Moon Knight

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Marc Spector in Moon Knight v1 #200.

Moon Knight is a male comic superhero who features in Marvel Comics.




Spectors various identities in Moon Knight v1 #1.

Marc Spector was the son of Rabbi Elias Spector and a woman who became Mrs. Spector. (Moon Knight v1 #37) He also had a brother who was given the name Randall Spector. (Hulk! v1 #17) The family lived in Europe where his Jewish father was a prodigy who quickly developed into a figure of reverence in the community as he knew the Talmud as well as the Bible by heart during his teenage years lead got him eventually becoming a Rabbi. By this time, Nazi Germany had turned their country of Czechoslovakia into a puppet state run by Adolf Hitler. The Spector family managed to leave by that point where they went to America and settled in the poor side of Chicago. When Marc was a child, it was noted that his mother had passed away whilst his father remained a key figure in the community. However, the poverty-stricken neighbourhoods were quick to find scapegoats for their problems leading to them targeting the Jewish neighbours and leading to Elias Spector being injured on numerous occasion. Marc could not understand his father during this time for not fighting back against his attackers. (Moon Knight v1 #37) As a boy, he often played with his brother Randall where they played war games as Marc found it to be fun. (Shadowland: Moon Knight v1 #1)

Marc had trouble getting along with his distant father, but he enjoyed hanging around with the other rabbis, especially one Yitz Perlman. Rabbi Perlman was funny and gregarious and self-deprecating about Judaism in ways Rabbi Spector was not. An old friend of Marc's grandfather, he had escaped from Nazi Germany with the Spectors on their way to America. Marc liked Perlman and wanted to impress him, so he made time to spend with the elderly rabbi. When Perlman agreed to meet with Marc at the temple one day, Marc arrived significantly earlier than planned, eager to make a good impression. Exploring the empty building, Marc found a secret room in the basement. He was shocked to find Rabbi Perlman with a horribly mutilated man tied to a rack and being tortured. Perlman was, in fact, not Jewish at all. He had been a Nazi scientist named Ernst who foresaw the fall of Hitler and helped Marc's grandfather escape Germany with his family provided they took him with them. Ernst then arranged the death of Marc's grandfather, the only one in their refugee group who knew his true identity. Ernst was a sadist and a practicing serial killer who still hated Jews despite his assumed identity, and indulged in his various vices from time to time. Marc was terrified, but he struck out and hurt Ernst long enough to run to safety. The Nazi called after him, saying Marc would never be safe again. Marc never told anyone what happened in that basement, especially since "Rabbi Perlman" transferred to another synagogue the next day. But he never forgot what he saw. (Moon Knight v1 #194)

Around this time, Elias gained an appointment to the theological seminary on a meagre pay where he attempted to have Marc enrolled as a student. However, Marc refused leading to bitter arguments with his father as he instead wanted to devote his time to the gym and self-defense lessons where he began to box for money. One day, he went for a match with his father arriving into the ring attempting to stop his son leading to Marc punching him. Elias Spector was so angered at his son that he stated Marc would not have his blessing nor continue such a dirty and disreputable life in the house as he was kicked out of the home. The next day, Marc joined the U.S. Marines where he spent the next eight years fighting and honing his skills. (Moon Knight v1 #37)

In his second tour in Iraq, his superiors came to take note of Marc's bizarre behaviour leading to an investigation into his past and him being dishonourably discharged. (Moon Knight v8 #11)

Once he left the CIA, Spector enrolled in illegal fights, where he befriended Frenchie Duchamp and both became soldiers-for-hire. (Moon Knight v8 #12)

During his mercenary days, one of his fellow soldiers was Jason Macendale with the two serving together for a time. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #33)

During this time, Spector and Frenchie sometimes did missions as part of the Karnak Cowboys, and Spector eventually became romantically involved with their colleague Layla El-Faouly. After an escape gone wrong, however, Layla apparently lost her life, a loss that eventually led Spector to meet Raul Bushman. (Moon Knight v9 #25)

Marc Spector came to be appalled at Bushman's bloodlust and that he targets civilians as well as enemy combatants. Bushman kills Dr. Peter Alraune, an archeologist whose team recently unearthed a hidden tomb. Bushman intends to loot the tomb and kill any witnesses. Spector scares off Marlene, saving her life, and then engages Bushman in combat. Defeated, Spector is injured and abandoned in the desert without food or shelter, suffering in the freezing temperature of the night. Despite this, he makes his way back to civilization before collapsing, near-death. Locals carry him into the tomb and leave him before a statue of Khonshu, moon god and protector of travelers at night. Marlene realizes Marc saved her life earlier and prepares to mourn him as his heart stops. Moments later, Marc Spector revives, fully healed. He claims to have seen the moon god Khonshu and been chosen to now act as the moon's 'knight of vengeance', the 'fist of Khonshu'. Marlene believes this was a dream or delusion. Marc takes a silver, hooded cloak from the statue of Khonshu, adopting it as his own. (Moon Knight v1 #1)

Moon Knight

After confronting and defeating Bushman, Spector returned to America with Frenchie, now joined by Marlene and determined to become a crimefighter called Moon Knight, adopting a white and silver kevlar bodysuit coupled with Khonshu's hooded cloak. When asked why he would wear white and silver while operating at night, Moon Knight answers he is meant to be a light in the darkness and that he and Khonshu want their enemies to know he is coming. To fund his activities and gain influence in business, Spector uses his Steven Grant identity to start a business and make some careful investments, turning his mercenary profits into a small fortune. Buying a mansion for his home base, Spector/Grant then funds the creation of crimefighting equipment and weaponry, including the Moon Copter. To help gain knowledge from street criminals and civilians, Marc becomes a taxicab driver as Jake Lockley. Lockley quickly makes friends with diner manager Gena Landers, and her sons Ray and Rick. Ray, a pilot, later becomes an ally of Moon Knight, piloting the Moon Copter when Frenchie is unavailable. Moon Knight also befriends Bertrand Crawley, a former textbook salesperson who is now homeless and operates as a street informant. (Marvel Spotlight v1 #28)

One of his first major jobs as Moon Knight came when the Committee hired him to capture the werewolf Jack Russell. Spector succeeded in his assignment thanks to the silver cesti he was armed with as part of his gear. (Werewolf by Night v1 #32) However, he learned that the Committee planned to turn Russell's sister into another werewolf and use them both as weapons. He did the honorable thing and switched sides; Spector and Russell shut down the Committee. (Werewolf by Night v1 #33)

He later came to learn that Bushman was in the city and arranging a trap for Moon Knight. Spector decided to confront his foe leading to a fight between the pair where he nearly killed his foe. However, he was stopped by Marlene who did not want Marc to become a murderer like Bushman. (Moon Knight v1 #1)

The idol of Khonshu sustained Spector again when he first encountered the Black Spectre, who tried to terrorize people into supporting his bid for mayor. Nobody, including Dr. Alraune, believed Spector when he claimed that Knowles was the Black Spectre, but Khonshu gave him the strength to prevail. (Moon Knight v1 #25)

Fist of Khonshu

Marlene came to convince him to abandon the life of Moon Knight and the thrill of his multiple identities where she urged to live as Marc Spector. This saw Marc even giving away the statue of Khonshu and trying to live as a normal person. However, in the night, he began to be plagued by visions of Khonshu where Spector was drawn to return to Egypt which put a strain on his relationship with Marlene. He had a vision, however, telling him that 'the image is delivered up to evil'. Called back to action as Moon Knight, he learned that Marlene could no longer tolerate his schizophrenic behavior, and she left him. In the Egyptian Valley of the Kings, Spector met three ancients priests of Khonshu, who told him that Khonshu had chosen him as an earthly champion and gave him new weapons. Only later did Spector realize that Khonshu himself was influencing him subconsciously. (Moon Knight v2 #1)

After returning to America, Moon Knight works with the newly formed West Coast Avengers, although this distances him even further from Frenchie and Marlene. (West Coast Avengers v2 #21)

Moon Knight and the Avengers are later attacked by soldiers working for Khonshu's rival, Seth, who is invading Asgard. Khonshu abandons Moon Knight to battle Seth. He then explains it was his wish that Spector join the Avengers and so he influenced Moon Knight's mind to do so. Following Seth's defeat, Moon Knight resigned from the team. (West Coast Avengers v2 #41)

Marc Spector: Moon Knight

In truth, the Secret Empire had rebuilt Wilde as a cyborg so he could become their living weapon. Blaming Moon Knight for his injuries and abandoning him, as well as for his father's death, Wilde swore revenge. Meanwhile, Moon Knight resumed his activities, feeling guilty that he may have been able to prevent Wilde's death if he had acted differently or had been a better influence on the boy. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #23)

Moon Knight later encountered members of the Knights of the Moon, soldiers of a rogue faction of the Cult of Khonshu. This particular cell of the Knights of the Moon are led by Plasma, a mutant terrorist they believe to be the true chosen champion of Khonshu. Plasma is determined to convince different groups and cults she is their messiah, chosen by various gods, so she can then use her new followers to achieve global domination. Together with Ghost Rider, Moon Knight defeats Plasma's soldiers. Plasma inadvertently causes her own death when she does not heed Moon Knight's warning. The experience shakes Moon Knight, leading him to question if he is also misguided in his belief that he follows the will of Khonshu. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #25)

Moon Knight encountered Jason Macendale who had now operated as the costumed supervillain called Hobgoblin. This came at a time when the mercenary was possessed by a demonic entity. During the encounter, the demon infected Moon Knight with a demonic parasite. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #33)

Following the destruction of his home, Marc Spector sets up a new ShadowKeep lair in the Lower West Side of Manhattan, nearby SpectorCorp headquarters. To advise him on his operations, his council called the Shadow Cabinet which met at the ShadowKeep via holographic transmission and use codenames. The Shadow Cabinet includes tech expert Stash, business woman Penny Annie, low-level crime boss Don G, and psychologist Sigmund, who also acts as Marc's therapist. Soon afterward, the demonic parasite in his body causes Marc's strength to steadily increase even as his health and physical form deteriorate. To compensate for his health problems, he exchanges his kevlar Moon Knight armor for a new suit of light-weight adamantium armor right before he illegally enters the consulate of Latveria to confront the country's monarch Doctor Doom. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #38)

The Avengers, a team that relies on cooperation with the US government and the United Nations, learn Moon Knight gained help in invading the consulate by showing his credentials as an Avengers reservist and implying he was on an official mission. During the Infinity War event, Moon Knight fights an alien-created doppleganger called Moon Shade who then absorbs the life force of different Moon Knights from parallel realities. This leads Moon Knight to meet a few of his multiversal counterparts, including the crime-fighting dynamic duo known as MoonMan and MoonBoy. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #42)

Following the Infinity War, Doctor Strange and Mister Fantastic operate on Moon Knight and remove the parasite. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #46) Moon Knight was warned it would not be certain until 48 hours have passed whether or not the damage done by the parasite was fatal. Marc Spector contemplated who could be the new Moon Knight if he died. After deciding two candidates chosen by his 'legacy quest' program were not suitable, Spector tried to recruit photojournalist Peter Parker, not realizing the young man was also Spider-Man. After Parker declined, Moon Knight gave up on finding a successor. He was relieved when the 48 hour mark passed and his health remains stable. A side effect seems to be that his eyes now had a crescent-moon mark over the irises. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #47)

Afterward, the Avengers confront Moon Knight about his abuse of his team reservist status to confront Doctor Doom. The hero decides to simplify matters by resigning his membership and burning his Avengers ID card. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #50)

Seth Phalkon would then Spectorcorp using a computer virus. Rather than let it destroy the entire conglomerate and his employees, Spector quarantined it in his own building, Shadowkeep, along with himself. He died in the ensuing meltdown. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #60)

He later met with Daredevil who was assembling a team to hunt down the Punisher who's vigilante tactics had gone too far. Moon Knight came to offer funding the crime fighting team where he would provide equipment and a headquarters. (Marvel Knights v1 #5)

Resurrection War

Vengeance of the Moon Knight

Spector finally exorcised one of his demons after a brutal rooftop battle, when he killed Bushman and used the sharp end of his crescent dart to carve off Bushman's face, unaware that the battle had been set up by a new generation of the Committee. (Moon Knight v5 #3) Moon Knight survived, albeit with damaged knees. Crippled and despondent, he turned to pills and alcohol for a time after pushing away his loved ones and keeping himself isolated. (Moon Knight v5 #2)

He still believed that he was Khonshu's champion, but in his mind Khonshu wore the mutilated face of Bushman as well as appearing as others from Spector's past. (Moon Knight v5 #4) The Committee sent Taskmaster to kill Spector but was shot out of a window instead with help from Marlene and Samuels. After returning home Spector had his wounds bandaged and, despite his injuries, dressed in his costume and flew one of his Moon-copters into their Manhattan office building and resumed his fight with Taskmaster. (Moon Knight v5 #5) After defeating a terrified Taskmaster he left the destroyed office with the Committee's file on him and cleaned up his life including going to physical therapy. Despite this he didn't feel ready to fully act as Moon Knight again and in an argument with the Bushman hallucination, Khonsu revealed that he had planted the seeds of vengeance in the minds of the New Committee and subtly manipulated them so Marc would pray to him, believe in him more and become more vengeful. (Moon Knight v5 #6)

Soon after, with the Civil War now over, Marc made the decision to register with the government to ensure that no one would be trying to arrest him while he was 'working'. He used information gathered by Profile on the Doctor who was going to perform his interview to frighten, intimidate and essentially blackmail him into passing his application, as he knew the authorities would initially try to arrest and or commit him otherwise. Spector was registered as an independent with little oversight as he had aimed for. (Moon Knight v5 #13)

He later came to be a target of Norman Osborn's Thunderbolts though Spector managed to evade them but was wounded in the process. (Moon Knight v5 #22)

Sometime after, Moon Knight returned to New York with the intention of being a hero, but still struggled against his violent nature and was hounded by a small imaginary Khonshu. While trying to walk the path of good, he made a bold return by stopping a bank robbery without killing any of the robbers. (Vengeance of the Moon Knight v1 #1)

Secret Avenger

Steve Rogers later approached Moon Knight about joining his covert Secret Avengers strike force where he was initially reluctant but was convinced to lend his aid with him being on their first mission in infiltrating the Roxxon Energy Corporation. (Secret Avengers v1 #1)

Afterwards, Spector came to relocate to Los Angeles where he created a television show based on his exploits called "Legends of Khonshu". Secretly though, he continued fighting crime as Moon Knight where he displayed 3 new alters that imitated the personalities of Spider-Man, Wolverine and Captain America Steve Rogers. (Moon Knight v6 #1)

The henchman's employer appeared above the boat as Moon Knight dove deeper. He refused to pay Hyde. In revenge for killing the henchmen, he attacked with a massive burst of energy and absconded with the rest of the Ultron body. Moon Knight took the Ultron head back to Captain America, Wolverine, and Spider-Man to discuss the situation. However, he was in fact completely alone, and the three Avengers were mere hallucinations. (Moon Knight v6 #1)

Moon Knight took the side of his fellow Avengers against the X-Men. He was sent to keep an eye on the Jean Grey School together with Falcon and She-Hulk. He took an aggressive attitude to his job, and after exchanging barbs with Frenzy, he attacked her, leading to a fight. After She-Hulk injured some kids in the belief that they were a greater threat, a full scale conflict erupted with the rest of the school's faculty joining in the battle. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #266)

Mr. Knight

Mr. Knight prowls the night in Moon Knight v7 #7.

Afterwards, he used laundered money to help pay for his return to New York and bought new equipment to help him to operate in the city. At this point, he formed a new fourth identity known as Mister Knight with this persona working with NYPD Detective Flint on a number of different cases. At the same time, his Moon Knight identity continued to operate as a vigilante to help deal with criminals. Around this time, he was in contact with a psychologist about his Dissociative Identity Disorder where the expert said that his mind had been colonised by Khonshu with his brain taking on one of the fourth different aspects of the moon god leading to his brain attempting to make sense on what was happening to his life. (Moon Knight v7 #1)

Afterwards, Khonshu seemingly sent Marc and his allies to an illusory mental hospital. (Moon Knight v8 #1) This was designed to wear away the last of Marc's mind thus freeing his body for Khonshu to inhabit and use to enter the mortal world. (Moon Knight v8 #5) Marc had a confrontation with his alternate personas and realized that, to become whole again, he couldn't just ignore them, but had to embrace them instead. (Moon Knight v8 #9)

Marc reappropriated Khonshu and resumed his normal life as well as his Moon Knight persona, but, unbeknownst to him, Sun King (the avatar of Amon Ra) and Bushman had joined efforts and were planning to kill him. (Moon Knight v1 #189)

He was afflicted with premonitions leading to him angrily chasing down his patron deity. However, he came find that Khonshu was also a victim of these visions. This stemmed from a vision of destruction seen by Khonshu with the perpetrator being Mephisto. (Avengers v8 #34)

Afterwards, he came to establish the Midnight Mission where he protected those under his care. This started by killing some vampires that recently turned some victims in the neighbourhood. The victims though were now vampires but begged Moon Knight for his protection where he made them his charges. (Moon Knight v9 #1)


Personality and attributes

The aspects of Marc Spector in Moon Knight v8 #6.

In the U.S. Marine Corps, he used to be known as Sergeant Spector. (Moon Knight v5 #8) He was also referred to as the Fist of Khonshu. (Moon Knight v2 #1) In one instance, he was referred to as the Cowled Avenger and as the Lunar Legionnaire whilst the Committee referred to him as Asset Prime. (Moon Knight v5 #2)

This became known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). (Moon Knight v7 #1) These identities included:

  • Marc Spector :
  • Jake Lockley : a persona who operated as a street smart cab driver who heard everything. (Moon Knight v1 #1)
  • Steven Grant : a persona who operated as a wall street wizard who turned Spector's modest savings into a millionaires fortune. (Moon Knight v1 #1)
  • Mr. Knight : a new fourth persona that wore a white suit and mask where he operated publicaly with the police to prevent him from being arrested as a vigilante. (Moon Knight v7 #1)

A diagnosis given was that he was not insane but rather that his brain was colonised by an ancient consciousness from beyond space-time with this being Khonshu. According to Khonshu, Spector was seen as the Egyptian deities son and his chosen agent in the world. (Moon Knight v7 #1) As the Moon Knight, he was a living embodiment of an ancient Egyptian deity who was the bringer of life and vengeance where he meted out his own strange brand of justice. (Moon Knight v2 #1)

Initially, the criminal underworld knew Moon Knight only as a myth with some not aware that he was real. (Moon Knight v1 #1) It was said that he wore such bright colours when fighting crime was because he wanted his enemies to see him and that because he was also crazy. (Moon Knight v7 #1)

Violence and bloodshed were things that Marc Spector was said to had understood. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #33) Marlene and Marc had both worked hard to shape Moon Knight into becoming something better. (Moon Knight v1 #1)

He liked to think that he got his sense of Old Testament justice from his father who was a Rabbi. Meanwhile, he claimed that his mother was mostly disappointed in him. (Vengeance of the Moon Knight v1 #3)

He admitted that Randal was stronger than him but Marc was smarter and faster than his older brother. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #37)

During his time with Marlene Alraune, she became pregnant with his child but kept this knowledge a secret and she had his daughter who was named Diatrice. (Moon Knight v1 #190)

Powers and abilities

Taskmaster was noted to had said that he preferred not to copy Moon Knight's fighting style as the vigilante rather take a hit than dodge it. (Moon Knight v5 #5)

Spector had an extensive military background having served in the United States Marines and worked for the C.I.A. running black-ops. (Moon Knight v5 #22) In the U.S. Marine Corps, he used to hold the rank of sergeant until he was kicked out of their ranks. (Moon Knight v5 #8) It was said that he had practical Avengers battle training. (Moon Knight v5 #22)

Moon Knight was able to fit the cowl with controls that allowed him to remotely control vehicles such as sportscars. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight #39)

He could use his glider-cape to help slow his descent to the ground where he got the idea from his first drops into action as a soldier. It was said to not be as good as a real parachute or hand-glider but allowed him to drop to the ground safely. (Moon Knight v1 #1)

It was said that his costume was flame-resistant allowing him to survive in the midst of fires. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #35) One variation of his suit was made of Carbonadium that was as tough as Adamantium but more flexible. (Vengeance of the Moon Knight v1 #4) He could lock the joints in the suit allowing the carbonadium bear heavy weights being placed on it such as that of a part of a collapsing building. Moon Knight could even leave the suit in place whilst he himself operated separately. (Vengeance of the Moon Knight v1 #5)

The gauntlets later had a feature in them where they were able to shoot out crescent-darts. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #38) One variant were explosive crescent darts that detonated when striking their target. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #35)

Spector later gained the use of a new multi-purpose Adamantium truncheon. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #35) A feature of one of his suits was the ability to magnetically call the truncheon to him thus recovering it in battle. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #40)

At one point, he was given vestments by the priests of the moon god to help him in his role as the Fist of Khonshu. These included the golden ankh that was a sign of life eternal and warned of mortal danger. Another was an ivory boomerang that was engraved with protective charms on it. In addition, he was given wristbands, scarab darts, throwing irons, a lasso-grapple and bola with these all being warrior instruments. (Moon Knight v2 #1)

Moon Knight had a number of relics from Ancient Egypt that he could don that allowed him to fight ghosts. These allowed him to make physical contact and fight them as normally their incorporeal nature meant regular hits simply passed through them. (Moon Knight v7 #3)

He once maintained an automated limousine that drove him to his locations and contained an on-board voice activated computer system allowing him to use it for crime fighting functions. (Moon Knight v7 #1)

Another craft he used was the Angel Wing that was a light flying vehicle that was fast. It was not as heavily armed as the Moon-Copter and was more suited for short solo flights. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #27)

Steven Grant was responsible for setting up a large business conglomerate known as SpectorCorp that was used to secretly fund Moon Knight's activities. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #39)

For a time, Moon Knight had a network of agents and informants who worked for him without being aware of his identity with these being part of his Shadow Cabinet. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #38) Members were able to attend the Strategy Table via holograms where each person could offer their expertise to Moon Knight. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight #39)

Initially, he came to operate from a mansion located on Long Island. (Moon Knight v1 #1) The address of the Spector residence was 13 Abington Circle in Southampton, Long Island where the structure had been built 1927 and was 32 acres. The market value as of 1989 was $5.890.000 and the landline number was 555-9847. (Marc. Spector: Moon Knight v1 #1)

For a time, to establish a hidden headquarters known as Shadowkeep. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #40) It was located in the Lower West Side in a neighbourhood that was being 'gentrified' by the Spector Corporation. It included abandoned warehouses that were being upgraded and were hollowed out to include a warren of interconnected buildings. The structure possessed numerous secret entrances that allowed him to enter or leave from his missions. Some of these were large enough to fit aerial craft. (Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1 #38)

At one point, he established the Midnight Mission that was his office where he met with people that sought his aid and protection. (Moon Knight v9 #1) With Moon Knight's return, the hero encountered the House of Shadows and, following a painful first encounter, he was able to reason with the esoteric housing to recruit it. Joining Moon Knight's cause, the House of Shadows became the new site of the Midnight Mission, occupying the same leasing space. (Moon Knight v9 #9)

For a time, he had contracted the services of the Tinkerer to help make his equipment. (Vengeance of the Moon Knight v1 #2)


  • Moon Knight was created by Doug Moench and Don Perlin where he made his first appearance in Werewolf by Night v1 #32 (August, 1975).
  • According to author Doug Moench, a Moon Knight series was licensed by Toei for production in Japan, but was instead serialized as a manga from 1979–1980.

Alternate Versions

In other media


  • In Ultimate Spider-Man, Moon Knight appeared in the animated television series in the Ultimate Spider-Man vs. The Sinister 6 Christmas special episode "The Moon Knight Before Christmas" where he was voiced by actor Diedrich Bader. This version is shown to follow the Moon's advice. He chases Frances Beck before Spider-Man, mistaking Moon Knight for a villain, saves her while house-sitting for Doctor Strange. After figuring out that Frances is the daughter and would-be-successor of her father Quentin Beck / Mysterio, Spider-Man works with Moon Knight to defeat her. Using a special wand from a restricted room in the Sanctum Sanctorum, Moon Knight stabs the Mysterio helmet, allowing Spider-Man to free the Becks. Following this, Moon Knight joins Spider-Man, May Parker, and the Becks for Christmas dinner.
  • In Avengers Assemble, Moon Knight appeared in the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Gideon Emery.
  • In Spider-Man, Moon Knight appeared in the setting of the 2017 animated television series in the episode "Vengeance of Venom" where he was voiced by actor Peter Giles.
  • In Moon Knight, Moon Knight appeared in the setting of the 2022 live-action television series where he was portrayed by actor Oscar Isaac.

Video games

  • In Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, Moon Knight appeared in the video game where he was voiced by actor Robin Atkin Downes.
  • In Marvel: Avengers Alliance, Moon Knight appeared as a playable character in the Facebook video game.
  • In Marvel Heroes, Moon Knight appeared as a playable character in the MMORPG where he was once again voiced by actor Robin Atkin Downes.
  • In Marvel: Contest of Champions, Moon Night appeared as a playable character in the mobile video game.
  • In Marvel Future Fight, Moon Knight appeared as a playable character in the mobile video game.
  • In Marvel Ultimate Alliance v3: The Black Order, Moon Knight was a downloadable playable character in the "Marvel Knights: Curse of the Vampire" DLC where he was voiced by actor Gideon Emery.
  • In Marvel Strike Force, Moon Knight appeared as a playable character in the setting of the mobile video game.
  • In Marvel: Future Revolution, Moon Knight appeared in the setting of the mobile video game.


  • Werewolf by Night v1: (1975)
  • Moon Knight v1:
  • Moon Knight v2:
  • Marc Spector: Moon Knight v1:
  • Marvel Knights v1:
  • Vengeance of the Moon Knight v1:
  • Shadowland: Moon Knight v1:
  • Secret Avengers v1:
  • Moon Knight v7:
  • Moon Knight v8:
  • Moon Knight v1:
  • Avengers v8:
  • Moon Knight v9: (2021)

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