will go and see a replacement. A reasoning behind this was because all Machina's were not capable of intentionally killing another human being and required a Factor namely another human to accomplish such an act. If a human was killed by a Machina by accident, than they were known to resuscitate them and heal the individual by injecting their D-S.O.I.L. nanobots into them. A result of such an act was turning the person into a Factor who in turn could pilot the Machina.

They were considered the pinnacles of modern technology. (Episode: The Worse After-School Hours Ever)

Known Units

  • Linebarrel :
  • Hind-Kind :
  • Vardant :
  • Deceive :


  • Linebarrels of Iron: "The Worse After-School Hours Ever"
  • Linebarrels of Iron: "That which Devours Demons"

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