The Minbari are a species that feature in Babylon 5.
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The Minbari were native to the planet Minbar was the seventh planet from their sun with almost one quarter was covered by the north polar ice cap but was rich with crystalline deposits with many of their cities cut directly from crystal formations. (Episode: And Now for a Word)
During the conflict with the Shadows, the Minbari suffered a major loss when their greatest starbase that was the center of their efforts in the war had been destroyed by the enemy. This event occurred near the end of the Shadow War and was a setback for the Minbari as without a long range base of operations it meant that they would lose the war. At that moment, an answer to their prayers came when a mysterious outpost arrived that was actually a time displaced Babylon 4. Its arrival was crucial as it allowed the Minbari to mount their offensive against the Shadows allowing for them to be defeated. Most of the Shadows ships had been decimated forcing them to retreat and slowly build up their forces over the course of centuries. (Episode: War without End, Part 1) The station arrived through a time distortion created by the Great Machine of Epsilon III with a key figure being Jeffrey Sinclair who used a device to transform into a Minbari whereupon he took the name Valen in order to lead the Minbari to victory. (Episode: War without End, Part 2) After this last Shadow War, Valen married and had children who carried partly Human DNA within them thus forcing their family to leave Minbar in order to escape persecution. Following Valen's death, these children returned to Minbar where they married leading to his genetic heritage passing through the offspring. (Episode: Atonement)
After his death, it was claimed that the Minbari as an entire people had gone mad as a result and in their madness they nearly destroyed Earth until they woke up together. (Episode: Ceremonies of Light and Dark)
Following the death of Shai Alyt Bramner, the Star Rider clan decided to take a pilgrimage with his body that was headed back to Minbar. His death was considered a great sorrow to the warrior caste. Among their stops was the space station Babylon 5 where his body was kept under guard. However, the body was stolen leading to a diplomatic incident where Neroon of the warrior caste threatened war. It was discovered that in reality the body was taken by Delenn as she believed that Bramner did not desire such a funeral for himself and intended to fulfill his requests. (Episode: Legacies)
Members of the Third Fane of Chudomo were noted to had resented the appointment of Sheridan Starkiller as commander of Babylon 5. The leaders of the Chudomo clan thus operated in secret independently of the Minbari Federation to create a conspiracy designed to disgrace Earth Captain John Sheridan as an act of retribution for his role in destroying the Blackstar. After the discovery of the conspiracy, the nature of it was kept a secret in exchange for the truth of the framed murder of a Minbari warrior being revealed. (Episode: There All the Honor Lies)
It was reported to the Grey Council that many in the League of Non-Aligned Worlds had began targeting one another but the Grey Council stated that the affairs of other species did not concern them. This saw Delenn forcibly going before the Council in order to rally them against the Shadows but she was refused to take part. In response, Delenn broke the Grey Council and called upon those that would follow her to end their people's isolation in order to combat the Shadows. She would take several war cruisers to help in the defense of Babylon 5 when loyalist forces following President Clarke attempted to take control of the station during the declaration of martial law. (Episode: Severed Dreams)
It was said that they had a more acute and finer sense of hearing when compared to humans. (Movie: The Legend of the Rangers) Their robust metabolism and high levels of endurance allowed the Minbari to breathe in relatively low oxygen atmospheres and can typically go without food for as long as two weeks. (Episode: The Summoning) Minbari had a stronger constitution when compared to humans allowing them to survive blood loss that would kill a human. This made them tough warriors as they were able to keep on fighting regardless of the injury or loss of blood. (Episode: Soul Hunter) One blood type among the Minbari was R-Negative. (Episode: Shadow Dancing) Certain Minbari were noted for being a child of Valen as they were his biological descendants and partly carried his Human DNA within them. (Episode: Atonement) It was known that their species lived a long time with records going of a lifespan of up to 120 years though some could live longer. (Episode: The Deconstruction of Falling Stars)
Their species had an intense reaction to alcohol with even a small amount inducing psychotic impulses and feeling of violent as well as homicidal rage. (Episode: The Quality of Mercy) Minbari were able to fast as long as two weeks without food and water. (Episode: Whatever Happened to Mr Garibaldi?) Furthermore, they were able to survive injuries that would kill a human being. (Episode: Learning Curve)
Minbari were a deeply spiritual, highly ritualistic and disciplined people. They seek conformity and enlightenment above all. Honor is everything and they generally do not lie, except to save another or to help another save face. From birth to adulthood, they are taught to be selfless and learn the importance of service to all aspects of life. Working for generations, they create a legacy for themselves and are ready to sacrifice their lives, their blood, or their honor for others. (Episode: There All the Honor Lies)
Almost every aspect of their culture involved one kind of ritual or another. (Episode: Racing Mars) The number three was considered sacred among the Minbari. (Episode: The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari) Among their greatest laws was that Minbari did not kill Minbari. (Movie: In the Beginning) Minbari humor was not based on physical danger or embarrassment but rather the failure in obtaining spiritual enlightenment. (Episode: Day of the Dead)
Meals with honored guests took two days to complete as there were rituals and traditions that needed to be performed. The food needed to be sanctified during each of the fifteen stages of cook. Spices needed to be blessed and a specific prayer must be made when used with each spice being only used once with them being done in the correct order. Any error made during the preparation process meant that the effort had to be abandoned and had to start again from the beginning. Sleep was not made during the cooking period as it was believed it would lead to error but instead had to remain awake over the set time frame. In order to remain pure, the cook only took water and bread until the completion of their task. Once the food was prepared, other rituals needed to be performed in order to eat meals of such nature. To begin, the parties eating exchanged bowls as a gesture of welcoming whereupon a portion of the meal was set aside to the one who prepared it as a sign of thankfulness. It was traditional for the guest to set aside one piece of green food known as flarn in the memory of Valen in the seat set aside for his return. Whilst eating, food was consumed with the right hand and after each portion was eaten time was taken out to meditate before it could be ate again. Failure in observing the manner in eating the prepared meal means that the food had to be abandoned as it was no longer sanctified and the cook needed to prepare it all over again. (Episode: Confessions and Lamentations)
In the days of inter-Minbari war, an old tradition sprung where after the conflict each side would offer one of their own to the other in marriage. The victors would offer a female to the losing faction who had suffered the most deaths as this was seen as a symbol of life and hope. (Episode: Atonement) Minbari society had as many as fifty different rituals during the courtship rituals. (Episode: Racing Mars) It was believed that a sentient being when they were awake only showed the face that they wanted the world and others to see with their true face only being shown during sleep. As such, females that were involved in a romantic relationship with a male often spent a vigil where they watched over the male across a period of three nights. During this time together, the male slept whilst the female watched him in an attempt at seeing his true face. If she approved of what she observed, their relationship proceeded further. However, if she did not like what she saw - she was entitled to end the relationship after the first night with both parties going down different paths. The male was capable of requesting that the female stay a second night but she was able to leave his chambers whilst he slept. Alternatively, the male could file a complaint to the elders or cut the female's access to her family. (Episode: Shadow Dancing) One ritual was the shan-fall which was said to be third movement of preparation and understanding. This was done between prospective couples where they spent the night together to uncover their centers of pleasure with deliberation along with respect and meditation. During this time, close friends and family waited outside in order to pray and meditate in order to ensure that events during the shan-fall did not proceed too far. Eloping was possible though it was considered a disgrace to ones family, clan and caste. (Episode: Racing Mars) It was forbidden for any Minbari to take a member of another alien species as a mate. (Episode: Atonement)
Among their people, one individual led but they all moved as one with them being at their best when they moved together and equably at their worst when they moved together. As such, they sometimes felt pity for those individuals who were alone and had no one to support them. (Episode: Ceremonies of Light and Dark) Their people held the view that there was no greater honor than to serve with generations working to create a legacy and tradition. In the service to their clan, an individual was ready to sacrifice everything including their individuality, honor, blood and life. (Episode: There All the Honor Lies) To their people, there was never considered a time limit in serving their people as it was considered a honor. (Episode: The Illusion of Truth) Among their teachings was the third principle of sentient life which they held to be the capacity for self-sacrifice. This was considered to be the conscious ability to override evolution and self-preservation for a friend or a loved one. (Episode: A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 1) Minbari culture taught their kind that it was an honor to save the reputation of others. (Episode: The Quality of Mercy) Their society taught them never to lie as to do so would bring a stain to their honor and soul. Any accusation of lying would lead to an immediate and fatal response from the accused. (Episode: There All the Honor Lies)
They did not produce and consume news nor information in broad terms. Instead, they understood and were told what they needed to know from those higher up in society or from one another. Partly, this was due to respecting the privacy of the affected individuals. (Episode: Divided Loyalties)
Sleeping horizontally was seen as tempting death which was why Minbari slept in a vertical position with sleep properly accomplished with meditation. (Episode: Messages from Earth) Warriors were heedless of their own lives in battle but the body was expected to be treated with extreme reverence. The body of an esteemed and revered war leader were often covered with a burial robe. (Episode: Legacies) Each clan had ceremonies and rituals needed for the preparation of the body of the dead. (Episode: There All the Honor Lies) Minbari were taught that in times of pain and death that the afflicted should be ministered as well as comforted. They thought that they needed to comfort those that were in fear and do what they could for them at such moments. All life was considered transitory and was a dream with those that died meeting in another place where no shadows fell. (Episode: Confessions and Lamentations) The dead of loved ones so the grieving engaging in fasts where they meditated in order to purify themselves physically and spiritually. (Episode: Whatever Happened to Mr Garibaldi?)
One ceremony was the Nafak'cha that was ritual that involved a personal rebirth in order to heal from spiritual wounds. This consisted of meditations, reflection and thoughts of the future as birth of the rebirth ceremony that lasted all day in order to close past pain. It involved telling another a secret that had never been told before and giving away something of great value. (Episode: Ceremonies of Light and Dark) Minbari rebirth ceremonies involved bells, drums, robes and red fruit with this doubling as a marriage ceremony depending on the seriousness of looks between participants. (Episode: The Parliament of Dreams) Another ritual was known as the Dreaming where individuals purified their thoughts and were allowed to be accompanied by another who protected them. These were conducted in a whisper gallery where a liquid was consumed before entry into the cloud filled chamber where the memories of the person could be observed clearly in order to reflect on past events. There was nothing to fear in the Dreaming except what the person took with them inside of it. (Episode: Atonement) Battles to the death were referred by invoking the rite of Denn-shah which could not be stopped once spoken. (Episode: Grey 17 is Missing)
The Anla'Shok were adopted as part of Minbari culture and considered as them paying their debt to Valen for his rule in protecting their people long ago. However, in time, many came to look down at the Rangers with some belittling them with the warrior caste seeing them as an embarrassment. (Movie: In the Beginning)
Minbari believed that the souls of the deceased joined the collective of their people where they were reincarnated into the next generation of their people. The removal of these souls meant that the whole was diminished whereupon each generation was said to become less then the one before. It was this reason why the Soul Hunters were despised by the Minbari who saw them as thieves. In fact, every Minbari child were taught to be careful otherwise a Soul Hunter would come in the night to steal their souls. (Episode: Soul Hunter)
Within their society, the Minbari were divided into three castes that were worker who built, religious who prayed and warrior who fought their battles. This was the law set out by Valen and as such the warrior caste was responsible for all military matters which meant by tradition they should had been in charge of the Rangers. (Episode: Grey 17 is Missing) It was said that members of this caste fought simply because it was in their nature. Death was considered a release from their obligations as a warrior. (Episode: Moments of Transition)
The Minbari warrior caste consisted of numerous clans which include:
- Star Riders : a notable warrior clan. (Episode: Legacies)
- Wind Swords : another of the warrior clans. (Episode: Deathwalker)
Certain families had a long line of service such as the Third Fane of Chudomo who had served with distinction for 500 years. (Episode: The Parliament of Dreams)
It was not Minbari way for a single clan to dictate the policy of their government. (Episode: Legacies) No member of the warrior caste would make use of an Earth made PPG as it was seen as an affront to their warrior pride. (Episode: There All the Honor Lies) It was claimed that the warriors loved to fight and hated to lose. A custom of this caste was leaving their starships gun ports open to the other side. This was considered a gesture of friendship and trust as it showed that they were open handed that displayed their respect as well as strength. (Movie: In the Beginning) Warrior caste training regimes included a tactic known as skin dancing where attack craft closed in on larger ships with this tactic taking many years of training. (Episode: Lines of Communication) Members of the warrior caste seemingly did not like foreigners on their homeworld in comparison to the other two castes who were much friendlier to aliens. (Episode: Dust to Dust) An understanding of language was seen as a means of understanding a battle including its concept and execution. (Episode: A Late Delivery from Avalon)
In terms of study, their kind were noted to study mathematics with probability being one such specialized area with skilled Minbari capable of attaining the rank of master adept. (Episode: The Quality of Mercy) Members of the religious caste were trained in martial arts that allowed them to render a person unconscious with a single strike to the back of the head with both hands. (Episode: There All the Honor Lies) They did not believe in any deities but rather that the soul was a non-localized phenomena namely that it's source was not in the body but rather it manifested from the universe itself. As such, they saw the universe itself being conscious in a way that mortals could not truly understand and that it was engaged in a search for meaning. Thus, it broke itself apart and invested its own conscious into every form of life which meant that such life was a part of the universe that was attempting to understand itself. Beyond this belief, they held also a deep respect and reverence to Valen who was considered the greatest of their kind. His acts led to the forming of the Grey Council and bringing peace to the Minbari even though he himself was said to not have been born of Minbar. (Episode: Passing through Gethsemane) They believed in a collective soul and the cycle of reincarnation where each generation of Minbari were reborn into the next. (Episode: Soul Hunter) The Sacred Scrolls were important texts among their people and were sometimes afforded to imprisoned Minbari so that they could learn from their mistakes. (Episode: Rumors, Bargains and Lies)
Their telepaths did not act out of monetary gain but did so because it was their calling. Such individuals were greatly respected in Minbari culture who were encouraged and aided in achieving their goals. (Episode: Legacies) There were no rules or prohibitions on the activities of Minbari telepaths. (Episode: The Paragon of Animals) In fact, it was considered an honor to aid any true seeker in their quest. (Episode: Passing through Gethsemane) One teaching of the Minbari was, "claim victory in your heart and the universe will follow." (Episode: Voices of Authority) A phrase among their people was "what is past is also sometimes the future." (Episode: Z'ha'dum)
One organization within Minbari civilization was the Sisters of Valeria where it was considered a great honor to the inductee and their family to join their ranks. (Episode: Grey 17 is Missing) True Seekers were held in very high regard by the Religious Caste. (Episode: Grail)
The number three had a great significance among the Minbari with even their language being divided into three namely light, dark and grey. (Episode: War without End, Part 2) The Minbari language was considered subtle that matched them for being a subtle people. (Episode: A Late Delivery from Avalon) There were three basic languages with these being Lenn'a, Feek and Adronato with the last being the tongue of the religious caste. (Episode: And Now for a Word) Minbari language had 97 dialects and a number of sub-tongues on their homeworld. (Episode: The Quality of Mercy) In their language, the words "Deh Fers 't" which roughly translated as "I yield to your authority." (Episode: There All the Honor Lies) There was no corresponding word for 'good bye' in the Minbari language as it held connotation's that the person departing would meet the other at some point in the future. (Episode: Objects at Rest) It was considered inappropriate for members of the religious caste to be taught the more 'colorful' aspects of the English language leading to certain gaps in their vocabulary. (Episode: Divided Loyalties) It was noted for being a very difficult language for outsiders to master. (Episode: The Summoning)
Minbari ceremonial coats of welcoming were sometimes provided to outsiders. (Episode: Dust to Dust) The wearing of clothes made of Zerka threads was considered an honor among Minbari as it was difficult to acquire. (Episode: Atonement) Shu-Nali was an older architectural design that was outdated by modern Minbari sensibilities. (Movie: The Legend of the Rangers)
Technologically, the Minbari were centuries ahead of the other younger races. They were able to create devices the size of a ring that could manipulate gravity and increasing its effects on an area or person as a weapon. (Movie: The Gathering) Triluminaries were considered the most sacred relic among their people. (Movie: In the Beginning)
- Bramner : a male member of the religious caste who served in the warrior caste and rose to the post of Shai Alyt in the Earth-Minbari War who eventually died leading to a warrior funeral until Delenn stole the body to comply with his burial requests. (Episode: Legacies)
- Delenn :
- Draal : a male member of the religious caste who was a mentor to Delenn and later bonded with the Great Machine at Epsilon III after taking over the device from Varn. (Episode: A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 1)
- Dukhat : former male ruler of the Minbari whose death led to the Earth-Minbari War. (Movie: In the Beginning)
- Lennier : male member of the Religious caste from the Third Fane of Chudomo who was assigned to Babylon 5 as attaché and aide to Satai Delenn in 2258. (Episode: The Parliament of Dreams)
- Neroon : a male Alyt warrior from the Star Rider clan who served as the executive aide and assistant to Shai Alyt Bramner. (Episode: Legacies)
- Sinaval : a male warrior who fought in the Earth-Minbari War who committed suicide rather than comply with the surrender made by the religious caste. (Episode: Legacies)
- Lavell : a male warrior who was part of a conspiracy made by the Chudomo family that sought to discredit John Sheridan for his actions in the destruction of the Blackstar. He was killed during a fight with Captain Sheridan that was designed to put him up for charge of murder of a Minbari. (Episode: There All the Honor Lies)
- Ashan : a male of the Third Fane of Chudomo who was involved in the conspiracy with Lavell to discredit Captain Sheridan. (Episode: There All the Honor Lies)
- Lennan : a male member of the Religious Caste who was a fleet captain that participated in the defense of Babylon 5 from Clarke loyal forces and was taken hostage by the Nightwatch in their attempt at removing the Minbari presence at the station. (Episode: Ceremonies of Light and Dark)
- Rathenn : a male member of the Religious Caste who aided Jeffrey Sinclair in his role as Entil'za of the Rangers. (Episode: War without End, Part 1)
- Callenn : a male member of the same clan as Delenn who opposed her mating with Sheridan as he felt it destroyed the purity of the Minbari race. (Episode: Atonement)
- Forell : a male member of the Religious caste whose family were killed when the warrior caste evicted them from Sikar and thus he sought allies in the Drakh only to be killed when he learnt of their true nature as servants of the Shadows. (Episode: Lines of Communication)
- Shakiri : a male Shai Alyt of the family Kort who headed the warriors against the religious caste in the Minbari Civil War. (Episode: Moments of Transition)
- Ruell : a male Minbari who after learning that Lennier was leaving Delenn's service contacted her in 2262 where he sought to provide her a replacement aide. (Episode: The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari)
- Sindell : an older male Minbari who was one of the Rangers and part of their high council. (Movie: The Legend of the Rangers)
- Dulann : a male Minbari who was a latent telepath who served shok-nali on the Liandra to his friend David Martell. (Movie: The Legend of the Rangers)
- Firell : a female Minbari who served as a healer on-board the Liandra. (Movie: The Legend of the Rangers)
- Tafeek : a male Minbari who served as a political specialist on-board the Liandra. (Movie: The Legend of the Rangers)
- The Minbari were created by J. Michael Straczynski and featured in the setting of the Babylon 5 universe.
In other media
- In the Minbari Federation, the Minbar appeared in the setting of the RPG sourcebook published by Mongoose Publishing as part of their RPG line.
- Babylon 5: "Legacies"
- Babylon 5: "And Now for a Word"
- Babylon 5: "Confessions and Lamentations"
- The Legend of the Rangers:
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