Necronomicon ex Mortis

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The Necronomicon ex Mortis

The Necronomicon ex Mortis (the Book of the Dead) is an ancient tome of dark magic and forbidden knowledge, connected to a being called the Dark Spirit. It can only be safely taken from where it lies by the incantation "Klaatu, barada, nikto."




The ancient Book of the Dead was bound in human flesh and penned in human blood by Sumerian sorcerers centuries ago. The book was most earliest found in a graveyard somewhere in 14th-century Britain, where it was claimed by the time-displaced hero Ash. But he took it without speaking the correct incantation, and it unleashed an army of deadites. The undead were defeated, and the sorcerers of the castle Ash helped defend sent him home with the book’s magic.

The book remained in that castle until modern times, when it was found by an archaeologist named Professor Raymond Knowby, who took it to a remote cabin in the woods to study it. He (foolishly) read a spell in that book that summoned the Dark Spirit into the forest. Knowby was slain, and his wife Henrietta possessed. Four people- Ash (identical to the Ash mentioned earlier), his girlfriend Linda, and his friends Scotty, Cheryl, and Shelly - entered the cabin, and, during the night, they played a recording of the incantation, calling the attention of the Dark Spirit.

By the end of the night, everyone but Ash had been demonized or slain. Ash himself barely survived, losing a hand that had become possessed. Soon, two locals named Jake and Bobby Jo, Professor Knowby's daughter Annie, and her boyfriend Ed came, and they were all slain, but Annie had a spell from the Book that made it possible to banish the Dark Spirit from the Earth plane. This also created the temporal warp that sent Ash back to the 1300s.

Ash vs. Evil Dead

In an effort to find answers, Ash had Lionel summon a demon in order to consult it. The creature summoned was Eligos of the mindscape who only taunted the humans, Eligos was freed before he coukd be banished when the summoning circle surrounding him was disturbed causing him to attack the humans around him. This was until the Necronomicon was pushed into him thus banishing back into the book.


Ash returned to the cabin again and was forced to face the Deadites once more, travelling through time. He was finally able to scatter the Necronomicon across time, only to return to a devastated present filled with mass-market copies of the book.


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Friday the 13th

Steven Freeman, while investigating the Voorhees home in 1994, discovered a copy of the Necronomicon ex Mortis. It is unknown if this is the same as the one encountered by Professor Knowby and Ash, although it does look identical.


  • In the Evil Dead reboot, the 2013 live-action film had the book named as the Naturom Demonto.


  • Evil Dead:
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