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Naggaroth is a place that features in Warhammer Fantasy.



Naggaroth is bordered on the north by the Realm of Chaos (called also Chaos Wastes) and on the south by the tip of Lustria. The continent is split by a vast and rugged mountain range called the Blackspines (from "Black Spine of the World"). The high average elevation and climate factors combine to make the average temperature across most of the continent bitterly cold. Thus Naggaroth has also been called the "Land of Chill". Most of the continent is harsh and unforgiving wilderness, making travel overland extremely difficult. The Dark Elves have overcome this problem by exploring and charting a vast labyrinth of underground waterways which connect a series of fortified gates across the land.


Locations in Naggaroth included:

  • Naggarond : the Tower of Cold
  • Ghrond the North Tower
  • Karond Kar : the Tower of Despair
  • Hag Graef : the Dark Crag
  • Har Ganeth : the City of Executioners
  • Clar Karond : the Tower of Doom was a vast and sprawling city surrounded by forests of towering pines, black trees that harboured few creatures and cloak the ground beneath so that all is darkness in the forests of shadows. Chained slave gangs work the forests, cutting and dragging the massive timbers into the city of Clar Karond where they laboured to build the ships of the Dark Elves.

There are six major cities in Naggaroth which contain a significant portion of the Dark Elf population. These cities were built as multi-walled fortresses and almost all life in Naggaroth is centered around them. Naggarond, the capital, is one of the largest population centers in the Warhammer world. It is the seat of power for Malekith, the king of the Dark Elves, and his royal court. Ghrond is the northernmost city and is the main center for the Temple of Kaela Mensha Khaine. Karond Kar is an island fortress that houses the holding pens and slave markets of the Beastmasters. Har Ganeth is home to the infamous Executioners. Hag Graef is a mining and production center. Clar Karond hosts the Dark Elf shipyards and lumber mills.

Across the Northlands, a series of watch towers were raised on the borders of the Realm of Chaos. These were responsible for watching for the threat from the worshippers of the Chaos Gods and the towers stood guard against warbands from those brutal warriors.


  • Morathi :


  • Naggaroth

In other media

Video games

  • In Total War: Warhammer II, Naggaroth appeared in the setting of the turn-based video game.


  • Warhammer Fantasy:

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