Muzan Kibutsuji

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Muzan Kibutsuji is a male anime and manga character who features in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.



Muzan Kibutsuji (Japanese: 鬼舞辻 無惨, Hepburn: Kibutsuji Muzan) was a male human born thousands of years ago in the lands of Japan.

Muzan heard news of a massacre involving the violent deaths of sixty-seven people. He travelled to the village before meeting the culprit, an eighteen year old boy named Hakuji. He voiced his disappointment as he believed a demon had committed the act, instead of a human. Hakuji threatened him but was silenced by Muzan piercing his hand through his head. The Demon King spoke of his plan to form a faction of twelve powerful demons and asked the young man if he was able to withstand the amount of blood he was given. Hakuji, broken by his loss and with nothing else left, did not resist and became the demon known as Akaza.

In time, Muzan eventually succeeded in creating his faction, which would eventually become known as the Twelve Kizuki. He transformed multiple demons and gave them the chance to join his group, rewarding them with a larger share of his blood to make them more powerful. Split into two groups of six known as the Upper Ranks and Lower Ranks, the Uppers remained unchanged for over for a century. The Lowers on the other hand, constantly changed as they were frequently killed by the Demon Slayers, to Muzan's growing disappointment.

Many years ago, he heard of a young boy born unhealthy to the point that he could not even go outside his home. Kibutsuji approached the family and offered to help the child named Rui after taking pity on him. He then transformed the boy into a demon who began consuming humans with this horrifying his parents. Eventually, the parents decided to kill Rui and then themselves in an effort to atone for their actions but their son ended up murdering them. Musan then returned where he took the child under his wing and inducted him into the Kizuki as one of the Lower Moons. Rui came to head the Spider demon family where he brought a number of demons under his control and turned them into a twisted family to fulfil the familial bonds that he had missed after the death of his own parents.

He came to be displeased with the actions of Kyogai with Kibutsuji removing him from the ranks of the Twelve Demon Moons. Thus, the demon had to earn Muzan's favour once again in order to return to the ranks of the Kizuki.

During the Taisho Era, he was able to locate the Kamado family who were keepers of the Sun Breathing technique. When Tanjiro Kamado was away, Kibutsuji attacked his family and proceeded to inject them with his blood hoping that he could create a Demon capable of withstanding the sun. However, he was disappointed when the family died from his blood's poison, leading to him to believe believing that creating sun-immune demons would not be an easy task. He left their home seemingly unaware that there was a survivor, Nezuko Kamado, who later turned into a Demon.

After killing the humans, Susamaru and Yahaba appeared before their master with Kibutsuji telling them to hunt for a Demon Slayer in Asakusa that wore hanafuda-like earrings.

With the death of Rui, Muzan came to question the effectiveness of the lower moons and decided to summon them before him. He questioned their worth as he believed none of them were strong nor did they make efforts to become stronger. Any disagreement from them led to Muzan killing the demon in question leaving only Enmu who professed his desire to be killed by his master. This act amused Kibutsuji who decided to give the demon a chance and gave him some of his blood. Enmu was transformed and in the process became stronger where he was ordered to kill a Hashira to prove his worth as one of the Kizuki.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Muzan Kibutsuji appeared to be a human male in his late twenties with an unnaturally pale skin which could be easily confused as being unhealthy and sickly. He had curly black hair, and sharp, almond-shaped eyes where his pupils were vertical like cat eyes, and colored plum red. It was shown that he had sharp, blue nails on his hands. Being a powerful demon, he came to be known as the Demon King that caused others of his kind to fear him.

He believed that everything that lived must die with only feelings being eternal and undying. Kibutsuji had said that he did not remember a single human being that he killed but did remember the feelings that were passed on.

Such was his distaste at failure and weakness that he ended up killing the Lower Moons after he felt that they made no efforts at becoming stronger.

After Hantengu informs him of Nezuko Kamado's survival of sunlight, Muzan reveals a side that is in stark contrast to his perpetual composed disposition, as he is shown to be ecstatic at the prospect of absorbing her to finally gain the immunity to sunlight himself. In addition, he also shows himself to be extremely arrogant and prideful, first seen when he mockingly asked a platoon of soldiers sent to kill him if they were referring to him. His boastful side is also shown when he gloats to Kagaya about never facing any divine retribution for his millennia of murders. Furthermore, he is shown to have a sadistically cruel side to him, first shown when he reminds Tamayo on how she murdered and ate her family following her transformation, gleefully smiling as she wells up with tears and further reminding her that she killed more people as well. In addition, when Muzan has Nakime summon the Demon Slayers Corps inside the Infinity Castle, he sadistically boasts to Tanjiro that he will murder the entirety of its members that night, and when he responds with a vow to hunt him down, Muzan boldly dares the Demon Slayer to follow up on his threat if he can. It is apparent that after his encounter with Yoriichi Tsugikuni, Muzan's more vicious and overconfident personality was stifled by the sheer terror brought upon by the Demon Slayer that nearly killed him, only resurfacing after learning of Nezuko's ability and realizing a new chance to complete his ultimate goal is now in his grasp.

Powers and abilities

Originally, Muzan Kibutsuji was an ordinary human being though one born with a terminal illness. In an effort to cure him, an experimental procedure was conducted on him that turned him into the first Demon (鬼おに Oni?). He came to be considered the strongest demon in existence where his supernatural blood gave him many superhuman abilities. He had amazing regenerative abilities allowing him to heal from all wounds and regrow flesh whilst also making him immortal. Kibutsuji was able to also change his appearance allowing him to take on other forms such as that of a woman or a small child. He gained incredible physical strength to the point that he could effortlessly use his arm to send a grown adult human flying into a wall thus killing them in the process.

Having lived for over a millennium and gained further experience from the telepathic link with the demons he controls, Muzan is extremely clever and erudite. Since he has five fully functioning brains, it would most likely boost his intelligence and other mental capabilities such as memory and cognitive processing. He was able to evade the Demon Slayer Corps for nearly a thousand years despite the leaders of the Corps, the Ubuyashiki Family possessing great foresight and intuition, and he has also used demons to create distractions somewhere far away when he wants to hide something from the Corps. Even as a recently transformed demon, he was skilled at reading the negative emotions of others and was able to manipulate his five wives into committing suicide.

Kibutsuji could give some of his blood to a demon in an effort to make them even stronger. Exposure to the blood led to a painful transformation and in some cases killed the demon. However, if they acclimatised then they became stronger as a result.

A noted weakness of his demonic body though was that it was vulnerable to sunlight where he would die if exposed to the sun.

Muzan placed a curse on all demons that had assimilated his blood to prevent them from revealing his last name. If they said the name "Kibutsuji" out loud then the curse activated which causes three demonic arms to spawn from their bodies and destroy them regardless of their original intent.

He also came to command a cadre of loyal demonic followers that were known as the Twelve Demon Moons (じゅう二に 鬼き月づき Jūnikizuki?). They were divided between the Upper Moons that consisted of the strongest members and the Lower Moons that were its weakest. He was able to place a curse on his followers to prevent them from ever saying his name and if they did then they died a violent death as his cursed blood within them erupted that turned on them.

Muzan Kibutsuji came to operate from a lair that was known as the Infinity Castle (異い空くう間かん無む限げん城じょう Ikūkan mugen-jō?).


  • Muzan Kibutsuji was created by Koyoharu Gotōge where he featured in the setting of the Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba universe.

In other media


  • In Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Muzan Kibutsuji appeared in the setting of the anime television series where he was voiced by Japanese actor Toshihiko Seki and English actor Greg Chun in the dub


  • Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba:

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