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Neron was a demon, who may possibly be the Devil himself. His name was the numerological source for '666.' In recent times, he offered various supervillains (and normal persons, as well) greatly enhanced or altered abilities, and/or weapons in exchange for their immortal souls. Many accepted, and he used these villains to drive the world into chaos. He also made similar offers to several heroes and normal people, tempting them with the chance of a repaired life. Surprisingly, some of these also accepted.

Neron was finally defeated when the Trickster cajoled him into taking Captain Marvel's soul, which was given purely and caused Neron's apparent destruction. He soon returned, however, and has since plagued the Flash and the Justice League of America, as well as seeking revenge on Trickster. Neron also murdered Wonder Woman, which led to her temporary status as a goddess of New Olympus.

Neron was demoted to the level of a rhyming demon during the Day of Judgement event, when he attempted to manipulate events so that he could take souls without making a deal. In an attempt to reclaim his power, Neron made a deal with the villain Darius Caldera, enemy of Deadman. In exchange for being given the body of Superman, Caldera would use his soul cages to travel in time and capture the souls of five superheroes at the times of their deaths. Using them, Neron would regain his former status. However, the plan was foiled by Deadman, who accidentally caused Caldera to die before Neron could make the deal. Neron swore revenge on Deadman, before leaving.

See also

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