Nightcrawler (Inhumanoids)

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Nightcrawler is a male cartoon villain that features in Inhumanoids.




Dr. Herman Manglar was a male human scientist who began a career as a geneticist with him secretly engineering monstrous creatures in his laboratory. He was eventually discovered and arrested leading to his imprisonment at the Glades Penitentiary. At some point, he came to share a prison cell alongside Blackthorne Shore who had been arrested for siding with the Inhumanoids. During this time, a sentient computer known as the Cypheroid decided to free Blackthorne with Manglar participating in the prison breakout. The pair escaped the prison but whilst fleeing through the swamp waters Herman accidently fell into a pool of illegally dumped toxic sludge leading to his horrific demise. Despite his death, his remains were recovered by Blackthorne who took the decaying body with him as he formed an alliance with D'Compose who agreed to use his powers to reanimate the dead Manglar. Through a simple touch, his powers led to the resurrection of Manglar who was transformed into a twisted monstrous body as he took the name Nightcrawler. With his new body, he proceeded in aiding D'Compose by creating a formula that was designed to make him immune to sunlight. This led to the creation of the Cult of the Undead with Blackthorne operating in the guise of Brother Druid who brought to him the disenfranchised and disaffected youth to his banner where mind control gas was made to make them suggestable. They were then exposed to D'Compose whose touch turned them into powerful undead minions that gathered the chemicals needed for the formula.


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

In his original state, Manglar was a gifted and experienced geneticist with it noted that he had created monsters in his laboratory. He retained these traits even after his transformation where he could create a range of formula and serum.

As Nightcrawler, he was much stronger with him able to match those in power suits. His right arm had been transformed into a long tendril that could extend allowing him to whip people from a distance.


  • Nightcrawler appeared as an antagonist in the animated Inhumanoids series where he was voiced by actor William Callaway.


  • Inhumanoids: (1986)

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